N 4, 2006


Болтивец SR

adult Education for the preservation of, Land and Water - the report on the VII International Week «adult Education» in Ukraine

Нычкало N.G.

the Problem of training of the modern production personnel: pedagogical aspects


Artemenko И.Э.

To the problem of selection of the maintenance of psychological andpedagogical training of future tax inspectors

Beletskaya SV

Ideas педоцентризму in family upbringing USA and Japan (60-ies of XX - beginning of XXI century)

Билобровко ETC.

the Way of realization of the spiritual heritage Skovoroda in adult education

O.V., Vasilenko

the Problems of remote training of specialists in the system of continuing education

Gonchar L.K.

Analysis foreign experience of professional training of future social workers

N Goncharenko. Century

teacher Preparation in the context of continuing professional education

Gordienko MG

the Formation of professional competence of the future engineer: psychological and pedagogical aspects

Davydova E

Formation of ecological culture of adults in educational circles in Sweden

Драніщев CENTURY

The system of education of children with special needs in Hungary

Драніщева Э.И.

To the problem of an adequate understanding of the legal norms parents

Zhyzhko A.A.

a Retrospective analysis of the formation and development of pedagogical education in Mexico

Potions IA

communicative literacy as a component of professional competence of future teachers

Коженьовскі L. F.

the Problems of life safety in the European Union

Kovalev SV

Development of creative activity of teachers of music in the training

Leshchenko STAMP

the Pedagogical ideas of Vladimir Vernadsky in the context of modernization of the modern higher school

Martirosyan A.I.

the most Outstanding Ukrainian women and their role in the development of culture and education of Ukraine

Ohienko A.I.

the Development of adult education in Denmark: organizational-pedagogical aspect

Radkevich VA

professional-artistic education of adults in vocational schools

Sysoeva S.A.

hi-Tech systems of adult education: open learning

Сигаева Л.Е.

the Form of education adult education

Skulskaya VE

personal Development adult vocational training

Smirnov V.A.

The concept of «moderation» in the context of improvement of qualification of specialists

Суховерский A.V.

Philosophy of teaching students of information technology in higher education

Tarkhan Л.З., Kadyrov GA

adult Education of the Crimean Tatar population: historical aspect

Chagin YA.

the Experience of professional rehabilitation of young people with functional disabilities in vocational-technical schools

S.I. Shevchenko

the Implementation of Internet technologies for organization of reading in a foreign language at the University of

Shulga NV

the Development of vocational education in Western Europe


the preservation of human pedigree: the education of professional skills

Filipchuk GG

Eco - Ethno - the Ethical value of modern adult education


Vinnik N

Professional preparation of students for the activities in vocational education institutions: the competence aspect

Миропольская M.A.

the Specifics of career guidance among the adult population in the service employment


Developing the capacity for self-actualization of young students

Cherkasov T.M.

the Development of the aesthetic component of knowing the world in the modern psychological-pedagogical process