- №5-6, 2015
- Bobrytska V.
- Briukhanova G.
- Dyba T.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Saprunova O.
- Nahrybelna I.
- Dyka N.
- Donets M.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Nidziyeva V.
- Protsenko O.
- Gnilusha N., Gnilusha S.
- Kozyr М.
- Shcherbyna O.
- Kovalchuk I.
- Protska S.
- KulbashnaYa.
- Volkova N.
- Beseda N.
- Lutsenko O.
- Petrenko N.
- Zagorodnya A.
- Litvin L.
- Ponomarenko N.
- Lysenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Kulbshna Ya., O. Bogomolets National medical university, Professor of the Maxillo-Fcial surgery Department, Doctor of Education, PhD, Associate Professor
In the article discusses the problem of defining the key principles of modern dental education based on the analysis of the experience of European countries and own research. The replacement the educational paradigm from the traditional to competentive and the estimating of learning outcomes was analyzed.
For the quality improvement of higher education and the formation of a competent professional in EU were implemented basic principles of its modernization: innovation, learning through research, continuity, academic mobility. Ukrainian higher medical school also require their urgent implementation and fleshing out of some other principles of progressive development and improving quality. They have to provide introduction in educational practice only scientifically grounded and practically proven innovations; the ability to make prognosis and simulate getting educational results; an integrated system of professional competence formation of future dentists; the ability to distinguish the individual properties of future professionals and promote their future development; forming professionally important qualities of future experts who will provide further innovative approaches to future careers; partnership of teachers and students; the unity of tradition and innovation when innovations are become the tradition and the basis for further innovations; creative approach to the study of subjects: stimulation of extraordinary abilities, creativity, innovative thinking of students.
Established that a necessary condition for the modernization of higher education system is an compliance the principles on which it will continue development and implementation a competentive model.
Keywords: future dentists; higher education; key principles of modern higher education; medical education; principles of formation of professional competence of the future a dentist; the quality of dental education.
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