- №5-6, 2015
- Bobrytska V.
- Briukhanova G.
- Dyba T.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Saprunova O.
- Nahrybelna I.
- Dyka N.
- Donets M.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Nidziyeva V.
- Protsenko O.
- Gnilusha N., Gnilusha S.
- Kozyr М.
- Shcherbyna O.
- Kovalchuk I.
- Protska S.
- KulbashnaYa.
- Volkova N.
- Beseda N.
- Lutsenko O.
- Petrenko N.
- Zagorodnya A.
- Litvin L.
- Ponomarenko N.
- Lysenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Saprunova Ye., postgraduate student, Department of Professional Education Theory and Techniques Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after H. S. Skovoroda, Kharkov, Ukraine
The article defines the notions of «gifts», «intellect», «intellectual giftedness»; exploresa connection between a person and his intellectual development; designs a system of psychology and mental characteristics оf intellectual gifted primary school pupils taking into account the main components of concepts of «gifts», «intellect», «intellectual giftedness»: реорle mental abilities, adaptation, solving problems, convergent thinking, creativeness as main principles for making а model of “intellectual gifted primary school pupils” for transforming its content as a basis for working out new didactic methods and techniques which will be added into the school curriculum with the aim to develop children intellectual abilities in different spheres and also for making progress in their training and social adaptation.
The article also explores the foreign and local experience about children giftedness and intellect, some features of children psychological development; selects and studies the psychology-pedagogical literature on gifttedness.
It was found that giftedness could be understood asthe achievement of the specific activityresult.
In addition, the analysis of the problem of intellectual giftedness using experience from foreign and local pedagogy and psychology history led the author to the conclusion that a phenomenon of "intellectual giftedness" is a complex formation and helped to identify main features of the notion of "intellectually gifted primary school pupils".
Key words: giftedness; intellect; mental abilities; primary school; pupil.
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