- №5-6, 2015
- Bobrytska V.
- Briukhanova G.
- Dyba T.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Saprunova O.
- Nahrybelna I.
- Dyka N.
- Donets M.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Nidziyeva V.
- Protsenko O.
- Gnilusha N., Gnilusha S.
- Kozyr М.
- Shcherbyna O.
- Kovalchuk I.
- Protska S.
- KulbashnaYa.
- Volkova N.
- Beseda N.
- Lutsenko O.
- Petrenko N.
- Zagorodnya A.
- Litvin L.
- Ponomarenko N.
- Lysenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Petrenko N., head of the Department of physical education Of National Agrarian University, senior lecturer
Based on the study of domestic scientists and experts in the field of education, in the article reveals the problem of professional competence of teachers of physical education, scientific and pedagogical activity which contributes to the development of higher educational institutions and is aimed at improving the quality of education that ensures competitiveness and prestige of the institution of higher learning.
Higher education institutions as social institutions join teaching staff that has common interests and goals, but is characterized by different areas of teaching activities. Scientific and pedagogical activity of teachers supports the development of higher education and is aimed at improving the quality of teaching students, providing educational services that provide competitiveness and the prestige of the institution. Therefore, the establishment and successful development of each institution is defined with the professional qualification of the staff, it’s intellectual potential, the professional competence of scientific and pedagogical staff.
Considering the professional competence of the scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher educational institutions, it should be stressed that the level of such competence is largely determined by the psychological-pedagogical component, because, as research and practice shows, a significant number of representatives of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions do not have proper education that leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the educational process. To a great extent this is true of teachers of physical education, because of the lack of competence in their professional-pedagogical activity can affect the health of students.
Keywords: education; healthy life-style; physical education; professional competence.
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