- №1-2, 2018
- Bondar Volodymyr, Bozhok Oleksandra
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- Kalenyk Olexandr, Tsaregradska Tatiana
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- Papushina Valentyna
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- Zhuravleva Larisa
- Palchykova Oleksandra
- Huliak Oksana
- Vavilina Svitlana
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Zakharova Valeriia
- Sereda Iryna
- Myhnovetska Iryna
- Leschii Nataliia
- Stashuk Olga
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Sereda Iryna, PhD (Pedagogics), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Special Education Department, Mykolaiv v. o. sukhomlynsky National University, 24 Nikolskaya Str., 54030 Mykolaiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Corrective and educational work is considered as a system of complex measures of psychological and pedagogical influence on various features of anomalous development of the individual as a whole, since each defect negatively affects not only a separate mental function, but also reduces the social adaptation of the child in all its manifestations.
In the technological aspect, the correctional and educational process has its own specificity, depending on the particulars of the child and the chosen learning option for her. In general education, modern methods and technologies typical for the educational process of a secondary school can be effectively applied: technology of upbringing a successful person, collective creative affairs, personal development technology, training, interactive, information and communication technologies, etc. In the case of a complex defect in a child, or a combination of several defects, when training is conducted in a compensatory-adaptive or abolition variant, the leading advocates are medical correction and health-saving technologies. Separately allocated technologies which can be successfully applied at any type of training, for example, gaming and technologies of art therapy.
The effectiveness of the correctional direction of education can be assessed by the following criteria: qualitative and quantitative easing of the structure of the defect; correction of defects and transition of corrected defects to positive opportunities of the child; conscious use of the children's experience; accumulation and positive change in personality properties.
Key words: correctional and educational work; correction-developing technology; correctional and pedagogical process; correctional and pedagogical technology; pedagogical technology; technological approach.
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Khrebtova, N. P. (2009). Vykorystannya innovatsiynykh korektsiyno-kompensatsiynykh tekhnolohiy u lohopedychniy roboti z dit'my [Correctional and educational orientation of the educational and educational process of the secondary school]. Retrieved from http://marganets-dnz5.edukit.dp.ua (ukr).
Shulzhenko, D. I. (2009). Korektsiyno-pedahohichni ta psykhokorektsiyni tendentsiyi reabilitatsiynoho protsesu ditey z porushennyamy rozvytku: svitovyy dosvid ta yoho zastosuvannya v Ukrayini [Correctional-pedagogical and psycho-corrective tendencies of the rehabilitation process of children with developmental disorders: world experience and its application in Ukraine]. Retrieved from http://shodinki-autism.org/content/d-shulzhenko-problema-diagnostychnyh-doslidzhen (ukr).
Kovalenko, V. (2017). Programme of correction of emotional development disorders in mentally retarded primary school students taking one-on-one training. Science and Education, 7, 11–15. Retrieved from http://scienceandeducation.pdpu.edu.ua/en/articles/2017-7-doc/2017-7-st2-en. doi: https://doi.org/10.24195/2414-4665-2017-7-2 (eng).
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