- №1-2, 2015
- Bratko M.
- Sysoieva S., Halytska M.
- Semenova A.
- Melnychuk T.
- Volkova N.
- Kozak L.
- Ivaniuk H.
- Vovk L.
- Naboka O., Glazova V.
- Osiptsov A.
- Belenka G.
- Vydaichuk T.
- Rusachenko N.
- Trishkina N.
- Litvinova-Holovan O., Beskorovaynaya L.
- Ogurtsova O.
- Truskavetska I.
- Briukhanova G.
- Diachkova Y.
- Martynenko S., Novyk I.
- Synekop O., Kolomiyets S.
- Masimova L.
- Babiychuk S.
- Lynova I.
- Zaiats L.
- Lytvyn L.
- Tryhub I.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Redko S.
- Ribachuk V.
- Усі сторінки
In the article there was an analysis of actual problems of training future specialists in tourism to animation activities. The study made it possible to identify the most urgent problems of training future specialists in tourism to animation activities. Conclusions and some prospects for further research. The notion of «tourist animation» is treated as a tourist service that is attached to the tourist action. The success of professional activity on the animation in the labor market opredelyaetya level of professional readiness to adapt and self-realization in the profession. Study of the problems of training in tourism to the animation activity will help to identify gaps and find ways to improve vocational training specialists in this sphere . Professional education in the field of tourism in Ukraine is high, but there are certain problems of practical training and to improve and update the content of this training. These problems have arisen due to the low correlation of higher education institutions with direct employers in the tourism sector . Prospects for further research are discussed in the study of other aspects of professional training of future specialists in tourism to the animation activities visshih schools. Just find existing solutions to existing problems of training specialists in the sphere of tourism in modern higher education in Ukraine.
Keywords: animation activities; tourism; training.
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