- №1-2, 2018
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Palchykova Oleksandra, PhD (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer of English Philology Department, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Haharin Ave, 50086 Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article considers criterion-parametrical aspects of formedness of students-philologists’ cross-cultural competence. There four criteria of formedness of students-philologists’ cross-cultural competence are established as: motivational and axiological, cognitive, operational, behavioural and activity. The main parameters of motivational and axiological criterion are: formedness of cognitive, professional and social motives, according to which one becomes aware of the significance of the material studied and possible ways of its application; positive / neutral / negative attitude to cultural discrepancies; estimation of other culture (following / ignoring stereotypes or prejudices). Cognitive criterion involves: knowledge of phonetic, lexical, grammar material, culture-specific units of native and foreign languages; formedness of monological and dialogical skills on definite topics; sociocultural material acquisition. The key parameters of operational criterion are: ability to use culture-specific units and units of non-verbal communication, which comply with communicative situation; skillful use of lexical units and grammatical structures pursuant to context; ability to organize dialogue / monologue in alignment with the norms of everyday, learning, professional activities. In terms of behavioral and activity criterion such parameters are considered as: restraint in judgements; ability to control one’s behavior; ability to analyze divergent positions before making a final decision.
In conformance with the criteria and parameters determined there are four levels of cross-cultural competence specified: elementary, intermediate, upper-intermediate, advanced.
Key words: cross-cultural competence; criteria, parameters, levels of cross-cultural competence formation; students-philologists.
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