- №1-2, 2015
- Bratko M.
- Sysoieva S., Halytska M.
- Semenova A.
- Melnychuk T.
- Volkova N.
- Kozak L.
- Ivaniuk H.
- Vovk L.
- Naboka O., Glazova V.
- Osiptsov A.
- Belenka G.
- Vydaichuk T.
- Rusachenko N.
- Trishkina N.
- Litvinova-Holovan O., Beskorovaynaya L.
- Ogurtsova O.
- Truskavetska I.
- Briukhanova G.
- Diachkova Y.
- Martynenko S., Novyk I.
- Synekop O., Kolomiyets S.
- Masimova L.
- Babiychuk S.
- Lynova I.
- Zaiats L.
- Lytvyn L.
- Tryhub I.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Redko S.
- Ribachuk V.
- Усі сторінки
The author studied the experience of preparing the expert consultants in the field of education in the institutions that accompany the development of education in foreign countries (European, American and Russian experience); the analysis of existing qualifications in higher education are held; the foreign programs of training experts in the field of education are analized; the subject of programs for experts in the field of assessing the quality of education are described; the main programs and modules of training leading consultants on the development of the education system in the Russian Federation are grouped.
The forms of implementing training programs capable of performing consulting services in the field of education can range from short (seminars, roundtables) and long term (up to 500 hrs.). The structure of training programs correlated with the shape of the implementation study (seminar, training courses, post-graduate studies).
Implementation of an expert in the field of education and training professionals – the experts in education raises important task before the Ukrainian education today as well as new specialists will be able to evaluate and further growth and ensure the quality of education in our country. Therefore the problem of selection of high-quality content of training material for training experts in the field of education is very important.
Keywords: education; expert in the field of education; expertise; manager of the quality of education; senior consultant of the education system.
- Bratchenko, S. L. (2007). World of expertise and its possible coordinates.
H. N. Prozumentovа (Eds.), Expertise of educational innovation. Tomsk: TomskSU, 31-45 (in Russian). - Ohneviuk, V., Sysoieva, S. (2012). Osvitologia – the integrated scientific field of education research. Ridna shkola, № 4/5, 44-51 (in Ukrainian).
- Conduct the research to identify topical areas of training leading consultants of Education (to the Report on the State contract number 03.r.20.11.0026 from 12.08.2011). The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, The International Institute of mendzhment LINK. T. № 1.3, 223. Retrieved from: http://www.ou-link.ru/projects/files/research.doc (in Russian).
- Sukhanova, E. A. (2007). Organizational changes in innovative educational institutions as an object of expertise. H. N. Prozumentovа (Eds.), Expertise of educational innovation. Tomsk: TomskSU, pp. 61-68 (in Russian).
- The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) (2013). Retrieved from: http://www.enqa.eu/files/ESG%20in%20Ukrainian.pdf (in English).
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