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Lishchynska O. MODEL CAUSAL MECHANISM OF INFLUENCE OF DESTRUCTIVE CULTS ON PERSONALITYLishchynska Olena, Professor of General and Clinical Psychology Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University Doctor of Psychology
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AbstractThe article presents a model of the causal mechanisms of influence on the personality of a destructive cult, which reflects the processes of social interaction of the individual with the pseudo-religious community.The article explains the use of the word "cult" is different from religious studies, as there is an emphasis on the presence of the group worshiping a particular person, group leader.The word emphasizes the extreme focus on the person or the idea of a cult of personality.The paper notes that totalitarian sects and destructive cults are those groups that violate the rights of their members and cause them harm, having to use a specific methodology of influence, which was the naming of «mind control».The basis of manipulations that result in cult dependence is an algorithm: joining recruiter with current needs and values of the object, the disorganization of its value-semantic sphere of using a destructive ideology and psychological abuse, the reorientation of the active activities of the facility for the needs of worship, the use of the object to its complete depletion, disconnect from the object after the full use. Stay in destructive cults are updated by the devastating psychic phenomena, such as the cult psychological dependence and totalitarian personality syndrome.
Keywords: cognitive and emotional balance personality; constructive interaction; cult psychological dependence; destructive cult; social and psychological resources exploitation; totalitarian personality syndrome.
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