- №1, 2017
- Kochubeynyk Olga
- Radchuk Halyna
- Red’ko Serhiy
- Adamska Zoryana
- Plyushch Alexander
- Zelinskaya Tatyana
- Vinnyk Nataliia
- Makarchuk Natalia, Stus Anna
- Rafikov Aleksander
- Variagina Alina
- Tovstokora Yulia
- Shaparenko Yuliia
- Sklyaruk Anastasiya
- Petrunko Olga
- Vlasenko Inna
- Sydorko Igor
- Skrypnyk Tetiana
- Dzyubyns’ka Maria
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The theoretical model of intellectually gifted high school student’s personality is offered in the article. The components of this model has been substantiated.
Theoretical model includes a personal maturity and intellectual achievements. Personal maturity is based on a structure of personality and has such components as: communicative, motivational, characterological, reflexive, experiential, emotional intellect, psychophysical, which are from their side are based on main individually-psychological qualities of the personality of intellectually gifted high school student.
Psychological features of older teens are determined. On authors opinion, the sensitive period for personal development is an older teen age (15-17 years), when happens that the teen personality transforms into adult personality.
Adult personality is based on communicative motivation, success reaching motivation, reflection, skills of emotions understanding and controlling, intellect, experience for moral self-control and social cooperation’s.
Key words: gifted intelligence; high school students age features; personal maturity; personality development; personality structure.
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