- №3, 2018
- Dereka Tetiana, Lyashenko Valentyna, Tumanova Valentyna , Hatsko Elena
- Vinnyk Nataliia
- Afanasenko Larisa
- Voloshyna Valentyna
- Gorban Galina
- Kutishenko Valentina, Stavytska Svitlana
- Drobot Olha, Lozova Olha
- Tsyhanchuk Tatiana
- Karelin Pavlo
- Taran Oksana
- Kraieva Oksana
- Khlon Alexander
- Vlasenko Inna
- Nykonenko Ludmila
- Pedko Kateryna
- Усі сторінки
Сторінка 12 з 16
Kraieva Oksana, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor of Department of Practical Psychology, Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Blvd. І. Shamo, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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In the offered article near implementation of attempt of theoretical justification of aspects of manifestation of crisis of identity of persons of teenage age, results of an empirical research of psychological signs of crisis of identity and its indicators in the period of public uncertainty are presented.
Definition of a concept crisis of identity is considered as the conflict between elements of component structure of identity that at a stage of crisis of identity is developed around transition from a form of children's identity to acquisition and understanding of the acquired her qualitatively new form. The research of psychological signs and features of manifestation of crisis of identity of teenage age is chosen the purpose of article.
Empirical results of crisis aspects of identity are given behind the defining level self-relations teenagers and behind the level of contradictions of component structure of identity of the faces embodied in them «Self-Concept» at a stage of experience of crisis of identity. The scheme of dynamics of change of identity is provided. It is emphasized that crisis of identity is loss of actually previously acquired form of children's identity, at the expense of a disorientation of the teenager and reduction to system search of new components to his «Self-image», on condition of their coordination with an identification matrix of the person.
It is claimed that crisis of identity understands as a concept: first of all, change of an identification matrix which leads to difficulty and violation of identifications of the individual; aggravation of contradictions between «Real-Self» and «ldeal-Self».
As a result of a research the main differences in structure of identity of teenagers of thirteen and fourteen years at a stage of crisis of identity are revealed and indicators of crisis of identity of teenagers of the studied groups are allocated.
Keywords: contradictions «Self-Image»; «Ideal-Self»; identity; identity crisis; «Real-Self»; Self-relations; «Self».
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