2008 - N 2
Creating emotional-valuable relation to the management activity of the managers of the future of education
Dialogical context of national archetypes in the formation of the artistic culture of the future teachers
modular system of education in out-of-school pedagogy
the Formation of moral values of the future teachers
the Problems of formation national-cultural awareness in students
the Training of teachers of vocational schools in Ukraine: historical aspect
Folklore in the context of information and semiotic concepts of culture: methodological aspect
the Organization of self-educational activity of future teachers in the process of studying the course „Pedagogics”
Artistic traditions in is musical - aesthetic education of the younger students
Implementation of the principle of developing training in preparation of future teachers of music
the Organization of environmental education in higher educational institutions of Ukraine
the Problems of training of the future teachers of music to the concert and educational activities
creating a rateable-reflective independence of students in the conditions of the credit-modular system of education
Standard as a reflection of the relationship of vocational education with the socio-economic reality
the Development of creative abilities of teenagers by means of folk art in-school
educational institutions
update of герменевтичного approach in the training of students of the musical-pedagogical faculties
creating a cognitive style of the musician-performer in інтерпретаційному process
Creating value attitude to the nature of the contents of ecological education of students of secondary schools
personal Development of the child by means of art-aesthetic education
Preparing students for agricultural specialties professional communication in a foreign language environment
the Theoretical and methodological foundations for the professional training of music teachers in pedagogical universities
Creating content of discipline „of the Second foreign language” in the higher economic educational institution
creating a rhythmic-language-motor abilities of preschool children by means of the Ukrainian children's musical folklore
Principles and regularities of research of problems of development of adult education in Ukraine
Integrative approach to the study of mathematics and special disciplines in the training of technicians programmers in higher educational institutions of i-II levels of accreditation
the Problems of training of teachers to pedagogical creativity in the process of organization of self-education of students-graduates of secondary school
Ukrainian folk art in the formation of individual style of professional activity of a teacher of music
Professional preparation of future teachers for intercultural interaction of the subjects of the educational space
the Theoretical analysis of the problems of professional self-determination of youth
Rationale for the structural-functional model of the creative talents of the students of the higher technical educational institutions