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Datsenko T. RESEARCH OF COPING STRATEGIES FOR CHILDREN OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL AGEDatsenko Tetyana, Deputy Head of PR Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
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AbstractThe necessity of complex study of fears is underline in the article, including child, that integral idea about them. Research of features of treatment and overcoming of fears (coping) for the children of preschool age is very important, in fact exactly this aspect yet is described not enough by psychological science. An author is offer the program, organization and methods of research of coping on overcoming of fears for the children of senior preschool age. Basic coping strategies that is accessible to the children in 5-6 and their classification is carried out depending on that are educed, what level they pass at. The list of these strategies is also presented on frequency of their use by children. Coping strategies can be: 1) cognitive level, when a child tries to get rid from fears to decide a problem, processes fears, to attain balance; 2) behavioral level, when a child «meets» fear by abstracting, aggression, physical activity, playing etc.; 3) avoidance, that we distinguished separately, as unproductive strategy. The results of previous researches showed that cognitive coping is not characteristic for the children of preschool age. However some researches including our show that part of children possesses such strategies of overcoming of fear. Thus, we can sum up, that 5-6-years-old children, as a rule, prefer to behavioral (i.e. to the real actions that will do a situation less threatening), but not cognitive coping strategies (i.e. to change opinion of threatening situation or object of fear). It is important and that will avoid behavior occupies the third and seventh places in a list. It shows that preschool children only study actively to overcome fear and the adult must be always alongside, to support a child in necessary for her moment. Prospects of further researches of this problem have been indicated.
Keywords: coping strategies; overcoming fears; preschool children; research methods of coping strategies.
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