Doctor of Science (Psychology), Professor, Professor of Department of Theoretical and Counselling Psychology, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 9 Pyrogova Str., 01601 Kyiv
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The article is devoted to the hierarchy of cultural value orientations of foreign students of higher education institutions of Ukraine. The psychological essence of the phenomenon of «cultural value orientations» is revealed. Cultural value orientations (or group-level cultural values) present the main ways for society to solve the basic problems of regulating one’s personality. Such methods are implemented in three-dimensional poles, in which different cultures differ from each other. The first dimension represents the essence of the interactions between a person and a group. The second dimension concerns the provision of socially responsible human behaviour. The third dimension is related to the regulation of the attitude of man to his natural and social environment. The organization and methods of empirical research are described. The peculiarities of the hierarchy of cultural value orientations of foreign students of higher education institutions have been empirically established in comparison with Ukrainian students. Foreign and domestic students gave the highest importance to the cultural value orientations of the «egalitarianism» pole, the smallest – the «hierarchy». The cultural value orientations of the poles «mastery / domination», «intellectual autonomy», «harmony», «embeddedness», «affective autonomy» received middle ranks from foreign and domestic students. However, foreign students gave low grades to the cultural values of all poles, compared to domestic students of higher education in Ukraine, which is statistically confirmed. The identified differences may be conditioned by the peculiarities of national and cultural conditions of life of foreign and domestic students before entering higher education institutions and the length of stay of foreign students in another national cultural environment.
Key words: cultural value orientations; foreign students; hierarchy; institutions of higher education; Ukrainian students.


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