- №1-2, 2015
- Bratko M.
- Sysoieva S., Halytska M.
- Semenova A.
- Melnychuk T.
- Volkova N.
- Kozak L.
- Ivaniuk H.
- Vovk L.
- Naboka O., Glazova V.
- Osiptsov A.
- Belenka G.
- Vydaichuk T.
- Rusachenko N.
- Trishkina N.
- Litvinova-Holovan O., Beskorovaynaya L.
- Ogurtsova O.
- Truskavetska I.
- Briukhanova G.
- Diachkova Y.
- Martynenko S., Novyk I.
- Synekop O., Kolomiyets S.
- Masimova L.
- Babiychuk S.
- Lynova I.
- Zaiats L.
- Lytvyn L.
- Tryhub I.
- Hryshchuk Y.
- Redko S.
- Ribachuk V.
- Усі сторінки
The basic personality characteristics are considered to be: randomness, independence and responsibility, creativity, initiative, freedom and safety behavior, self consciences, self attitude, self-esteem. The article deals with the peculiarities of one of the basic personality traits formation - responsibility during the preschool childhood; peculiarities of formation and responsibilities of children in different types of productive activity, game, art, labor, communication; characterized cognitive component of responsibility are revealed; ways of children responsibility formation are discovered. The author emphasizes that responsibility as the personality quality does not arise spontaneously; for the education of preschool children’s responsibility it’s necessary to build educational facilities; the basis of education responsibilities should be assigned by children knowledge about moral standards that are specified in the rules of behavior and interaction with others. Formation of responsibility begins with the moment when the child is able to perform short-term assignments adult. The most intensive formation of responsibility occurs between the ages of five to ten years, when the child is actively acquires knowledge and builds relationships with others. The criteria for responsible behavior are: children’s idea of the significance and meaning of moral norms of responsibility; positive attitude to responsibility as a moral personality characteristics; ability to act in accordance with the rules of moral behavior.
Keywords: activity; basic personality traits; criteria for responsible behaviour; development; interaction; preschool children; responsibility.
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