Yaroshenko Olga
ORCID iD 0000-0003-1555-0526
Doctor of Science (Pedagogy), Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Head of Department of Integration of Higher Education and Science, Institute of Higher Education of NAES of Ukraine, 9 Bastionna Str., 01014 Kiev, Ukraine
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In the article from the side of the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers the genesis of their researcher competence had been overviewed. This personal characteristic of the scientific and pedagogical staff has not static, but dynamic character, and its formation has a discrete character and appears in conditions of formal, non-formal and informal cases. The development of the researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff has been characterized as focused process. Inside of it, we can see the consecutive, but discrete appearance of the changes that can help to produce the following stages: propaedeutic, institutions, formation of productive development and creation of the scientific schools of the scientific and pedagogical staff. At the same time, the stagnation stage might exist – the research burnout. In details had been overviewed the meaning of each stage and at the end, the results had been recorded of the development researcher competence. The modern conditions of the development of researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff were highlighted, because of the Laws of Ukraine On Higher Education and On Education, the role of formal, non-formal, and informal education in the development of the researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff. There is a question about meaning of scientific education of the students as a start for the development researcher competence. The following perspective research is the research of interconnection carrier growth of the scientific and pedagogical staff and the level of the formation of his research competence, the development of the graded conditions of the results of development researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff.
Key words: development; formal, non-formal, informal education; level of the high education; researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff; scientific education; stages of the development of researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff.

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