- №5-6, 2015
- Bobrytska V.
- Briukhanova G.
- Dyba T.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Saprunova O.
- Nahrybelna I.
- Dyka N.
- Donets M.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Nidziyeva V.
- Protsenko O.
- Gnilusha N., Gnilusha S.
- Kozyr М.
- Shcherbyna O.
- Kovalchuk I.
- Protska S.
- KulbashnaYa.
- Volkova N.
- Beseda N.
- Lutsenko O.
- Petrenko N.
- Zagorodnya A.
- Litvin L.
- Ponomarenko N.
- Lysenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Kozyr М. Ph.D., assistant professor of theory and history of education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The purpose of this article is a theoretical coverage of structure ICT pedagogy as an alternative component of the educational process. Tasks article is to study the theoretical foundations of the process of forming new pedagogy in the information society.
According to the recommendations of UNESCO on «Structures of ICT competencies of teachers», which aims to improve competencies and not passing a certain number of hours of educational process, we note: a new generation of students must be prepared to work in the new economy based on knowledge. So, give an example of three approaches to the development of ICT teacher competency as a fundamental principle of formation of the ICT competence of future generations.
First approach - the use of ICT: effective decision-making on the use of ICT; creation and use of presentations; planning use of resources.
Second approach - acquisition of knowledge: a flexible educational sector; the use of various ICT applications in the classroom.
Third approach - production knowledge: the formation of educational environment within the class; to assume a leadership role in teaching colleagues; rejection of conventional models; students open access to information; participate in experiments and innovations.
Keywords: educational process; ICT education; information competence; information space; information; integration.
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