In the article, the role of historico-linguistic discipline in the process of Ukrainian language and literature teachers professional development is discussed; the meaning of each educational or special course in the traditional philologists training is analysed; the necessity of studying certain disciplines by future teacher is justified; the disciplines opportunities in expanding students linguistic erudition, a new type of scientist, capable of seeing language processes objectively and through, formation are revealed.

The necessity of «Introduction to Slavic Philology», «Old Church Slavonic», «The historical grammar of Ukrainian language», «The History of Ukrainian literary language» and special courses («The etymology of the Ukrainian language», «Ethnolinguistics», «The History of Ukrainian linguistics») studying is justified, the object of these disciplines studying, the main objective, tasks are highlighted; the principle of acquired professional competences succession in the process of each course module studying is explained, the necessity of their systematic and consistent acquirement is emphasized.

Nowadays when one of the main higher education tasks is the formation and development of national and civic identity, the origin of language, historical memory, the historical path of people and nation, relations with neighbouring countries have become an especially critical issue.

The deep professional knowledge, research experience, the ability to use and operate with historical facts and sources, brought to the audience by teacher, will be protection against junk informational, scientific argument against speculation and pseudo-theories.

Keywords: historico-linguistic disciplines;  pedagogical training; teacher philologist training.


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