- №1-2, 2015
- Bratko M.
- Sysoieva S., Halytska M.
- Semenova A.
- Melnychuk T.
- Volkova N.
- Kozak L.
- Ivaniuk H.
- Vovk L.
- Naboka O., Glazova V.
- Osiptsov A.
- Belenka G.
- Vydaichuk T.
- Rusachenko N.
- Trishkina N.
- Litvinova-Holovan O., Beskorovaynaya L.
- Ogurtsova O.
- Truskavetska I.
- Briukhanova G.
- Diachkova Y.
- Martynenko S., Novyk I.
- Synekop O., Kolomiyets S.
- Masimova L.
- Babiychuk S.
- Lynova I.
- Zaiats L.
- Lytvyn L.
- Tryhub I.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Redko S.
- Ribachuk V.
- Усі сторінки
Melnychuk T. Artistic activity as a component of spiritual development of an individual
The article covers artistic activity as a multifunctional psychological component during activity and spiritual growth of an individual and conditions which influence the formation of artistic activeness as a component of creative potential; some concepts are defined such as «passionarity» as a splash of goal-orientedenergy and active artistic activity of an individual in creating art masterpieces and other products as a result of an individual’s work connected with life and environment protection; the rebirth of spirituality, humane and moral principles of life purposes, values which are underlain in «The Ten Commandments» of Christian religion as an ensample of purposes of life and spiritual development during the activity for humankind; the importance of artistic performance ensembles and a non-governmental female organisation in the system of cultural and educational work at the university while shaping spiritual virtues of an individual, patriotic attitude towards cultural heritage and traditions of Ukrainian nation is presented.
Keywords: artisticactiveness; humanism; nationalshrines; passionarity; patriotic attitude; sacred art; spiritual and material culture; spiritualgrowth; spirituality; traditions; values.
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