- №5-6, 2015
- Bobrytska V.
- Briukhanova G.
- Dyba T.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Saprunova O.
- Nahrybelna I.
- Dyka N.
- Donets M.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Nidziyeva V.
- Protsenko O.
- Gnilusha N., Gnilusha S.
- Kozyr М.
- Shcherbyna O.
- Kovalchuk I.
- Protska S.
- KulbashnaYa.
- Volkova N.
- Beseda N.
- Lutsenko O.
- Petrenko N.
- Zagorodnya A.
- Litvin L.
- Ponomarenko N.
- Lysenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Protska S.,graduate student of the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, teacher of theory and history of pedagogy of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The article is representated the role of the cloud technologies in the formation of professional competencies of bachelors philologists in the conditions of computer-based learning environment; substantiates the feasibility of the using the cloud technology elements for the formation of professional competences of the future philologists in the conditions of the computer-based environment; the practical aspects of teaching elements using the cloud technology to create professional competences bachelors philologists in the studying the subjects of the pedagogical cycle in terms of the education informatization. The specificity of the future careers bachelors philologists is given as important to note that the useing of the cloud technology and put them at the stage of an occupation conditions, important for the formation of professionally oriented individual motives, values, acquisition of knowledge, skills and experience, development abilities, creative inclinations; provided new approaches to the educational communication, collaboration and cooperation. The cloud-oriented learning environment is expanded the reminiscent inherently virtual machine with unlimited possibilities of cooperation, communication, cooperation and online educational process. This enables implementation of social is demanded of society on bachelor philologist, that is, the formation of professionally competent professional competitive educational sector, mobile, able to solve non-standard professional task, cultivate, how to apply ICT in professional activity and everyday. Аll innovative changes, primarily is depending on the bachelors philologists, they creativity, creativity, willingness to continuous self-education requirements for professional growth, flexibility socio-pedagogical thinking, humanistic orientation of the individual.
Keywords: bachelor philologists; cloud technologies; computer-oriented learning environment; informatization of education; professional competence.
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