
In this paper, specific features of teacher professional masters and teachers of their common and distinctive features. Explained that in the pedagogical action, man (as a teacher and as a student) begin analytical study itself as a unit - the subject of interaction that is able to perform different roles, but is not limited to them. Global difference of teacher professional masters and teachers of is that the first «working» directly with mental personality structure, and the second - with information, knowledge. Regardless of the nature of specialization, psevdomayster group brings undoubted damage, considering it as a means to meet their own needs, inventing ghostly group goals. No flames are not equal in strength of influence of language inspired Master. Profanation spirituality can be prevented only positive direction - by improving the efficiency and quality of advanced groupware all subjects pedagogical action running Master-Master. Masters not just «appeal» to people and work with them, while referring to the deep, motivational structure of personality, not only to the intellect as such; unlike the professionals who develop almost nothing – they «arm» knowledge and skills. Therefore, any topic, conceptual models, and others. not have any intrinsic value to the Master and are actually visual means. On the other hand, information about past masters come to us thanks to the teams that streamline and systematize such as historical archives, which were able to understand them. For the harmonious development of trainees needed as teachers of labor and coordination of efforts Teacher-Master. Therefore, in the work of the Master, in the teams in learners is very important manifestations of sincerity and honesty.

Keywords: communication;  specialist teacher;  teacher-master.


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