
The article analyzes the problem of multicultural education of future economists; the basic building blocks of multicultural education is shown; functions of multicultural education training students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions is described; the formation of the new formation economists are more effective in the targeted multicultural education carried out by implementing professional training in multicultural component of educational content.

We consider a multicultural component as a component of professional training of future economists. Its content is realized in the areas of professional economist, aims to develop value-orientation basis of personality and contributes to the preparation of a future professional multicultural interaction.

The component of multicultural training component includes a set of interrelated elements as external (social, ethnic and cultural, socio-cultural, cross-cultural) and internal (ideological) plans, the content of the training based on the introduction of the learning process of theoretical and practical material, characterized multicultural focus.

Keywords:  future economist;  multicultural component;  multicultural education;  training. 


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