N-1, 2006
the Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the nature of giftedness
the Study of the professional competence of the teacher of a foreign language
the Swedish model of non-formal adult learning, national education
Preparation of teacher of primary classes: a new look at an old problem
The problem of professional training of future teachers in the conditions of pedagogical University
Андрагогіка in the context of the development of continuing education
Modern approaches to the professional training of future teacher of physical culture
Educational technology formation of professional competence of the future teachers of foreign language means «dialogue of cultures»
the Professional training of specialists of the education sector in Sweden
Interaction of higher pedagogical educational institutions and schools in the organizational-methodical support of pedagogical practice of students
Usage of modern media technologies in professional activity of the future teachers
the Problem of preparation of future teachers to the protection of children's rights in society
Educational management: historical and pedagogical analysis
the Student self-government in higher education: social and pedagogical aspect.
the Problem identification in the professional development of future teachers in higher education institutions-II levels accreditation
Distance learning as the newest technology of preparation of future teachers
a humane approach to the socio-cultural education of future teachers in the process of professional training
the Formation of foreign language professional competence of students of non-linguistic higher educational institutions
the Problem professional training of future specialists of economic profile in educational theory
Sysoeva S.A., Osadchiy CENTURIES
Use of the Internet for the organization of vocational counselling youth
Preparing future teachers for multicultural interaction with the subjects of educational space
the Method of active socially-psychological training in the context of modern education technologies
Psychic trauma and feelings of the subject of the
Personally актуалізуючий approach in the development of the creative talents of the students of higher technical schools
the Manifestation of conventional values in the process of communication
the Role of the Oedipus complex in the formation of the crisis of adolescence (on the material of the active socially-psychological training)
the Psychological image of the Polish Manager
Personally-acmeological approach in the formation of readiness of psychologists-practicians to Advisory activities
the Psychological science and practice: features of static and dynamic characteristics of the unconscious in the context of practical psychology