- №3-4, 2015
- Karpenko Z., Karpenko Y.
- Radchuk H.
- Taran O., Mishina S.
- Starinskaia N.
- Kapidinova S.
- Red’ko S., Panchenko A.
- Pidlypna L.
- Petrunko О., Kаkhаnоvskа Т.
- Donets A.
- Nizdran O.
- Petrunko O.
- Kochubeynyk O.
- Lishchynska О.
- Kurliuk M.
- Variagina A.A.
- Rafikov O.
- Tsyhanchuk T., Datsiuk N.
- Sklyaruk A.
- Neroba M.
- Lyalchuk G.
- Datsenko T.
- Golubenko O.
- Усі сторінки
Сторінка 2 з 23
Karpenko Z., Doctor of Psychology, professor, Head of educational and developmental psychology Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanikю
Karpenko Y., сandidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor of applied psychology at Lviv State University of Internal Affairs
The hypothesis about the ascending dynamics of the psychological defense mechanisms and personality's coping strategies certifying the progressive vector of vocational and personal development has been tested on the basis of the theoretical presentation of personality's axiogenesis as a growth of personality's subjective abilities, complication and generalization of his/her value orientations in the main types of vital activity.
Coping and defensive patterns of personality's behaviour in the context of his/her vocational axiogenesis separated in the comparative psychodiagnostic research enable to explicate the following sequence (stages) of subjective mechanisms transformation: 1) disparate psychological defense mechanisms as a subconscious reaction to a dangerous situationally specific signal for self-attitude; 2) defensive patterns integrated by the purpose of the main activity preserving personality's self-esteem and positive self-image in relevant areas of vital activity; 3) mixed coping and defensive patterns symbolizing the transition state of defensive mechanisms to appropriate coping strategies by virtue of the fact of their awareness and purposeful direction; 4) proper coping strategies of behaviour in difficult situations that bother while encouraging person's self-actualization; 5) flexible causally and teleologically determined personality's behaviour in different conditions of his/her life-implementation (synthetic style of coping).
Keywords: coping strategy; personality's axiogenesis; psychological defense; subjective mechanisms; vocational and personal development.
- KarpenkoE. Samoaktulizatsija i adaptatsija: vid konfrontatsii do kooperatsii [Self-actualization and adaptation: from confrontation to cooperation] / Е. Karpenko – Ivano-Frankivsk : Nova Zoria, 2013. – 272 s. (ukr).
- KarpenkoZ. S.Aksiolohichna psyholohiia osobystosti [Personality’s axiological psychology] / Z. S. Karpenko – Ivano-Frankivsk : Liliia-NV. – 2009. – 512 s. (ukr).