- №1, 2017
- Kochubeynyk Olga
- Radchuk Halyna
- Red’ko Serhiy
- Adamska Zoryana
- Plyushch Alexander
- Zelinskaya Tatyana
- Vinnyk Nataliia
- Makarchuk Natalia, Stus Anna
- Rafikov Aleksander
- Variagina Alina
- Tovstokora Yulia
- Shaparenko Yuliia
- Sklyaruk Anastasiya
- Petrunko Olga
- Vlasenko Inna
- Sydorko Igor
- Skrypnyk Tetiana
- Dzyubyns’ka Maria
- All Pages
This article examines the nature and significance of the conflict in the team. The role of leader in conflict resolution within the team. Practical recommendations for the prevention of conflict, its prevention and relaxation. Analyzed the positive and negative features conflictive. Identified psychological conditions and techniques including conflict prevention in a group.
Make suggestions on choosing the best methods of conflict management in collective activity in modern conditions. Defined the role of conflict in the life of the individual, family, group, state, society and humanity in general.
The role of leader is very important, as it depends on him peace and harmony in the team, its development, progress and effectiveness of the organization. Therefore the main task of managers at any level should lie to focus on improving their own skills, raising a suitable quality, gaining experience successful conduct of management, which is a guarantee of high production efficiency and competitiveness.
Key words: conflict situation; conflict; efficiency; incident; leader; leadership; parties conflict; positive and negative functions of conflict; staff; subjective reasons, objective, management, personal and psychological causes of conflict; success; team leader.
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