- №1-2, 2015
- Bratko M.
- Sysoieva S., Halytska M.
- Semenova A.
- Melnychuk T.
- Volkova N.
- Kozak L.
- Ivaniuk H.
- Vovk L.
- Naboka O., Glazova V.
- Osiptsov A.
- Belenka G.
- Vydaichuk T.
- Rusachenko N.
- Trishkina N.
- Litvinova-Holovan O., Beskorovaynaya L.
- Ogurtsova O.
- Truskavetska I.
- Briukhanova G.
- Diachkova Y.
- Martynenko S., Novyk I.
- Synekop O., Kolomiyets S.
- Masimova L.
- Babiychuk S.
- Lynova I.
- Zaiats L.
- Lytvyn L.
- Tryhub I.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Redko S.
- Ribachuk V.
- Усі сторінки
Although research studies in education show that use of technology can considerably increase efficiency of foreign language learning, yet technology is still used as an additional not the main educational tool. In this paper we present a new concept for platform-based Business English teaching and assessment, based on the latest advances in computer assisted language learning, web-based educational applications, artificial intelligence, gamification of learning. The concept for this new approach is that teaching and assessment of Business English should become a highly technological process and the role of teacher is, on one hand, to guide students and to effectively manage their platform-based learning and, on the other hand, to develop Business English skills that could only be developed as a result of direct communication and interaction with students. This new learning management system can be referred to as Intelligent/ Smart Business English Learning Platform.
Key words: Business English; gamification of learning; information-communication technologies; intelligent Business English Platform; smart learning.
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