- №3, 2018
- Dereka Tetiana, Lyashenko Valentyna, Tumanova Valentyna , Hatsko Elena
- Vinnyk Nataliia
- Afanasenko Larisa
- Voloshyna Valentyna
- Gorban Galina
- Kutishenko Valentina, Stavytska Svitlana
- Drobot Olha, Lozova Olha
- Tsyhanchuk Tatiana
- Karelin Pavlo
- Taran Oksana
- Kraieva Oksana
- Khlon Alexander
- Vlasenko Inna
- Nykonenko Ludmila
- Pedko Kateryna
- All Pages
Karelin Pavlo, Postgraduate Student, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences, 15 Andriivska Str., 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article proves the expediency of usage of experimental scheme PERSON-X-ENVIRONMENT in social-psychological empirical research, that studies how psychological boundaries of personality function in communication. Based on the short review of some modern studies about psychological boundaries, we noticed among them only a small quantity of social-psychological empirical studies. We demonstrate that psychological boundaries are a bi-determined formation that is influenced by dispositional and situational factors. We analyze ways of creating a research plan that helps to increase its reliability and validity in general. We describe advantages of using the PxE scheme in the studies of subject-object mental formations. Using the example of our dissertation research that studies how a person establishes his or her own psychological boundaries in different communicative contexts we created two-factor correlation 2X4 scheme with multidimensional dependent variable. We provide ways to increase reliability and internal validity of the experimental PxE scheme with the means of primary control. We describe methods of increasing constructional validity through creating theoretical model and organizing a psychodiagnostic instrumentarium. We define principles and some methodic techniques of formation of empirical panels for our pilot research and main research. Also, we included a list of relevant methods of mathematical-statistical analysis of empirical research results that correspond with two-dimensional nature of PxE scheme. We mention that for an adequate study of psychological boundaries of a personality, taking their nature into consideration, in social-psychological research about interpersonal processes it is most relevant and methodologically proven to use PxE scheme. We define other possibilities of PxE scheme usage in social-psychological research of psychological boundaries of a personality.
Key words: communication; experimental scheme; psychological boundaries of personality; validity.
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