The article examines patterns of gender development rights; studied the concept of socialization; summarizes the current understanding of socialization; the notion of stereotypes and gender stereotypes as one of their species; the particular sex-role stereotypes in education and their importance in the socialization of the child; studied social role theory of gender differences in social behavior; analyzed the effects of sexual stereotypes; studied traditional notions of masculine and feminine in society; highlighted the positive and negative effects of gender stereotypes; organized distribution of social rolesdiagnosis and study of gender stereotypes; carried description stereotypical image, social and cultural facilities; researched problem offormation of images "true" femininity and masculinity; the problem of the emergence of gender stereotypes due to the fact that because of cultural and historical relationship models were built views about gender identity of men and women; made interpretation and evaluation of the same events, depending on which sex belongs participant of the event; the problem of combining certain properties, behaviors and attitudes on the one hand, and the perceptions of men and women on the other, which together form a culturally acceptable characteristics of representatives of both genders; the problem of limitation of personal development, the possibility of self-selection models and manners, professional activities, career advancement, narrowing or widening economic, political and social human capabilities; the model of an educational plan that conveys gender discrimination and is a tool for implementing gender stereotypes.

Keywords:  gender development;  gender roles;  effects of sex stereotypes;  masculinity;  sotsializtsiya child;  social-role theory of gender differences;  sex-role stereotypes; femininity.


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