N 3, 2007



Abashkin NV

the Actual problems of modern school education in Germany

Бобрицька V.I.

Health язберігальні technologies in the system of higher pedagogical education

Bondarenko A.N.

the psychology-pedagogical approaches to the definition of «competence»

Borisenko L.L.

the Study of the peculiarities of individual learning styles of students of higher educational institutions

Гланишовский O.M.

To the problem of training of future teachers to work with students creative abilities


the Modern requirements to ensure professional training of future specialists in accounting and auditing

Kaverin OG

Tools formation of readiness of students of higher technical education institutions for professional communication

Karpyuk R.P.

Creating teaching positions future specialists with adaptive physical education training

Кристопчук I.E.

Monitoring of students ' professional knowledge land surveyors

Litovchenko Same. Century

Optimization of pedagogical interaction in the context of the formation of oratorical skill

sockdolager NV

the System of staff training in Germany

Мачинская NI

Educational game as a research problem

Pavlenko N. O.

Preparation of primary school teachers to create a fairytale of cognitive reality

Переймибіда L.V.

Medical deontology and its relationship with moral values

Petruk G.M.

the Formation of professional motivation of future specialists

burnt down I.A., E.I. Kuzmin, Romanenko ALEXANDER

the Evaluation of the functional state of first-year students

Clip T.B.

the Realization of personality oriented approach to the development of information technologies in education

Protsenko О.Б.

the Development of education of Greece: aspects of reforming

Сигаева Л.Е., Martirosyan A.I.

Continuous adult education: historical and pedagogical analysis

Слипчук В.Л.

Історнко-pedagogical analysis teaching disciplines of natural Sciences

Smirnov V.A.

Forms of extracurricular work in the implementation of integrated approach to structuring the content of legal knowledge

Stepashko VA

the Evaluation of the performance of research work of teachers of higher educational institutions

Fedorovich L.A.

To a problem of improvement of professional training of teacher-logopedist

Franchuk Т.Й., Trofimenko L.A.

the Performance of credit-modular system of education: teaching competency student


Vinnik N

Monitoring the development of the professional qualities of the future worker of the sphere of service

Kuznetsov A.M.

the Practical psychologist in dimensions of professional activity