- №3-4, 2015
- Karpenko Z., Karpenko Y.
- Radchuk H.
- Taran O., Mishina S.
- Starinskaia N.
- Kapidinova S.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Pidlypna L.
- Petrunko О., Kаkhаnоvskа Т.
- Donets A.
- Nizdran O.
- Petrunko O.
- Kochubeynyk O.
- Lishchynska О.
- Kurliuk M.
- Variagina A.A.
- Rafikov O.
- Tsyhanchuk T., Datsiuk N.
- Sklyaruk A.
- Neroba M.
- Lyalchuk G.
- Datsenko T.
- Golubenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Сторінка 6 з 23
Kapidinova S., PhD student, Institute of Social and Political Psychology,
lecturer in applied psychology CrimeanIndustrial-Pedagogical University
The article presents the results of an empirical research of students' ideas about the phenomenon of tolerance as a tool of social communication. It is shown that the students' inter-ethnic tolerance is represented in three forms: as declared, as demonstrated, as true tolerance and the indexes of distance between declared tolerance and true tolerance of pedagogical specialties are significantly bigger than these indexes of students of psychology and students of engineer specialties.An ethnic identity and value orientations of students as indicators of culture of interethnic relations are analyzes. The article is focused on two social-psychological phenomena – «relation» and «social distance», which are regarded as indicators of the culture of interethnic relations. On the basis of empirical studies the characteristics of humanist and engineering students' attitudes towards representatives of other cultures and ethnic groups have been analyzed, as well as their typical attitudes on perception of these representatives and the interaction with them. The attitudes of students are revealed, explicable in situations of interactive communication. The indexes of social distance are given, built by students in relation to the representatives of Ukrainian, Russian, Crimean Tatar, European and American ethnic cultures.
Keywords: interethnic communication; social distance; social settings; the culture of interethnic relations; tolerance; tolerant / intolerant behaviour.
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