- №3, 2018
- Dereka Tetiana, Lyashenko Valentyna, Tumanova Valentyna , Hatsko Elena
- Vinnyk Nataliia
- Afanasenko Larisa
- Voloshyna Valentyna
- Gorban Galina
- Kutishenko Valentina, Stavytska Svitlana
- Drobot Olha, Lozova Olha
- Tsyhanchuk Tatiana
- Karelin Pavlo
- Taran Oksana
- Kraieva Oksana
- Khlon Alexander
- Vlasenko Inna
- Nykonenko Ludmila
- Pedko Kateryna
- All Pages
Pedko Kateryna, PhD Student, Institute for Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Educational Sciences, 15 Andriivska Str., 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The theoretical analysis of the concept of social capital and the scientific status of the problem of internally displaced persons (hereinafter «IDPs») are presented. The concept of social activity of the personality, which is investigated through social activity, social adaptability and social autonomy is highlighted. The theoretical and methodological and organizational principles of the study of the influence of social activity on the social capital of internally displaced persons have been developed.
A two-factor dispersion analysis was conducted. Two independent variables are allocated, namely: one independent variable - the fact of moving, the second - social activity. The first independent variable has two conditions: 1 - IDPs, 2 - persons who have not changed their place of residence. The second independent variable, too, has two conditions: 1 - low level of social activity, 2 - high level of social activity.
It is revealed that the greatest influence of social activity is observed on indicators of resources of the public sphere of the IDPs: social-professional resource, resource of social institutes and international resource. In order to increase the resources related to professional activity and civic engagement of IDPs, it is necessary to review their own attitude towards participation in joint activities with the environment. After all, focusing on its own position in joint actions prevents them from reproducing specified resources of the public sphere.
It has been established that social activity has a significant impact on the indicators of the international resource of IDPs. So for the accumulation of the specified resource they see the need to increase their own social activity. However, at the same time, the results of the dispersion analysis indicate that the situation of forced migration has already led to the accumulation and mobilization of social ties associated with citizens living outside Ukraine.
Keywords: internally displaced persons; resource; social activity; social capital.
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