- №1, 2017
- Kochubeynyk Olga
- Radchuk Halyna
- Red’ko Serhiy
- Adamska Zoryana
- Plyushch Alexander
- Zelinskaya Tatyana
- Vinnyk Nataliia
- Makarchuk Natalia, Stus Anna
- Rafikov Aleksander
- Variagina Alina
- Tovstokora Yulia
- Shaparenko Yuliia
- Sklyaruk Anastasiya
- Petrunko Olga
- Vlasenko Inna
- Sydorko Igor
- Skrypnyk Tetiana
- Dzyubyns’ka Maria
- All Pages
This study aims at exploring psychological peculiarities of teachers’ intrapersonal conflicts in manifestation motivational sphere. The sample consists of 192 teachers (89,6% female and 10,4% male) from 13 schools in Ukraine. It is presented the analyses of internal conflicts and vakuums in motivational sphere of teachers. The results show existential and individual values prevail in respondents’motivational sphere. It was found that 42,2% of teachers had a low discoordination among things they want and need on the one hand and their possibilities on the other. It was found that 20,8% of teachers wasn’t satisfied with their current life situation, had an internal conflict. The feeling of internal conflict and low ability to self-actualization in one of teachers’ main life spheres («happy domestic life», «health», «love») were connected with high internal conflict in other life spheres of teachers. There have been identified internal conflicts in the spheres of «health» (47,9% respondents), «happy domestic life» (33,9%), «financial provided life» (27,1% ) and «love» (26% teachers). It was investigated high internal vakuums in spheres «active life» (50,5%), «interesting work» (27,1% respondents) that indicated reducing of motivation and could lead to teachers’ activity declining. Teachers that have high level of internal vakuums feel exhausted and overstressed as well as they face to high professional demands. A programme addressing intrapersonal conflict and managing low ability to self-actualization in main life spheres would be of benefit to teachers.
Keywords: intrapersonal conflict; motivational sphere; teachers; values.
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