N 1, 2013


Batechko N. H.

Strategy modernization of higher education in the context of globalization 

Dolynskyy̆ Ye. V.

Preparation informatychna future translators

Yehorova I. I.

Identity formation of dialogic thinking as one of the major developments MAN in Ukraine 

Zhyzhko О.A.

Problem illiteracy adult education and its professional training marginalized populations

Zadorozhna-Kniahnytska L.V.

Pedagogical heritage Hrehoriia Skovorody in the context of the study the history of pedagogy

Kozak L.V.

Application of design technology in training future teachers preschool pedagogy and psychology

Korotkova Yu. M.

Experience of greece in definition and analysis student communication needs at the conclusion of training programs in foreign language

Korchak Leanrda

The problem of unemployment in Poland: socio-economic impact 

Krasikova T. I.

Use of information technology in lectures in high school

Krupnyk Z. I.

The problem of homeless "street children" in Ukraine: social and pedagogical analysis

Lytvyn L.V.

Means of social adaptation of the child in the modern world: the German experience

Мoskalyk H. F.

Model professional training student under educational district: psychological and pedagogical aspects

Nakaznyy̆ M. O.

Mass sports activity integrated system of physical education students

Ovcharenko N.A.

Activity approach in the professional preparation of future teachers of musical art: theoretical aspects

Оstashevska N. P.

Fire away computer addiction among students

Reheilo I. Yu.

Speed training highly qualified specialists in domestic universities (XIX - XX centuries).

Riabovol L. T.

Formation of the national school system legal education: practical course jurisprudence

Serheieva O. S.

Lisbon Strategy improving education EU policy on adult education

Slipchuk V. L.

Background of forming and formation of pharmaceutical education in ukraine (second half of ХХ - beginning XXI century).

Tryhub I. I.

The essence and function of sociology of education

Fruktova Ya. S.

Training as a form of social and communicative competence of experts

Zubrytska-Makota I. V.

Features of anxiety and depressive states in health care workers

Lukiianchuk A. M.

Creating image professional "I" as system-nucleus professional identity of future teachers

Podolska T. A.

Role of trust in interpersonal communication