2008 - N4

research and Information systems and technologies in the professional training of students of areas management
To the problem of professional English-language letters a computer support
the Use of distance learning for teaching excellence
Use of information technology to improve the quality of teaching mathematical disciplines
E-learning in the training of specialists with foreign language (on the example of educational computer software «VIVE LE SUBJONCTIF!»)
Features of teaching discipline «Computer networks and telecommunications» for students of economic specialties of correspondence courses
Principles and peculiarities of organization of distance learning
Use of computer technologies in educational process of foreign language
Стоврення conditions for the formation of readiness of future teachers of foreign language teachers for the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process
Techniques for working with authentic відеофонограмою for the training of future lawyers oral English professionally oriented monologic speech
Modern model of using information technologies in professional training of specialists
the Problem with the introduction of electronic means of education in the higher school
Multimedia technologies in foreign language education of future professionals in the aviation industry
Навчавльно-methodical complex of the English language in the formation of information competence of students in primary school
Interactive computer training programs mathematical methods for students of high schools
Use of modern innovative technologies in educational process of higher education
Didactic possibilities of using Internet resources in the training of future teachers of German
Use of Internet resources for the training of future specialists in intercultural communication the tourism industry
Preparation of future specialists in physics at the preparatory faculty with the use of computer programs
Professional direction of the content of the discipline «Information technologies in translation»
Рефлексійний approach to training future teachers of English receptive German grammar
Requirements to development of electronic teaching materials for distance learning Francophone business written communication
Комеп'ютерні technologies in the organization of training of the future teachers of English listening broadcasting with national and regional types pronunciation
Psychological and pedagogical features of distance learning foreign languages students-economists
Electronic document management in the professional activity of logistics
Training of students-philologists English emotionally-modal intonation using відеофонограми
«Blended learning» as a new approach to teaching business English
the Improvement of professional preparation of future teachers means of Internet services and GOOGLE services
Design model of the center of information technologies in teaching foreign languages
learning oral prepared monologue-belief English using the Internet resources
Accounting characteristics of cognitive sphere of students in the process of formation of foreign language grammar competence by means of multimedia
Use of e-learning tools for the professional training of future economists
Introduction of structural harmony systems in adult education
Teaching writing skills of students-philologists through interactive exercises
the Role of information technologies in adult education
methods of training vocationaloriented dialogical speech engineering students
Features of professional training in information technology specialists on the speciality «Economic Cybernetics»
the Essence of personal and professional paradigms teacher
the Way of acquaintance of the future teachers of the English language with паралінгвістичною component of communication with the help of відеофонограми
Project methodology of teaching the English language future programmers using information technology: a pilot study
the Organization of control of socio-cultural competence of the students during the extracurricular work of the practice of the English language
Method of the use of a system of computer exercises in the process of summarization of the English texts
Methodological support of the educational process in conditions of use of credit-modular system and information technologies in higher technical educational institution

Panorama of the formation of the psychological science of maladjusted children
Use of active psychological techniques for the development of management skills of students in the conditions of educational the process of the higher economic educational institution