- №1, 2017
- Kochubeynyk Olga
- Radchuk Halyna
- Red’ko Serhiy
- Adamska Zoryana
- Plyushch Alexander
- Zelinskaya Tatyana
- Vinnyk Nataliia
- Makarchuk Natalia, Stus Anna
- Rafikov Aleksander
- Variagina Alina
- Tovstokora Yulia
- Shaparenko Yuliia
- Sklyaruk Anastasiya
- Petrunko Olga
- Vlasenko Inna
- Sydorko Igor
- Skrypnyk Tetiana
- Dzyubyns’ka Maria
- All Pages
The article is devoted to analyze of substantial features of the auto-, and hetero-stereotypes of Lemkos. Determined, that the psychosemantic study of these concepts should be considered in the context of self-awareness. The expediency of methodological principles of research, substantiated based on the emic-approach, which aims to better understand peculiarities of one ethnic group. It is established, that overall ethnic stereotypes in the Lemko ethnic group have a positive emotional coloration, what indicates a harmonious images of «we» and «they», and constitutes the basis for a normal, positive ethnic self-awareness. Greater certainty of ethnic hetero-stereotype compared to ethnic auto-stereotype in Lemkos ethnic self-awareness has been statistically proved. Is revealed some opposition between auto-stereotype and hetero-stereotype related to such parameters as: ethnicity-masculinity and pride-uniqueness. These parameters are bipolar, and opposed only in ethnic hetero-stereotype, while in ethnic auto-stereotype they are harmoniously combined, which may indicate a certain collective projection of “shadow” on the ethnic Other. The carried out research demonstrated the presence of friendly traits in the ethnic self-awareness of Lemko ethnic group, with a simultaneous awareness about differentiation between representatives of different ethnic groups. Prospects for further research are seen in the study of the influence of modern cultural and historical factors, onto the changes in ethnic self-awareness of different generations of Lemkos.
Keywords: auto-stereotype; ethnic self-awareness; ethnic stereotype; hetero-stereotype; Lemkos; psychosemantics; semantic differential.
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