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Petrunko O. SOCIАL-PSYCHOLOGYCAL POTENCIAL OF EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITYPetrunko Olga, Professor of Applied Psychology Institute of Human Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Doctor of Psychological Science, senior researcher.
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AbstractThe phenomena «community», «community’s consolidation factors», «educational community», «sociаl-psychologycal рotential of educational community» аre analysed and determinated in the article. The features of functioning of these phenomena in modern «network society» are rotined an example of educational community as a specific social stratum of public elite. The factors of unity, solidarity and competitiveness of modern educational community are determinates. The society-formative signs and social-psychological potential of educational community analyzed. In the article analyzes the structure of consolidated potential of educational community and its most vulnerable «nodes». The terms of actualization and deactualization of educational community potential are certain. The article designated factors of actualization and, conversely, factors of deactualization of consolidated potential of educational community in the fateful conditions of social change.It is shown that important factors of consolidating and guarantee of basic social needs satisfaction for educational community (in security, affiliation, involvement) are: 1) the confidence for their own night mission; 2) the absence of a rigid external competition pedagogical community with other professional communities to the general employment market; 3) a high level of rationing and formalization of pedagogical activity, which reduces the internal psychological risks in conditions of instability.
Key words: community; educational community; society’s consolidation factors; sociаl-psychologycal рotential of educational community.
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