- №3-4, 2015
- Karpenko Z., Karpenko Y.
- Radchuk H.
- Taran O., Mishina S.
- Starinskaia N.
- Kapidinova S.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Pidlypna L.
- Petrunko О., Kаkhаnоvskа Т.
- Donets A.
- Nizdran O.
- Petrunko O.
- Kochubeynyk O.
- Lishchynska О.
- Kurliuk M.
- Variagina A.A.
- Rafikov O.
- Tsyhanchuk T., Datsiuk N.
- Sklyaruk A.
- Neroba M.
- Lyalchuk G.
- Datsenko T.
- Golubenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Сторінка 15 з 23
Kurliuk M., PhD student, Institute of Social and Political Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
The article describes the logic of study of intra-group interaction as a socio-psychological factor of internet-addiction in adolescence. In particular, social media addiction is studied as a form of Internet addiction.The school class and family are chosen as small social groups for the study. Adolescence is defined as an age when young people are more inclined to internet-addiction, because they don’t havepersonal resources to react in a proper way to the influence of internet, that affects their connection with reality, and causes negative outcomes in different spheres of their life. Goals of the stages and research methods are analyzed. The project of the program of empirical research is presented. It is shown that on the basis of this program recommendations focused on the correction of internet-addiction can be suggested. Also,practical significance is presented. It is said that received results and suggested recommendations can be used in lectures of media psychology, lessons of media education, social and educational psychology. Also in the process of professional preparation and qualification improvement of pedagogues and psychologists, in psychological assessment, correction and prevention work of socio-psychological services and practice of school psychologists.
Keywords: internetaddiction; intra-groupinteraction; methods of research; social media.
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