- №3-4, 2015
- Karpenko Z., Karpenko Y.
- Radchuk H.
- Taran O., Mishina S.
- Starinskaia N.
- Kapidinova S.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Pidlypna L.
- Petrunko О., Kаkhаnоvskа Т.
- Donets A.
- Nizdran O.
- Petrunko O.
- Kochubeynyk O.
- Lishchynska О.
- Kurliuk M.
- Variagina A.A.
- Rafikov O.
- Tsyhanchuk T., Datsiuk N.
- Sklyaruk A.
- Neroba M.
- Lyalchuk G.
- Datsenko T.
- Golubenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Сторінка 7 з 23
Red’ko S., assistant professor of public administration and education management institutions of society Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD of psychological sciences.
Panchenko A., assistant professor of public administration and education management institutions of society Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD of Public Administration.
Inthearticle it issubstantiated the relevance of providing motivation of teachers in the conditions of renewal and development of modern general educational institution. The principles of motivation (systematization, comprehensiveness, targeting, flexibility, transparency and dynamics) and conditions for successful management of motivation by heads of educational institutions to provide quality educational servicesare determined. It is researched the activity’s motivational sources of pedagogical workers of educational institutions (internal motivation as focus on the process, external motivation – approval by others, integrative motivation – consistency of leader’s purposes with the goals of the team). The results of diagnostic motivational sources of specialized school’s and secondary school’s I-III levels educational workers as factors to ensure success were presented. Principal emphasis is placed on the fact that motivated to work educational workers in a secondary school most often distinguishes the desire not only to increase of productivity their teaching activities, self-development and self-fulfillment, but the desire to be involved in the success of the institution as a whole. It is indicated: the pedagogical workers have individual choice of actual problems, needs and corresponding motives which stimulate the professional activity; the success of activity secondary school depends on the leader’s ability to manage motivation of pedagogical workers (to develop a system of estimation results of teachers’ activity; to identify incentives that encourage for further professional growth; identify the talents; create a favorable microclimate in the team; to encourage workers to the active cooperation).
Keywords: externalmotivation; factors of success; integrativemotivation; internalmotivation; motivational sources; the success of the educational institution.
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