- №5-6, 2015
- Bobrytska V.
- Briukhanova G.
- Dyba T.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Saprunova O.
- Nahrybelna I.
- Dyka N.
- Donets M.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Nidziyeva V.
- Protsenko O.
- Gnilusha N., Gnilusha S.
- Kozyr М.
- Shcherbyna O.
- Kovalchuk I.
- Protska S.
- KulbashnaYa.
- Volkova N.
- Beseda N.
- Lutsenko O.
- Petrenko N.
- Zagorodnya A.
- Litvin L.
- Ponomarenko N.
- Lysenko O.
- Усі сторінки
2015 - № 5-6 (50-51)
Bobrytska V.
Briukhanova G.
Dyba T.
Hryshchuk Y.
Saprunova O.
Nahrybelna I.
Dyka N.
Shkilyova G., Dubiaga S., Shevchenko Y.
Donets M.
Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
Nidziyeva V.
Protsenko O.
Gnilusha N., Gnilusha S.
Kozyr М.
Shcherbyna O.
Kovalchuk I.
Protska S.
Volkova N.
Beseda N.
Lutsenko O.
Petrenko N.
Zagorodnya A.
Litvin L.
Ponomarenko N.
Lysenko O.
Bobrytska V. Professor of Education Policy Department of the Institute of Politology and Law of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine.Doctor of Pedagogy. Professor.
Having generalised information sources on inclusive education in Ukraine and empirical research data, the article singles out the urgent problems that need resolution and comprehension as current demands of society are taken into account. One of those issues, which is complex, identified by the author is: harmonization of international and national legislation on inclusive education, development of effective mechanisms for implementation of legislative initiatives as a basis for the successful implementation of the national education policy in the sphere of education of children with psychophysical disorders. The suggested article highlights normative-legal basis for realization the goals of education of individuals with special needs at the current stage: there are listed the basic laws of Ukraine, creating a legislative framework for resolving the issues of inclusive education, presented the main international documents regulating the mentioned area issues. An important problem in the field of study which has been defined by the author is preparatory training for putting into practice the urgent tasks of inclusive education. The article reveals the difference in the implementation of inclusive education and an integrated training in educational institutions in Ukraine. The characterization of the complexity of problems challenging the teachers and school staff in inclusive education has been provided on the basis of empirical research conducted at the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanova (2013 – 2014 years). The author has proved that the education of children with special needs is not limited to diagnostic and advisory or/and correctional and rehabilitation services, it is important to involve all teachers of educational institutions into work with those children, to make it possible for the teaching personnel to receive appropriate training.
Keywords: inclusive education; integrated education; education of children with special needs; state personnel policy; training teachers to work in inclusive education environment.
- BobrytskaV. I.Prioritety derzhavnoi kadrovoi polityky Ukrainy z pidhotovky fakhivtsiv vidpovidno do potreb lanok natsionalnoi systemy osvity [The priorities of personnel policy Ukraine to prepare specialists according to the needs of parts of the national education system] / V. I. Bobrytska // Osvitnia polityka: filosofia, teoria, praktyka [monohrafia] / Za red. V. P. Andruschenka; Avt. kol. : V. P. Andruschenko,
B. I. Andrusyshyn, V. I. Bobrytska, R. M. Vernydub ta inshi. – K. : Vyd-vo NPU imeni M.P. Drahomanova, 2015. – S. 398–454 (ukr). - GrinevichL. М. Vitchiznyana pedadogichna teoria pro rozvitok osvity v Ukrainy v konteksty evrointegraziinih prozesiv [The domestic pedagogical theory of the development of education in Ukraine in the context of European integration processes] /
L. М. Grinevich // Pedagogichnii prozes: teoria i praktyka. – 2015. – № 1–2 (46–47). – S. 5–10 (ukr). - ZakonUkrainy «Pro vnesennia zmin do deiakykh zakoniv Ukrainy pro osvitu schodo orhanizatsii inkliuzyvnoho navchannia» [The Law of Ukraine "On amendments to some laws of Ukraine concerning the organization of education inclusive education"] vid 05 chervnia 2014 roku № 1324-18. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua (ukr).
- ZakonUkrainy«Pro vnesennia zmin do zakonu Ukrainy «Pro Osvitu» [The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine" On Education "], 2014. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua (ukr).
- Osvitniapolityka: filosofia, teoria, praktyka[monohrafia] [Education policy, philosophy, theory, practice] / Za red. V. P. Andruschenka; Avt. kol.: V. P. Andruschenko, B. I. Andrusyshyn, V. I. Bobrytska, R. M. Vernydub ta inshi. – K. : Vyd-vo NPU imeni
M. P. Drahomanova, 2015. – 484 S. (ukr). - Osvitaosibzosoblyvymypotrebamy. Zahalni vidomosti [Education of persons with special needs. General Information] / Sait Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrainy. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://mon.gov.ua (ukr).
- Strategia derzhavnoi kadrovoi polityky na 2012-2020 roky [The strategy of personnel policy for the years 2012-2020. Decree of the President of Ukraine]. Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 1 liutoho 2012 roku № 45/2012. [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://zakon.rada.gov.ua (ukr).
- NatsionalnaStrategia rozvitku osvity v Ukrainy na period do 2021roky [National Strategy for Development of Education in Ukraine until 2021] [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.mon.gov.ua (ukr).
- Scho halmue inkliuziiu v Ukraini? [What hinders inclusion in Ukraine?] / Osvitni portal «Pedahohichna pressa». [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://pedpresa.ua (ukr).
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Briukhanova G., teacher of Design department the Art Institute of Kiev University named Boris Grinchenko
The article investigates the trends and carried out a search for new approaches to training specialists in the design of printed materials in the period after 2000. Research of features professional activity and the content of training in the design of printed materials gives us the opportunity to analyze the trends in vocational training in modern school.
Looking back at the history of design, we can admit that design – creative direction of this kind of project activity that can form style and the face of our country, not only to be a branch of art or design.
Currently, there are situations where in pursuit of the profession of fashion designer steadily increasing number of «professionals». This is bad for the quality and fullness of training future professionals.
The transition to a market economy from the 90-years of XX century was characterized by changes in the requirements of the population to products offered for sale. Necessary things need to be supplemented emotional characteristics. The objective of the design now became to attract consumers to purchase goods, the formation of his interest in buying with the influence of the emotional state of the buyer. These tasks are essential for designers today, that in turn causes significant changes in the industry, the training of specialists in design of printed materials, the expansion of the concept of «expert in design», the emergence of new specializations, such as eco-design.
Analysis of recent researches dealing with these problems indicates that identifying today's problems in the training of future professionals of design in universities is the subject of extraordinary scientific interest in recent years.
Key words: design of printed materials; development trends; eco-design; education; European integration; the effectiveness of the system of training.
- Artamonova I. M. Aktualjni tendenciji dyzajnu suchasnykh periodychnykh vydanj [Recent trends in contemporary design periodicals]. Culture of Black Sea. – Simferopol` – 2000. pp. 5-8 (ukr).
- Askarov A. Organizational-pedagogical stages of applying istance professional development of pedagogic personnel. The advanced science journal. 2015, no. 4. 72-76 doi:10.15550/ASJ.2015.04.072 (eng).
- Elochky`n M. E. Podghotovka specyalysta-dyzajnera srednegho zvena v uslovyjakh orghanyzacyy ynnovacyonnoj obrazovateljnoj sredы [Training of mid-level designer in terms of innovation educational environment[. – Moskva. 2010 – Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation of Education Sciences (rus).
- Kosiv V. M. Ghrafichnyj dyzajn v Ukrajini: problemy stanovlennja nacionaljnogho stylju [Graphic Design in Ukraine: problems of national identity]. Dyzajn-osvita 2003: dosvid, problemy, perspektyvy Dyzajn-osvita 2003: dosvid, problemy, perspektyvy. ed. V.Ya Dany`lenko. – Xarkiv. 2003. p. 312. – Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-technical conference (ukr).
- Kurushy`n V. D. Dyzajn y reklama [Design and Advertising]. – М : DMK Press. – 2006. p. 272 (ukr).
- Mala T. V. Osnovni problemy pidghotovky kompetentnykh fakhivciv z knyzhkovogho dyzajnu u vyshhykh navchaljnykh zakladakh [The main problem of training qualified specialists in book design in higher education]. Visny`k XDADM. – X : XDADM. – 2009. pp. 116-122 (ukr).
- Ry`zhova I. S. Dyzajn v tekhnichnykh vuzakh Ukrajiny [Design of the technical universities of Ukraine]. Ghumanitarnyj visnyk Zaporizjkoji derzhavnoji inzhenernoji akademiji. – Zaporizhzhya : ZDIA. 2008 – vol. 37. – p. 254 (ukr).
- Sy`soyeva S. O. Informaciy̆ni tekhnologhiï u neperervniy̆ profesiy̆niy̆ osviti: psykhologho-pedaghoghichnyy̆ aspekt [Information technology in continuous professional education, psychological and pedagogical aspect]. Pedagogichny`j proces: teoriya ta prakty`ka. 2007. p 4 (ukr).
- Stepko M. F., Bolyubash Ya. Ya., Levkivs`ky`j K. M., Suxarnikov Yu. V. Modernizacija vyshhoji osvity Ukrajiny i Bolonsjkyj proces [Modernization of Higher Education of Ukraine and the Bologna Process]. Proceedings of the first lecture / ed. Stepko M.F.– К. 2004.– p. 24 (ukr).
- S`omkin V. V. Problemy uporjadkuvannja specializacij zi specialjnosti «Dyzajn» [Problems ordering specialties specialty «Design»]. Pedagogichni innovaciyi. – К. 2006. vol. 2. – pp. 45-49 (ukr).
- Tatiyivs`ky`j. P. Osoblyvosti stanovlennja ta perspektyvy rozvytku dyzajnu v Ukrajini [Features of formation and prospects of development of design in Ukraine]. Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation of Technical Sciences. – К. 2002. p. 75 (ukr).
- Tkachenko T. V. Stvorennja ta zastosuvannja elektronnykh pidruchnykiv ta elektronnykh navchaljno-metodychnykh kompleksiv dlja pidghotovky fakhivciv u VNZ MNS Ukrajiny [The creation and use of electronic textbooks and electronic teaching methods for training in universities MOE Ukraine]. Mizhvuzivs`ky`j zbirny`k «Komp'yuterno-integrovani tex-nologiyi: osvita, nauka, vy`robny`cztvo». – Lucz`k. 2011. p. 7 (ukr).
- Tkachuk V. V. Informatyzacija osvity jak chynnyk formuvannja innovacijno-informacijnogho suspiljstva v Ukrajini (filosofsjkyj analiz) [Informatization of education as a factor of forming innovative information society in Ukraine (philosophical analysis)]. – К. : APN Ukrayiny`, In-t vy`shh. osvity`. 2011. p. 18. – Abstract of Ph.D. dissertation of Philosophical Sciences (ukr).
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Dyba T., The Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Mastery Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD in physical education and sport, associate professor
The features of the physical education professional training content development were analyzed in the article (in such educational and qualificational levels as "junior specialist", "bachelor" and "master"). The content of professional training was characterize in accordance with following cycles: humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and natural sciences, vocational and practical training. It was revealed that the content of the humanitarian and socio-economic training involves deepening and professionalization of linguistic, philosophical, political, cultural, sociological, jurisprudential, economic, physical and health education and its professional and pedagogical direction. Psycho-pedagogical component of science and professional training cycle content is the basis of professional training of physical education as a teacher and involves the formation of deep humanitarian knowledge, communication skills and competence in the field of human relations.
The distribution of training hours between standardized and variable parts of training programs for physical education specialty continuous professional education was characterized.
The content of practical training of physical education was analyzed, which provides training and passing teaching (pedagogical) practices held on graduation courses, taking into account the place of future employment of graduates.
It is noted in the article that industry standards are being integral components for educational services matching to the standards of higher education in the field of physical education and sport and focused on compliance with the national education system to the requirements of physical education and sport specialists' field of work.
Keywords: content of professional education; cycles of training; lifelong/continuous education; physical education specialist; professional training.
- Dyba T. H. Akmeolohichni zasady neperervnoi profesiinoi pidhotovky fakhivtsiv fizychnoho vykhovannia: bazovi poniattia [Acmeological principles of continuous professional training of physical education: basic concepts]/ Neperervna profesiina osvita: teoriia i praktyka // Naukovo-metodychnyi zhurnal. – 2015. – Vypusk 1-2 (42-43). – S. 24-31. (ukr).
- ZakonUkrainy «Pro vyshchu osvitu» [Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education"] (# 1556-VII vid 01.07.2014) [Elektronnii resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2984-14 (ukr).
- Kontseptsiyarozvytkuneperervnoipedahohichnoiosvity (# 1176 vid 14.08.2013) [The concept of continuous pedagogical education] [Elektronnii resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: http://www.kmu.gov.ua/control/publish/article?art_id=246597907 (ukr).
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- Sysoieva S. O., Sokolova I. V. Problemy neperervnoi profesiinoi osvity: tezaurus naukovoho doslidzhennia: nauk. vydannia [Problems continuous professional education: Thesaurus scientific research: science, edition] / S. O. Sysoieva, I. V. Sokolova / NAPN Ukrainy. In-t pedahohichnoi osvity i osvity doroslykh, MON Mariupolskyi humanitarnyi un-t – Kyiv: Vydavnychyi Dim «EKMO», 2010. – 362 s. (ukr).
- Quennerstedt M., Larsson H. Learning movement cultures in physical education practice [Електронний ресурс] / M. Quennerstedt, H. Larsson // Sport, Education and Society. – Published online: 21 Jan 2015. – DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2014.994490. – Режим доступу: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13573322.2014.994490# (eng).
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Hryshchuk Y., junior researcher of Osvitology Lab Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The article analyzes the priorities and principles of modern higher education in the research of local scientists. It is highlighted the priorities of modern higher education in Ukraine, the implementation of which will contribute to the successful integration into the European Higher Education Area. It is considered the directions and principles of the state policy of Ukraine concerning the development of higher education in accordance with applicable law.
Ukraine's integration into the European and world educational space globalization radically changed the philosophy of higher education and the concept of development.
The priorities of higher education in Ukraine are: personal orientation of higher education; development of national and universal values; creating equal opportunities for people in higher education; the constant improvement of the quality of education; implementing educational innovation and information technologies; formation in the education system of normative legal, organizational and economic mechanisms of attraction and use of extrabudgetary funds; development of education, as an open public-public system; implementation of the principles of universal approach to the development of higher education; integration of national higher education to European and world educational space.
It is concluded that the modernization of higher education in Ukraine requires consideration of the general trends of higher education in the context of globalization and European integration processes while maintaining the culture and traditions of the country.
Keywords: European integration; higher education; principles of higher education; priorities of higher education.
- AleksandrovaO. S. Tsinnosti serednoho klasu i suchasna kontseptsiia osvity [The values of the middle class and modern concept of education] / O. S. Aleksandrova // Neperervna profesiina osvita: teoriia i praktyka. – 2012. – #3-4. – S. 9-14 (ukr).
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- AndrushchenkoV. P. Rozdumy pro osvitu : Statti, narysy, interviu : 2-he vyd., dopov. [Reflections about education: Articles, essays, interviews] / V. P. Andrushchenko. – K. : Znannia Ukrainy, 2008. – 819 s. (ukr).
- AndrushchenkoV., LutaiV. Filosofiia osvity [Education Philosophy] / Viktor Andrushchenko, Vladlen Lutai // Filosofiia osvity : khrestomatiia : navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshchykh navch. zakl. / uklad.: V. O. Ohneviuk, O. M. Kuzmenko. – K. : Kyiv. un-t im. B. Hrinchenka, 2014. – 508 s. – S. 463-465. (ukr).
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- DubaseniukO. A. Rozvytok vyshchoi osvity: tendentsii ta perspektyvy [Development of Higher Education: trends and рrospects] / O. A. Dubaseniuk // Liudynotsentryzm yak osnova humanitarnoi polityky Ukrainy: osvita, polityka, ekonomika, kultura : mater. Vseukr. konf. – K.: IOD NAPN Ukrainy. – 2011. – S. 135-142. (ukr).
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- Riabchenko V. I. Nominalna vyshcha osvita yak aktualna problema na shliakhu zabezpechennia realnoi kompetentnosti v suchasnomu ukrainskomu sotsiumi [Rated higher education as an urgent problem in the way of providing real competence in the modern Ukrainian society] / V. I. Riabchenko // Modernizatsiia vyshchoi osvity v Ukraini i sviti: desiat rokiv naukovoho poshuku: kolektyv. monohr. / Akad. ped. nauk Ukrainy; In-t vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy; za zah. red. V. P. Andrushchenko, V. I. Luhovoho, M. F. Stepka. – Kh.: Vyd-vo NUA, 2009. – 504 s. – S. 146 (ukr).
- Synerhetyka v osviti: kontekst liudynotsentryzmu: monohrafiia [Synergetics in Education context man-center: monograph] / V. H. Kremen, V. V. Ilin; [Natsionalna akademiia pedahohichnykh nauk Ukrainy]. – K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2012. – 368 s. (ukr).
- Filosofiia liudynotsentryzmu v stratehiiakh osvitnoho prostoru [Philosophy man-center strategies in educational space] / avt. V. H. Kremen. – K.: Pedahohichna dumka. – 2009. – 520 s. (ukr).
- Chvyrova O. Ye. Spetsyfika innovatsiinoho rozvytku vyshchoi osvity u filosofskomu aspekti [Specifics of innovation development of higher education in the philosophical aspect] / O. Ye. Chvyrova // Humanitarnyi chasopys. – 2011. – # 3. – S. 23-29 (ukr).
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Saprunova Ye., postgraduate student, Department of Professional Education Theory and Techniques Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after H. S. Skovoroda, Kharkov, Ukraine
The article defines the notions of «gifts», «intellect», «intellectual giftedness»; exploresa connection between a person and his intellectual development; designs a system of psychology and mental characteristics оf intellectual gifted primary school pupils taking into account the main components of concepts of «gifts», «intellect», «intellectual giftedness»: реорle mental abilities, adaptation, solving problems, convergent thinking, creativeness as main principles for making а model of “intellectual gifted primary school pupils” for transforming its content as a basis for working out new didactic methods and techniques which will be added into the school curriculum with the aim to develop children intellectual abilities in different spheres and also for making progress in their training and social adaptation.
The article also explores the foreign and local experience about children giftedness and intellect, some features of children psychological development; selects and studies the psychology-pedagogical literature on gifttedness.
It was found that giftedness could be understood asthe achievement of the specific activityresult.
In addition, the analysis of the problem of intellectual giftedness using experience from foreign and local pedagogy and psychology history led the author to the conclusion that a phenomenon of "intellectual giftedness" is a complex formation and helped to identify main features of the notion of "intellectually gifted primary school pupils".
Key words: giftedness; intellect; mental abilities; primary school; pupil.
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Nahrybelna I. A. Head of the Chair of Philology, the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education, Kherson State University
The issue of technologizing independent work at the university is analyzed in the article. The attention is focused on those features of the technology that contribute to effective obtaining of professional competences during independent professional and methodical training of students for the Ukrainian language teaching, the article represents the specific of problem-modular technology as an important means of optimizing the individual work of future primary school teachers and illustrates examples of its practical implementation in students’ training.
The author highlights the actuality of independent work organization of future primary school teachers during learning linguistic, language studying and linguodidactic disciplines based on innovative methodics, stresses the importance of independent educational organization of students of higher pedagogical institutions, presents the examples of didactic support of independent work.
The article shows that a means of optimizing students' independent work is the problem-modular technology, which is a system of analytical and logical operations of semantic content of the discipline.
The article states that the organization of independent work allows to create the individual trajectory of future primary school teachers’ professional skills improving that is provided through theoretical material and consists of modules of communicative and professionally meaningful themes (information and problem-search).
The author offers the practical implementation of the problem-modular technology in the course "Speech creativity of future teacher of primary school" content.
Key words: independent work; integration; linguodidactics; problem-modular technology of teaching; professional competency.
- Vvedenskij V. N. Modelirovanie professional'noj kompetentnosti pedagoga [Modelling of the Professional Competency of a Teacher]. Pedagogy. 2003. No. 10. – Pp. 51–55 (rus).
- Dychkivska I. M. Innovatsiini pedahohichni tekhnolohii : navch. posib. [Innovative Educational Technologies: teach. guidances]. K.: Akademvydav, 2004. – 352 p. (ukr).
- Zakon Ukrainy «Pro vyshchu osvitu». Zakon vid 01.07.2014 No. 1556-VII [Elektronnyi resurs]. [The Law of Ukraine «About Higher Education»] – access: http://vnz.org.ua/zakonodavstvo/111-zakon-ukrayiny-pro-vyschu-osvitu (ukr).
- Zakon Ukrainy «Pro osvitu» // Osvita Ukrainy. Normatyvno-pravovi dokumenty. [The Law of Ukraine «About Education»]. – K.: Milenium, 2001. – 58 p. (ukr).
- Kopus O. A. Teoretychni zasady formuvannia fakhovoi linhvodydaktychnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh mahistriv-filolohiv u vyshchomu navchalnomu zakladi : [monohrafiia].[Theoretical Bases of Formation of Professional Linguodidactic Competence of Future Masters of Philology at the University] Odesa, 2012. – 429 p. (ukr).
- Nahrybelna I. A. Udoskonalennia fakhovoi pidhotovky maibutnoho vchytelia pochatkovykh klasiv zasobom samostiinoi roboty. [Improving the Professional Training of Future Primary School Teachers by the Means of Independent Work] ScienceRise.2015, no.3/1(8), doi: 10.15587/2313-8416.2015.39174 (ukr).
- Natsionalna doktryna rozvytku osvity Ukrainy u ХХІ st. [National Doctrine of Education of Ukraine in the XXI Century]. Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education. 2002. No. 2. Pp. 5–27 (ukr).
- Pehota E. N. Individualizacija professional'no-pedagogicheskoj podgotovki uchitelja: Monografija [Individualization of Professional-Pedagogical Training of a Teacher: Monograph]. K.: Vishha shkola. 1997. – 281 p. (rus).
- Postaljuk N. Ju. Modul'no-kompetentnostnyj podhod v rossijskoj sisteme dovuzovskogo professional'nogo obrazovanija [Elektronnij resurs]. [Modular Competence Approach in the Russian System of Pre-university Vocational Education]: Theory and Practice. – Samara, Educational literature. – 192 p. – access: http: //library. vsqao.com/search?author_id=24418 (rus).
- Sukhomlynska O. V. Istoryko-pedahohichnyi protses: novi pidkhody do zahalnykh problem [Historical and Pedagogical Process: New Approaches to Common Problems]. K.: A.P.N., 2003. – 68 p. (ukr).
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Dyka N., candidate of pedagogic sciences, docent, associate professor at the department of Ukrainian language, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The article discusses the work with the students of senior classes over linguistic concepts in the study of complex sentences. The attention to the need for training of the leading competent person with the appropriate level of linguistic competence based on knowledge of the language system, the language units at all levels, which are used as building material for the creation and recognition of statements and rules for manipulating them.
Work on linguistic concepts while learning complex sentence of senior classes – a complex process that involves creative perception of the information learned verbal play and requires consideration of the systemic nature of language, understanding the specific syntax.
Formation of linguistic concepts – a complex psycho-pedagogical problem. It is accompanied by complex internal processes, including perception, understanding, comprehension, synthesis, consolidation. This process can not be represented as a distinguished student activities. After all, the perception to some extent involved and awareness, and memory, and systematization.
In the process of linguistic concepts to students the necessary skills comprehensive analysis of the concept as the name of a process, a phenomenon in the field of language and speech. Specificity of exercises and problems associated with the study of syntax is complex processing and presentation of teaching material and the association with appropriate levels of language system.
Working with students of senior classes over linguistic concepts in the study of syntax – a long process and it is not confined to the school curriculum. School provides only the basics of linguistic terminology taught to use their new knowledge in the practice and improve their continues throughout life.
Posted a phased system of exercises aimed at the assimilation of linguistic concepts, reasonably stages of study of linguistic concepts in the study of complex sentences.
Key words: complex sentences; connecting words; index words; language system; linguistic concepts; logical category; means of communication; prospecting and sampling work; syntax; unions.
- Bates E., Devescovi A., D`Amico S. Processing complex sentences: A cross-linguistic study / E. Bates, A. Devescovi, S. D`Amico // Language and Cognitive Processes, 1999, no 14 (1), 69–123, doi: 10.1080/016909699386383 (eng).
- Dyka N. M. Linguodidactic features mastering grammar terms students 8-9 grades of primary school / N. M. Dyka // Osvitolohichnyy dyskurs. – 2015. – №3 (11). – P. 90-101 (ukr).
- Karaman S. O. Methods of teaching Ukrainian language in high school: textbook for students of higher educational institutions / S. O. Karaman. – К.: Lenvit, 2000. – 272 p (ukr).
- Lerner I. Ja. The learning process and its laws / I. Ja. Lerner. – М.: Znanie, 1980. – 96 p (rus).
- Mahmutov M. I. Modern lesson / M. I. Mahmutov. – М.: Pedagogika, 1985. – 184 p (rus).
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- Nemov R. S. Psychology: A Handbook. for students. Executive. ped. Proc. Institutions: The 3 books. – 4th ed. / R. S. Nemov. – M.: Gumanit. izd. centr VLADOS, 2001. – Kn. 2: Psihologija obrazovanija. – 608 р (rus).
- Omelchuk S. A. Training morphology ukrainian language on the basis of research approach: theory and practice: [monograph] / S. A. Omelchuk. – K. : Heneza, 2014. – 368 p. (ukr).
- Shardakov M. N. Thinking of student / M. N. Shardakov // – М.: Uchpedgiz, 1963. – 254 p (rus).
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- Vojshvillo E. K. Сoncept As a form of thinking: logical and hnoseolohycheskyy analysis / E. K. Vojshvillo. – M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1989. – 239 p (rus).
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Donets M., graduate student of mathematics and mathematics teaching methods Teaching and Research Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Information Systems, Cherkaskiy National University of Bohdan Khmelnytsky
Becoming of Ukraine as the front-rank civilized European country is instrumental in growth of role of rural school in getting up of economy to social development of village, in providing of psychological, social and professional readiness of graduating students of schools to reformation of social sphere of village. Calling of rural school, being an important link in the system of life-support of village, forming of intellectual and labour potential of rural sociumu is.
Schools in rural locality were transformed in the special type of educational establishment, to which inherent high-quality descriptions, which determine its unicity, specificity and functional firmness, and also stipulate self-contradiction and characterize complication of decision of its problems.
A new quality of life and functioning system of training affect the formation of educational practice; the need to consider creative activity and independence in learning, with leadership role of the teacher and the actual practice of teaching children in a rural school; the modern requirements to the math teacher and teaching in a rural school. At the present time, there is a mismatch between the needs of the practice in the in-depth study of mathematics and the inability to organize such training in rural schools. Small acquisition of schools of rural locality reduces possibilities for providing of pedagogical process highly skilled shots, as a result quality and motivation relaxes to the studies, contradictions deepen between consisting of the obtained knowledges and existent requirements of high level of educational achievements of schoolboys, which get education. Analyzed a number of studies on the organization of teaching mathematics in a rural school; psycho-pedagogical and methodological aspects of the problem of continuity in learning from the perspective of their impact on the efficiency of educational process.
Key words: continuity of learning; mathematics education; mathematics; rural school; training.
- Avdeev F. S.(1994) Training of mathematics teacher rural small schools at the pedagogical іnstitute. Moscow: MPGU im. V. I. Lenina (rus).
- Andreev V. I.(2005) Foundations of higher education: a training manual. Mn.: RIVSh (rus).
- Andreev V. I. (1996) Pedagogy of creative self-development. Kazan': izd-vo Kazanskogo un-ta (rus).
- Bilyak B. (2003) Rural school - the center of the revival of the Ukrainian village. Dyrektor shkoly, litseyu, himnaziyi, 14, 9 (ukr).
- Greatencyclopedicdictionary. 2nd ed (1997). Moscow: Nauchnoe izdatel'stvo Bol'shaja Rossijskaja jenciklopedija (rus).
- Hryniv V. M. (2009) Rural education – what's next? Kiev: Hazeta «Postup» , 2, 12 (uлк).
- Duda O. (2002) Rural small school: problems, search, experience. Dyrektor shkoly, litseyu, himnaziyi, 6, 61 – 64 (ukr).
- Iroshnikov N. P. (1988) Mathematics teaching in small schools (classes 4-8.): book. for the teacher. Moscow: Prosveshhenie (rus).
- Kremen' V. (2002) Rural schools can and should provide a quality education today: From the meeting of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. Sil's'ka shkola, 31 – 32, 2 (ukr).
- Pichkur M. (2003) What is today the village school and the teachers she needs. Osvita Ukrayiny, 10, 4 (ukr).
- Salah-Addin B. Al-Omari.(2015)The Role of Mathmatics Courses in the Assessment Process of Engineering ABET-Outcomes / Salah-Addin B. Al-Omari,Qasem M. Al-Mdallal, Youssef El-Khatib, Basim Abu-Jdayil // Education Research International. – Volume 2015 , Article ID 735325, 13 pages. – http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/735325 (eng).
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Red’ko S., assistant professor of public administration and education management institutions of society Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD of psychological sciences.
Panchenko A., assistant professor of public administration and education management institutions of society Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD of Public Administration.
In the article it is substantiated the actuality formation of the competitiveness level of secondary schools that is based on a development of the individual which is able multiply the acquired knowledge throughout life. It was outlined the essence of the competition and competitiveness on the market of goods and services. It is classified the services on the labor market astangible or intangible character. The educational services’ essence is outlined and it is defines their differences from other types of service. In addition, it is defined the competition on market of educational services as a set of processes of interactions relationships and competitive fight between existing and potential subjects of in the educational market in order to obtain maximally advantageous market position and profits according to the certain goal. It is researched the factors of competitiveness of educational institutions on which defined the conditions and developed recommendations for the gradual formation of competitive advantages for secondary schools. The developed phased algorithm for forming competitive advantages of secondary schools: to formulate aims and tasks of secondary school; to carry out research concerning the strengths and weaknesses as researched institution and its competitor, using such instruments such as SWOT-analysis and CAF self-assessment model; to carry out benchmarking; to determine the procedure for formation of competitive advantages. It is defined the requirements that promote the success factors of educational institution such as providing unique, meeting the specific needs customers, originality services.
Keywords: secondary school; competitive advantage; competitiveness; competition; service; educational services; competitive factor.
- Borisova, Ju. V. and Tihomirova, N. B. (2011) Analysis of the university’s competitiveness. Standarty i kachestvo, vol. 32, pp. 5-11 (rus).
- Ivanyts'ka, O.M. (2011) Intehratsiia Ukrainy v hlobalizovane finansove seredovysche [Ukraine's integration in the globalized financial environment]. Filosofiia intehratsii: Monohrafiia, ZakDU, Uzhhorod, 544 p. (ukr).
- Knysh, M. I. (2012) Konkurentnye strategii [Competitive strategy]. Ljubavich, Sankt-Peterburg, 284 p. (rus).
- Kotler, F., Berger, R., Bikhof, N. (2015) Strategicheskij menedzhment po Kotleru [Strategic management by Kotler]. Al'pina Pablisher, Moscow, 132 p. (rus).
- Krylova, N.V. (2002) Features of the competitive advantage theory in countries with transitional economies. Visnyk Kyivs'koho universytetu. Mizhnarodna ekonomika, vol. 2 (56), pp. 53-58 (ukr).
- Mel'nykova, V.I., Mel'nykova, O.P. (2008) Improving the competitiveness as a basis for the Ukraine’s exit from the economic crisis. Finansovo-kredytna diial'nist': problemy teorii ta praktyky, vol. 5, part 2, pp. 82-89, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18371/fcaptp.v2i5.29696 (ukr).
- Sysoieva, S.O. (2014) Tvorchyj rozvytok fakhivtsiv v umovakh mahistratury: Monohrafiia [Creative development experts in conditions of Magistracy: Monograph]. TOV “Vydavnyche pidpryiemstvo “Edel'vejs”, Kyiv, 400 p. (ukr).
- Porter, M. E. (1998) Stratehiia konkurentsii [The strategy competition]. Osnovy, Kyiv, 390 p. (ukr).
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Nidziieva V., Head masters of the gymnasium 117 named after Lesia Ukrainka
The author analyzes the approaches and methods of studying of the organizational culture, adapted for use in secondary schools. This justifies the use of a systematic approach as the lead in studying and carrying out a comprehensive assessment of organizational culture. Organizational culture of school represents a system that consists of several subsystems: the value, normative, symbolic, informational-communicational and management. Simultaneously, organizational culture is a subsystem of the school as an organizational system. The study of the subsystems of the organizational culture takes place in a logical sequence from the surface to the deep level. To study the symbolic subsystem level model is used K. Ushakov; value - a technique developed by V. Nidziieva and G. Kanafotskoy within the axiological way to the formation of the organizational culture; information and communication and management - Ch. Handi technique, adapted for school by K. Ushakov; normative – a method of monographic studies. The essence of the systematic approach to the study of the organizational culture is to examine each subsystem separately, then the system as a whole, identifying direct and feedback connections between subsystems and systems, the study of their mutual influence, building a visual graphical models that represent the identified connection. To diagnose the organizational culture and its comprehensive assessment of proposed specific techniques tested during the pilot study «The formation of the organizational culture of pedagogical collective’s gymnasium» at the Gymnasium №117 named after Lesya Ukrainka in Kiev (Ukraine).
Keywords: educational institution; management; methodological approaches; organizational culture; research and diagnosis of the organizational culture; systems approach.
- Hroshev I. V. Orhanyzatsyonnaia kultura: Uchebnoe posobye dlia studentov vuzov, obuchaiushchykhsia po spetsyalnosty 061100 «Menedzhment orhanyzatsyy» [Organizational culture: Textbook for students enrolled in the specialty 061100 «Management»] / Y. V. Hroshev, P. V. Emelianov, V. M. Yurev. – M.: YuNYTY-DANA, 2004. – 288 s. (rus).
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- Teoretyko–prykladni aspekty upravlinnya zakladamy osvity: Naukovo-metodychnyy posibnyk [Theoretical and applied aspects of the management of educational institutions] / Za red. L.M. Kalininoyi – K.:PP Kompaniya «Aktual'na osvita», 2002. – 310 s. (ukr).
- Kanafotska H. P., Nidziieva V. A. Teoretyko-metodychni osnovy orhanizatsiinoi kultury zahalnoosvitnoho navchalnoho zakladu: navch.-metod. posib. [Theoretical and methodological foundations of organizational culture of secondary school: Training handbook] / H. P. Kanafotska, V. A. Nidziieva. – K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 2015. – 128 s. (ukr).
- Karamushka L. M., Shevchenko A. M. Orhanizatsiina kultura zahalnoosvitnikh navchalnykh zakladiv: naukovo- metodychnyi posibnyk [Organizational culture secondary schools: scientific handbook] / L. M. Karamushka, A. M. Shevchenko. – Bila Tserkva: KOIPOPK. – 2013. – 102 s. (ukr).
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- Novykova L. Y. Dyaloh ystoryy y sovremennosty / Razvytye otechestvennыkh humanystycheskykh vospytatelnыkh system [Conversation history and modernity / Domestic development of humanistic educational systems]. – Vladymyr,1998. – S. 193 (rus).
- Novykov D. A. Vvedenye v teoryiu upravlenyia obrazovatelnыmy systemamy[Introduction to management of educational systems]. – M.: Эhves, 2009. – 156 s. (rus).
- Popova Y. N. Proekt 4T: Trud, Tekhnyka, Tvorchestvo, Talant. Metodycheskoe posobye [Project 4T: labor, technology, creativity, talent]. Popova Y.N. – M., OOO «Novoe obrazovanye», 2011. – 120 s. (Seryia «Byblyotechka dlia uchrezhdenyi dopolnytelnoho obrazovanyia detei») (rus).
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- Sheyn Edhar Orhanizatsiyna kul'tura i liderstvo [Organizational Culture and Leadership] / Edhar Sheyn // perevod s anhlyyskoho pod. red. V.A.Spyvaka. – SPb.:Yz-vo Pyter, 2002. – 218 s. (rus).
- Yankovs'ka L. A. Synerhetychnyy efekt intehratsiyi orhanizatsiynoyi kul'tury ta sotsial'noho kapitalu [Synergetic effect of integration of the organizational culture and social capital] / Ekonomichni nauky. Scientific Journal «ScienceRise» #6/3(11) 2015. Rezhym dostupu: journals.uran.ua/sciencerise/about. DOI:10.15587/2313-8416.2015.45307 (ukr).
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Protsenko O., Associate Professor of educational managementand pedagogics at Mariupol State University, candidate of pedagogical sciences
In the focus of the article are the organizational peculiarities of innovative lectures while professional training of future higher education teachers. The Masters’ professional training is aimed to train the specialists, who respondto challenges, adapt to information society, seek for cooperationand interactions.In this context the problem of forms and training methods’ improvement in higher educational establishments is especially actual. The author regards «innovative lecture» as a form of trainingaimed to provide intensive exchange of information and experience between the students and the teacher, encourage students’ mental activity and help students develop their creative abilities. Interactivity is viewed as the key feature of an innovative lecture being described it as intensive interaction between its members.The demand forthe use of innovative technologies is grounded on the following theses: delivering innovative lecturesis supposed to involve students’ critical thinking, their creativity, cognitive skillsdevelopment, the ability to compromise while solving problem situations in the group, autonomy in developing their own professional paths. Innovative lectures include a problem lecture, a lecture-brainstorming, a lecture-press conference, a lecture-briefing, a lecture with intelligence cards. In the article anattempt is made to disclosethe conditions for organization and delivering the abovementioned innovative lectures, highlight the advantages of innovative lectures whileprofessional training of future higher education teachers. In the focus of the article is using of intelligence cards, that provides schemes for the visualization of information. The intelligence cardspermit to structure lecture, to demonstrate the information, to followtimeframe of the classes, to facilitatememorization of educational material.
Key words: innovative lecture; interactive technologies; professional training.
- Artiushyna M.V. Innovatsiini tekhnolohii navchannia ta mozhlyvosti yikh vykorystannia u suchasnykh lektsiiakh VNZ [Innovative learning technologies and opportunities their use in the modern university lectures]. Retrieved from: lib.iitta.gov.ua (ukr).
- Balovsiak N. Mozghovaia kartohrafyia. Elektronnie karty ydei [Brain mapping. Electronic card ideas].CHIP.ru. 2006. No 1. Pp. 134–137 (rus).
- Krasynskaia L. F. Uchymsia uchyt po-novomu, yly o neyspolzovannykh vozmozhnostiakh lektsyy [Learn to teach in a new way, or untapped opportunities of lectures] Vysshee obrazovanye v Rossyy. 2011. №2. Pp. 98–103(rus).
- Medvid L. Innovatsiini tekhnolohii u vyshchomu navchalnomu ekonomichnomu zakladi: innovatsiina lektsiia ta kontaktne zaniattia [Innovative learning technologies in higher educational establishment of Economics: innovation lecture and contact activity]. Retrieved from: oldconf.neasmo.org.ua/node/3212 (ukr).
- Piatakova H. Pedahohichna pidhotovka mahistriv-filolohiv u Lvivskomu universyteti v konteksti trashresiinykh zmin [Masters’ professional training of philologists in the university of Lviv in the context of transgressive challenges] Prace naukowe Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. 2014. Pp. 133–143. DOI: 10.16926/RPU.2014.16.08 (ukr).
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- Radchenko I. Tekhnolohii concept mapping ta mind mapping u konteksti informatsiino-dydaktychnoho seredovyshcha [Concept mapping and mind mapping technologies in educational environment]. Retrieved from: library.udpu.org.ua/library_files/probl_sych_vchutela/2010/1/visnuk_13.pdf (ukr).
- Sysoieva S. O. Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia doroslykh: navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk [Interactive learning technologies in the education of adults]. K.: VD «EKMO». 2011. 320 p. (ukr).
- Turkot T. I. Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly : navchalnyi posibnyk [Pedagogy of higher education] K. Kondor, 2011. 628 p. (ukr).
- Chernii M. Karty znan yak zasib zbilshennia efektyvnosti zasvoiennia navchalnoho materialu uchniamy ta yikh zastosuvannia za dopomohoiu veb-servisiv [Mind maps as a way of assimilation of pupils’ knowledge and their using by web-servers]. Problemy pidhotovky suchasnoho vchytelia. 2012. No 6 (Ch. 1). Pp. 87–94 (ukr).
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Gnilusha N. V., associate professor of botany and ecology, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical Institute «Kryvyi Rih National University»;
Gnilusha S. I., student of Faculty of informatics and computer science, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute».
The article presents the main task of high school - the formation abilities of each student, education of the individual, ready for life in the competitive world of high tech. University education would contribute to the professional development of graduates. It is possible under the use of educational and information technologies in the new paradigm of education, having the attention and connection: student relationship - subject-information environment - the teacher.
One of such technologies is a method of projects. It based on the development of student’s ability to construct their knowledge independently, to model future professional activity.
The teaching technology is the basis of a method of the projects in which the development of the students’ critical thinking is situated, the ability of designing independently one’s knowledge is shown, to orient oneself in the informational space, to analyze getting information, to move out the hypothesis, to take decisions, also to form the skills of cognitive and creative activity. The educational process is allowed to individualize the given method.
The organization of the ecologist’s professional training in higher educational establishments it is a process of the practical realization in the close interrelation with the organizational and pedagogical events, it provides the formation of the students in ecological specialityof professional motivation, professional knowledge, authentic materials and professional competence which is according to the ecological activity in the environment and student’s preparation to the professional activity during the teaching in higher educational establishments. And it is exactly that the project activity as a form of students’ self-direct learning activity which is purposeful for the obtaining of a given result.
Keywords: method of projects; professional activity; university education; vocational ecologists training.
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Kozyr М. Ph.D., assistant professor of theory and history of education Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The purpose of this article is a theoretical coverage of structure ICT pedagogy as an alternative component of the educational process. Tasks article is to study the theoretical foundations of the process of forming new pedagogy in the information society.
According to the recommendations of UNESCO on «Structures of ICT competencies of teachers», which aims to improve competencies and not passing a certain number of hours of educational process, we note: a new generation of students must be prepared to work in the new economy based on knowledge. So, give an example of three approaches to the development of ICT teacher competency as a fundamental principle of formation of the ICT competence of future generations.
First approach - the use of ICT: effective decision-making on the use of ICT; creation and use of presentations; planning use of resources.
Second approach - acquisition of knowledge: a flexible educational sector; the use of various ICT applications in the classroom.
Third approach - production knowledge: the formation of educational environment within the class; to assume a leadership role in teaching colleagues; rejection of conventional models; students open access to information; participate in experiments and innovations.
Keywords: educational process; ICT education; information competence; information space; information; integration.
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Shcherbyna O., docent, Ph.D, docent of information technologies department of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
The problem of informatization, introduction of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) into the educational process is very actual at the current stage of higher education development. This problem has several aspects. Previously technical aspects dominated associated with the need to equip schools with necessary equipment and software, now at the forefront comes pedagogical aspect - formation ICT-required competencies of teachers. It turns out that it is insufficient training of teachers in ICT what now is the weakest link, the main obstacle in solving the problem of informatization of education. Today we could have much better results if teachers were able and wanted to use in their daily work ICT, which have been available to them for a long time.
The article shows that the current competency rising system in Ukraine for teachers is unable to provide short term solution to this problem. Therefore, the author proposed a fundamentally different approach to the ICT competencies of teachers based on their informal training, which takes place in the workplace, job duty.
Content and phases of the study are determined by the university adopted phased plan of ICT introduction, each stage is described by Shewhart-Deming cycle, also called cycle PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act). Usage of this PDCA model, which is widely used in scientific disciplines such as project management, is quite natural, since the introduction of ICT in the educational process, as well as implementing any other innovation, has all the characteristics of the project. Consequently, the proposed model of organization of teachers’ education can be classified as project activity - one of the most promising forms of training of modern education.
Training takes place in small groups and has a clear focus on practical implementation of specific ICT to the education process. At the same time, teacher is not loaded by performing any abstract exercises or any work of purely educational purposes. Everything the teacher does in the learning process, should be used by students in the discipline he teaches.
Keywords: informal learning; information and communication technologies in education; in-service training; professional development of teachers.
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Kovalchuk I., lecturer, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education
Actuality and essence of concept pedagogical cooperation are certain in the article. The psychologo-pedagogical and methodical aspects of organization of pedagogical cooperation are exposed in postgraduate pedagogical education. Description of different aspects of teacher’s pedagogical position of a personality choice, professional internals, logic of behavior, ideology, readiness to the innovations, overcoming of negative stereotypes, is reflected in that, is given. It is noticed that in organization of pedagogical cooperation an important role belongs to the teacher.
The characteristics and peculiarities of formation of the «Subject to Subject» model of social relationships relations are distinguished. Basic directions of changes in pedagogical position of audience and difficulties that can prevent to innovative approaches in educational activity are certain, which are the shared resources of educational activities .
The system of modern transformations with respect to the activities of a group of students as a single system, which is where the important aspects: involvement of each participant in the interactive process of discussing, analyzing, interpreting events; focus on the self-organization of educational activities, while carrying out various social roles.
Building such a way interaction of all participants of pedagogical process involves activation of emphasis on internal determinants of professional development , promotes the continuous professional self-improvement. Considered the author of the process of pedagogical interaction is the benchmark in the organization of educational process in the practice of postgraduate education.
Keywords: development of professional qualities; model of subject-subject mutual relations; pedagogical co-operation; pedagogical position of teacher; position of group; position of listener.
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Protska S.,graduate student of the Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, teacher of theory and history of pedagogy of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The article is representated the role of the cloud technologies in the formation of professional competencies of bachelors philologists in the conditions of computer-based learning environment; substantiates the feasibility of the using the cloud technology elements for the formation of professional competences of the future philologists in the conditions of the computer-based environment; the practical aspects of teaching elements using the cloud technology to create professional competences bachelors philologists in the studying the subjects of the pedagogical cycle in terms of the education informatization. The specificity of the future careers bachelors philologists is given as important to note that the useing of the cloud technology and put them at the stage of an occupation conditions, important for the formation of professionally oriented individual motives, values, acquisition of knowledge, skills and experience, development abilities, creative inclinations; provided new approaches to the educational communication, collaboration and cooperation. The cloud-oriented learning environment is expanded the reminiscent inherently virtual machine with unlimited possibilities of cooperation, communication, cooperation and online educational process. This enables implementation of social is demanded of society on bachelor philologist, that is, the formation of professionally competent professional competitive educational sector, mobile, able to solve non-standard professional task, cultivate, how to apply ICT in professional activity and everyday. Аll innovative changes, primarily is depending on the bachelors philologists, they creativity, creativity, willingness to continuous self-education requirements for professional growth, flexibility socio-pedagogical thinking, humanistic orientation of the individual.
Keywords: bachelor philologists; cloud technologies; computer-oriented learning environment; informatization of education; professional competence.
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Kulbshna Ya., O. Bogomolets National medical university, Professor of the Maxillo-Fcial surgery Department, Doctor of Education, PhD, Associate Professor
In the article discusses the problem of defining the key principles of modern dental education based on the analysis of the experience of European countries and own research. The replacement the educational paradigm from the traditional to competentive and the estimating of learning outcomes was analyzed.
For the quality improvement of higher education and the formation of a competent professional in EU were implemented basic principles of its modernization: innovation, learning through research, continuity, academic mobility. Ukrainian higher medical school also require their urgent implementation and fleshing out of some other principles of progressive development and improving quality. They have to provide introduction in educational practice only scientifically grounded and practically proven innovations; the ability to make prognosis and simulate getting educational results; an integrated system of professional competence formation of future dentists; the ability to distinguish the individual properties of future professionals and promote their future development; forming professionally important qualities of future experts who will provide further innovative approaches to future careers; partnership of teachers and students; the unity of tradition and innovation when innovations are become the tradition and the basis for further innovations; creative approach to the study of subjects: stimulation of extraordinary abilities, creativity, innovative thinking of students.
Established that a necessary condition for the modernization of higher education system is an compliance the principles on which it will continue development and implementation a competentive model.
Keywords: future dentists; higher education; key principles of modern higher education; medical education; principles of formation of professional competence of the future a dentist; the quality of dental education.
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Volkova N., Associate Professor of Economics and Management of Innovative Development of Odessa National Polytechnic University, PhD
Inthearticletheproblemofprofessionaltrainingofspecialistsineconomicsisanalyzed. Theanalysisofsociological, educational, cultural and economic literature suggests that the problem of formation of professional competence from different scientific positions always interested scientists, but it has become especially important in recent years, the transformation period of our country. The investigated problem of formation of professional competence, some aspects of coverage found scientific research of many scientists.
The essence of the concepts of «competencies», «competence», «professional competence» is analyzed. The analysis of scientific and educational literature on the issue of the structure of professional competence indicates the presence of various scientific approaches and heterogeneity of the studied concept differentiation. Entry into the profession should involve primarily the development of future professional life with established and professional attitude and system of professional and educational guidelines.
Participating in educational and professional activities, the student gets adequate professional ideas and growth potential of their own capabilities, respectively, can actively develop them.
Theoretical analysis of scientific sources on current trends and requirements for Economic Education and formation characteristics of the main components of the specialist professional competence allowed the author to identify the main structural components of professional competence economist.
Keywords: competence;competencies;components of professional competence; future specialist; professional competence.
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Beseda N., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Department of physical education, sports and health Senior Lecturer, Yurij Kondratyuk National Technical University of Poltava
The proposed article aims to prove the objective need in implementing health saving technologies into the education process provided by modern school. The need is determined by a number of circumstances among which the one of particular importance is the renovation of school education strategic purpose which involves breeding-up a harmoniously developed pupil’s personality having health saving competency.
The evaluation of topical issues of a school teacher professional training indicates the development of theoretical and practical basis of health saving teacher’s work, however such problem as teachers methodical ability to teach their pupils health saving skills together with the education process is still understudied. This determines the strategy and tactics of improvement teachers’ training to implement health saving technologies on the basis of organizing and actualization the system of school methodical work.
The article emphasizes and characterizes the attributes and levels of motivation component formedness of teachers’ readiness to use health saving technologies. It is also pointed out that in the course of experiment teachers were prepared to use health saving technologies following the authors’ projects and methodical events. The results of experimental investigation were being analyzed proving the growth of the level of motivation component formedness of teachers’ readiness to use health saving technologies, which indicates the effectiveness of the organization methodological facilitation.
Keywords: healthsavingtechnologies; motivation component formedness of teachers’ readiness to use health saving technologies; organization methodological facilitation; the system of school methodical work.
- Beseda N. A. Orghanizacijno-metodychne zabezpechennja pidghotovky vchyteliv zaghaljnoosvitnjoji shkoly do zastosuvannja zdorov'jazberezhuvaljnykh tekhnologhij [Organisational and methodological facilitation training of secondary school teacher for employing health saving technologies]: high school textbook. – Poltava: TOV «Firma «Tekhservis», 2010. – 88 p. (ukr).
- Bobrycjka V. I. Istoryko-socialjna gheneza problemy formuvannja zdorovogho sposobu zhyttja vid drevnikh cyvilizacij do epokhy serednjovichchja [Historical and social origins promotion of healthy lifestyles from ancient civilizations to the Middle Ages]. Nauk. zapysky: NPU im. M.P. Draghomanova. 2008. no 71. pp. 11 – 18 (ukr).
- Bobrycjka V. I. Suchasnyj pidkhid do formuvannja zdorov'ja studentsjkoji molodi : vid znanj do kompetencij [The modern approach to the health of students, from knowledge to competency]. Pedaghoghichna osvita : teorija i praktyka. Pedaghoghika. Psykhologhija. 2012. no 18. pp. 45 – 49 (ukr).
- Bobrycjka V. I. Spryjannja zdorov'ju ditej ta molodi : porivnjaljnyj analiz osvitnjoji polityky v Ukrajini ta Poljshhi [Promoting the health of children and young people: a comparative analysis of educational policy in Ukraine and Poland]. Visnyk Zhytomyrsjkogho derzhavnogho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka. Serija «Ukrajinsjka polonistyka». 2012. pp. 45 – 49 (ukr).
- Dubasenjuk O. A. Cilesprjamovanistj u vykhovnij dijaljnosti pedaghogha: dosvid porivnjaljnogho doslidzhennja [Dedication in the educational activities of the teacher: experience of comparative research]. Kreatyvna pedaghoghika. 2015. Vyp. 10. – pp. 77 – 85 (ukr).
- Jefimova V. M. Zdorov'jazberezhuvaljni tekhnologhiji u konteksti pedaghoghichnykh doslidzhenj [Health saving technologies in the context of educational research]. Problemy fizychnogho vykhovannja i sportu. 2010. no 1. pp. 57 – 60 (ukr).
- Kozak L. V. Osobystisno orijentovane navchannja jak zdorov'jazberighajucha tekhnologhija [Personality oriented education as health saving technologies ]. Pedaghoghichna osvita: teorija i praktyka. Pedaghoghika. Psykhologhija : zb. nauk. pr. / redkol.: V. O. Oghnev'juk, I. D. Bekh , L. L. Khoruzha [ta in.]. – Kyiv: Universytet, 2008. – no 10 (part. 2). – pp. 37 – 41 (ukr).
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- Sysojeva S. O., Krystopchuk,T. Je. Pedaghoghichnyj eksperyment u naukovykh doslidzhennjakh neperervnoji profesijnoji osvity [Teaching experiment in research of continuous professional education] : high school textbook.– Lucjk : VAT Volynsjka oblasna drukarnja, 2009. – 460 p. (ukr).
- Galyna Boiko, Natalia Babych. Characteristics of motivational patterns for sporting activity of swimmers with psychophysical disorders. Sport Sciences for Health, 2014. – Vol. 10. − Issue 3. – P. 237 – 246. doi:10.1007/s11332-014-0199-4 (eng).
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Lutsenko O., Postgraduate student of the department of management and personnel work, National Academy of Internal Affairs.
The article shows the results of the psychological and pedagogical study of content and structure of students’ educational motivation of higher educational establishments of the MIA of Ukraine. It offers an innovative algorithm for increasing students’ motivational readiness of higher educational establishments of Ukraine to master the law enforcement profession. Motivated social significance in the system of vocational education in higher educational institutions of the MIA of Ukraine and perspective model of didactic support for the process of formation of students’ educational motivation in terms of pedagogical experiment are considered.
The article explores the educational motivation and cognitive interest which were distinguished together with social motives as the mainmotivating factors to training. Structural and hierarchical relations between the cognitive interest and other motives, the mechanisms of functioning of educational motivation, the content and dynamic characteristics of motiveswere considered.As the training process in the higher educational establishments of the MIA of Ukraine has its peculiarities so the motivational sphere of cadetsrequire the specialapproaches to motive formationof their educational activities. External and internal motives of educational motivation were examined in the article. In addition, the balanced structure of cadets’ educational motives was formed.
Applicationofinnovativedidacticmodelofeducationallowstogainhigherlevelofprofessionalcadets’ motivationofhighereducationalestablishmentsofUkraine. To form the professional orientation and motivation of future police on the stage of primary education is an important component of improving the quality of vocational education.
Keywords: motivational content; motivational sphere; structural organization reasons; structure motives; the educational motivation.
- IrkhinaS. M. Osobystisno-oriyentovana paradyhma profesiynoyi pidhotovky pratsivnykiv orhaniv vnutrishnikh sprav [Personality-oriented paradigm of police officers’ training]. Kadrovyy visnyk / Naukovo-vyrobnychyy zhurnal. 2012. No. 1 (3). – K.: Natsional'na akademiya vnutrishnikh sprav – Pp. 103-113 (ukr).
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Petrenko N., head of the Department of physical education Of National Agrarian University, senior lecturer
Based on the study of domestic scientists and experts in the field of education, in the article reveals the problem of professional competence of teachers of physical education, scientific and pedagogical activity which contributes to the development of higher educational institutions and is aimed at improving the quality of education that ensures competitiveness and prestige of the institution of higher learning.
Higher education institutions as social institutions join teaching staff that has common interests and goals, but is characterized by different areas of teaching activities. Scientific and pedagogical activity of teachers supports the development of higher education and is aimed at improving the quality of teaching students, providing educational services that provide competitiveness and the prestige of the institution. Therefore, the establishment and successful development of each institution is defined with the professional qualification of the staff, it’s intellectual potential, the professional competence of scientific and pedagogical staff.
Considering the professional competence of the scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher educational institutions, it should be stressed that the level of such competence is largely determined by the psychological-pedagogical component, because, as research and practice shows, a significant number of representatives of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions do not have proper education that leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the educational process. To a great extent this is true of teachers of physical education, because of the lack of competence in their professional-pedagogical activity can affect the health of students.
Keywords: education; healthy life-style; physical education; professional competence.
1. Bukhalska S. Ye. Rozvytok pedahohichnoi kompetentnosti vykladachiv u systemi metodychnoi roboty medychnoho koledzhu [Development of teaching competence of teachers in the system of methodical work of medical college]: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia kand. ped. nauk : spets. 13.00.04 «Teoriia i metodyka profesiinoi osvity» / S. Ye. Bukhalska. – K., 2013. – 20 s. (ukr).
2. Voronin D. Ye. Formuvannia zdoroviazberihaiuchoi kompetentnosti studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv zasobamy fizychnoho vykhovannia [The formation of health-caring competence of students of higher educational institutions by means of physical education]: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia kand. ped. nauk : spets. 13.00.07 «Teoriia ta metodyka vykhovannia» / D. Ye. Voronin. – Kherson, 2006. – 20 s. (ukr).
3. Hura O. I. Teoretyko-metodolohichni osnovy formuvannia psykholoho-pedahohichnoi kompetentnosti vykladacha vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu v umovakh mahistratury [Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of psychological and pedagogical competence of the lecturers of higher educational establishment in terms of master]: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia dok. ped. nauk : spets. 13.00.04 «Teoriia ta metodyka profesiinoi osvity» / O. I. Hura. – K., 2008. – 36 s. (ukr).
4. Dubrevskyi Yu. M. Yakisnyi ta strukturnyi analiz upravlinskoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh fakhivtsiv fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu [Qualitative and structural analysis of managerial competence of professionals of physical education and sport] / Yu. M. Dubrevskyi // Pedahohika, psykholohiia ta medyko-biolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu. – 2014. – # 6 – S. 11-15. – S. 12-13. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1003973 (ukr).
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6. Konovalska L. O. Formuvannia metodychnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh uchyteliv fizychnoi kultury u protsesi vyvchennia profesiino oriientovanykh dystsyplin [Formation of methodical competence of the future teachers of physical culture in the process of studying professionally oriented subjects]: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia kand. ped. nauk : spets. 13.00.04 «Teoriia ta metodyka profesiinoi osvity» / L. O. Konovalska. – K., 2011. – 22 s. (ukr).
7. Samsutina N. M. Formuvannia profesiinykh funktsionalnykh kompetentnostei maibutnikh uchyteliv fizychnoi kultury u protsesi fakhovoi pidhotovky [The formation of professional functional competencies of future teachers of physical culture in the process of professional training]: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia kand. ped. nauk : spets. 13.00.04 «Teoriia ta metodyka profesiinoi osvity» / N. M. Samsutina. – K., 2011. – 22 s. (ukr).
8. Sysoieva S. O. Dyskusiini aspekty naukovoho tezaurusu novoho Zakonu Ukrainy «Pro vyshchu osvitu» [Discussion of the scientific aspects of the thesaurus of the new law of Ukraine “on higher education”] / S. O. Sysoieva // Neperervna profesiina osvita: teoriia i praktyka // Naukovo-metodychnyi zhurnal. – 2015. – Vypusk 1-2. – 124 s. – S. 7-14. (ukr).
9. Sudarieva N. S. Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh fakhivtsiv iz sportyvno-ozdorovchoho turyzmu u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh [Formation of professional competence of future specialists of sport tourism in higher educational institutions] : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia kand. ped. nauk : spets. 13.00.04 «Teoriia ta metodyka profesiinoi osvity» / N. S. Sudarieva. – K., 2011. – 22 s. (ukr).
10. Cherniakov V. V. Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnoho vchytelia fizychnoi kultury zasobamy pedahohichnykh sytuatsii [Formation of professional competence of the future teachers of physical culture by means of pedagogical situations] : Dys. na zdobuttia naukovoho stupenia kandydata pedahohichnykh nauk: spets. 13.00.04 «Teoriia ta metodyka profesiinoi osvity» / V. V. Cherniakov. – Chernihiv, 2011. – 221 s. (ukr).
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Zagorodnya A., associate professor of social and pedagogical subjects Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade (m. Kyiv), Candidate of Education Sciences
The article compares the basic notions of professional training economic sector in the Ukrainian and Polish educational space. The author compared the basic concepts on professional training in the field of economic Ukrainian and Polish educational space. The author argues that Ukraine's entry into the global and European educational space needs study foreign experience of training future professionals chosen field. The author draws on the achievements of comparative pedagogy for parallels in the study of basic concepts in Ukrainian and Polish educational space. In the current socio-economic conditions become more apparent contradiction between the content of educational and economic needs of the changing economic and social development in the sphere of high technology and information technology, between the level of professional economic education and employment opportunities for young professionals. Excellent for the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, changes in the nature of education - in its orientation, for purposes sense, increasingly orient it to the free development rights on creativity, independence students, competitiveness, mobility of future specialists. Modern higher education provides for the fundamental, general cultural, practical and professional training that should determine the pace and level of scientific, technical, economic and socio-cultural process, formation of the intellectual potential of society.
Аnalyzed concepts allow to conclude that there are different approaches to their interpretation, which often complement each other, sometimes - contrary to that but makes it possible to assert the common aspects and related areas of research training of future specialists of economic direction in terms of higher educational institutions of Ukraine and Poland.
Keywords: comparative pedagogy; economic Education; education; educology; vocational training.
1. Artiushyna M. V. Psykholoho-pedahohichni zasady pidhotovky studentiv ekonomichnoi spetsialnosti do innovatsiinoi diialnosti [Psycho-pedagogical principles of training students of economic specialties to innovation]: avtoref. na zdob. …. dokt. ped. nauk : 13.00.04 – teoriia i metodyka profesiinoi osvity. – Kyiv, 2011. – 44 s (ukr).
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14. Osvitolohiia: vytoky naukovoho napriamu: [Educology: Origins scientific direction] Monohrafiia / Za red. V. O. Ohneviuka; Avt. kol.: V. O. Ohneviuk, S. O. Sysoieva, L. L. Khoruzha, I. V. Sokolova, O. M. Kuzmenko, O. O. Moroz. – K.: VP «Edelvaies», 2012. – 336 s (ukr).
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Litvin L., Deputy Director of the educational complex «European school «Michail» of I-III degree, - nursery-kindergarten, candidate of pedagogical science.
It is defined common and distinctive features in curricula of federal lands. It is distinguished main differences in the structure of curricula and modules in the Federal Republic of Germany. It is studied the terminological peculiarities that characterize curricula of different federal lands. It is analyzed the module-based curricula for teachers` training.
The analyze of the curricula of the federal lands allows to distinguish such common features: curricula for teachers` training in all lands are module-based; education in all lands is oriented on the practical activities; the aim of the education is professional activities and competences.
It is defined the mail differences, such as: curricula differ from each other by their terminology, approaches to the interpretation; there are significant differences in the priority selection of the qualifying fields.
16 analyzed programs are evidence of the federal approach in educational field due to the legislation of the lands. Each land has its own point of view on the teachers` training. General instructions of Ministry of Education and Culture don’t be accepted centrally. That’s why the federal lands have significant opportunities.
Key words: module-based curricula of teachers` training; educational modules; curricula; framework program educational module.
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Ponomarenko N., Senior lecturer of foreign languages, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
The article covers the problems of evaluation of school education in German-speaking countries of the European Union (Germany and Austria). The stages of development and the main areas of evaluation of this type of education are also identified. In spite of the differences in the school systems of these countries, some common features have been found in the process of studying the developmental stages and main areas of evaluation in school education. In particular, in the 1970-1980s, they conducted system evaluation on a macro level, that is the experts researched the effectiveness of secondary school in Germany or the educational reform in Austrian high school. In the 1990s, the focus was on school self-evaluation. At the beginning of the 2000s, the key areas of evaluation were established and they are still the same today.
It has been found that the key areas of evaluation in school education in Germany and Austria are as follows: international as well as national and regional comparative research on students' performance (PISA, TIMSS, DESI, ELEMENT, LAU); examination of educational standards that determine the level of subject competence at each stage of school education; evaluation of school-leaving examinations; school self-evaluation; inspections with external evaluation functions and national reports on the state of education in the country. It has also been found that the development of evaluation in school education in German-speaking countries of the European Union has led to its institutional establishment. The institutional core of evaluation in school education in Germany and Austria is Federal institutions of school development. There are also new agencies of school inspection on the Federal Land level.
Key words: educational standards; evaluation in school education; external evaluation; international comparative research on performance; self-evaluation; system evaluation.
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H. Altrichter. – Wien: BMUK, 1993. – 320 S. (ger). - Ohneviuk S., Sysoieva S. Osvitolohiia – naukovyi napriam intehrovanoho doslidzhennia sfery osvity [Osvitologia as the integrated scientific field of education research] / V. Ohneviuk, S. Sysoieva // Ridna shkola: shchomisiach. naukovo-ped. zhurn. – 2012. - №4/5. – S. 44-51. (ukr)
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K. Klemm, H. Pfeiffer, H. G. Rolff, R. Schulz-Zander. – Weinheim: Juventa, 2004. – S. 125-159 (ger).
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Lysenko O., Deputy Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education National Medical University of O.O. Bogomolets, candidate of pedagogical sciences
This article highlights the historical aspect of the formation of medical education in the United States of America, including changes described in 1910 which was made to standardize medical training programs, initiation of compulsory set preconditions of the beginning of internship and residency training as an legal parts of the doctors graduate training; presented stages of medical education (12 years in high school, 3-4 years of training in college, 4 years of medical school to obtain qualification of Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, 3-7 years residency andfellowship trainingfor 1-5 years); the features of their postgraduate education, including standardized list of skills and manipulations during the passage of the mandatory annual internship, the possibility of acquiring further specialization and mastery of residency in a narrow specialty by fellowship. The article analyzes the trends inherent professional medical specialization, including the formation of six basic physicians’ competencies: patient care, medical knowledge, communication skills and teamwork, practical-oriented learning and improvement, professionalism and system based practice. The information about the number of residents in the variety of the specialties analyzed and the most numerous on them founded, such as primary health care and particularlythe internal medicine specialty, is the least numerous were the sports medicine and rehabilitation, and also neurology. The dynamics of changes in the number of doctors of various specialtiespresented. Preconditions for licensing of medical practices and regulatory features continuous professional training of doctors arenoted (not less than 50 hours per year).
Keywords: postgraduatemedicaleducation; stagesofmedicaleducation; UnitedStatesofAmerica.
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