PhD (Philology), Associate Professor of Ukrainian Language and Culture Department, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, 56 Pirogova Str., 21000 Vinnitsa, Ukraine, dmitruklilia77


The article examines the use of innovative information and learning technologies such as multimedia, video presentation, Skype, e-mail in terms of teaching based on interactive learning. The emphasis is put on the use of these programs during lessons of Ukrainian as a foreign language in medical higher educational institutions, since the use of innovative technologies is essential to improve the efficiency of learning and quality of knowledge among foreign students in Vinnytsya National Medical University named after M. I. Pirogov. Thanks to innovative technology, the capabilities of modern methods of studying Ukrainian as a foreign language are greatly enhanced and have become more diverse. Innovative approach provides a positive motivation to acquire knowledge in Ukrainian language, enriches the content of educational process, gives a sense of the need for self-education, promotes development of creative personality and finally creates conditions for closer cooperation between teachers and students. The author didactically substantiated the use of multimedia, video presentations, computer software in the process of teaching foreign students Ukrainian as a foreign language. The technique of using multimedia in the Ukrainian language as a foreign language is illustrated and it is proved that the use of video presentations in the Ukrainian language as a foreign language allow to improve the practice of monologic and dialogical speaking, writing and pronunciation skills, to provide a high degree of self-study of student’s language, interest, support attention in learning, and stimulate cognitive aspects of learning and teaching.
Key words: electronic presentation; innovative technology; interactive learning; multimedia; Ukrainian Language as a foreign one; video presentation.


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