The article examines the genesis of education in Poland; analyzed the impact of socio-political and socio-economic factors on the formation and development of education in independent Poland; identified key trends and characteristics of education in Poland at various stages of historical development.

Evolution of education in Poland took place under the influence of a combination of cultural and national traditions and complex socio-political, socio-economic, internal and external factors, including: obtaining state independence of Poland and the resulting need for education of citizens able to maintain and establish it; changes in the ideological orientation of Polish society that influenced the formation of educational and pedagogical priorities; phased implementation of universal compulsory education to the extent of primary school; the need to rebuild their shattered during the War of the economy, the association of Polish society around the idea of building a socialist state; transformation of the social system in 90 years, building a democratic system and open society, based on the realization of human rights and civil liberties, the transition from democracy to participatory democracy representation; transition from centralized to the state social market economy; changes in social consciousness and social position; integration processes of state and public institutions of the European Union; the increasing role of culture in shaping the image of the future, national, European and global identities; enhance the role of science, of scientific research results into practice.

Keywords: education;  education science;  magisterium;  pedagogical education;  teacher training.


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