- №3-4, 2015
- Karpenko Z., Karpenko Y.
- Radchuk H.
- Taran O., Mishina S.
- Starinskaia N.
- Kapidinova S.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Pidlypna L.
- Petrunko О., Kаkhаnоvskа Т.
- Donets A.
- Nizdran O.
- Petrunko O.
- Kochubeynyk O.
- Lishchynska О.
- Kurliuk M.
- Variagina A.A.
- Rafikov O.
- Tsyhanchuk T., Datsiuk N.
- Sklyaruk A.
- Neroba M.
- Lyalchuk G.
- Datsenko T.
- Golubenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Сторінка 18 з 23
Datsiuk N., VІ Course, Department of Applied Psychology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
Tsyhanchuk T., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Applied Psychology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
The relevance of this work due to the fact that the current stage of social development in Ukraine dwells upon the representation of the image of the family in contemporary Ukrainian ethnic mentality. To date, there is the problem of reducing the value of family in the area of mental youth and adolescents, leading to the crisis of the family as a social institution. This contributes to a number of factors, such as education deficiencies, poor education system and socialization of the child, the negative impact of the media, the complex socio-economic situation in the country. This imposes a significant imprint on the idea of gender and family roles of modern Ukrainian. Deformation of traditional ideas about male and female behavior, family values decrease leads to a crisis of fatherhood, which greatly complicates the formation of a positive image of young families.
The differences in the perception of the "image of the family" in different groups studied, depending on age, gender characteristics, presence of higher education, the family and the completeness relation to civil marriage.
Found that in adults the most sought after category of love, respect; above estimated the image of women in terms of attractiveness, sympathy and domination. Persons with single parent families value most family values such as sweetness, richness of life, safety, friendship. Found that individuals with a positive attitude to civil marriage prefer the following values: pleasure, safety, friendliness, dominance woman, attractive man.
Prospects for further research issues are expanding the range of psychological and pedagogical influence in creating a positive "image of the family."
Keywords: civil marriage; ethnic mentality; image of the family; social development; value.
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