Трансферно-inversion model of optimization of the individual learning styles of students of higher educational institutions
Modeling of process of professional preparation of future social pedagogue in the context of his personal development
Restructuring of higher education: experience of foreign countries
Ivanenko ONWARDS, Tsekhmister YA.V.
Teaching the importance of professional orientation and its main tasks
Educational set on course «computer science and computer engineering» for training on information technologies of the future managers-economists
the Formation of ecological competence of students-ecologists
the Use of educational technologies in the process of preparation of colleges of nurses
the Professional competence of future specialists of foreign profile: theoretical aspect
Переймибіда L.V., Tsekhmister Ya Century
Деонтологічна culture of medical worker in the aspect of his professional activity
Postgraduate pedagogical education in Greece: a theoretical aspect
the Stages of development of adult education in the Soviet times
the current state and problems of employment of graduates of educational institutions with the assistance of the state employment service
the Characteristic of the basic concepts of research of professional orientation of training disciplines of natural Sciences
the Technological model of the organization of the credit-module training at the UNIVERSITY: the management dimension
Use of the artistic and pedagogical technologies in the process of professional self-determination of pupils of comprehensive schools
the Role of the Orthodox educational societies in the development of spiritual values of the Ukrainian people (end of XVI - early XVII centuries)
Cultural and psychological desire of the person as a component of the professional culture of pedagogical workers
Creating intellectual qualities of the personality of the senior preschool child in the process of mastering the game of chess