PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Head at the Department of Language and Literature, Institute of In-Service Training, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 22-А, Pavlo Tychyna Avenue, Kyiv, 02152, Ukraine,
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Glazova Oleksandra
PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Department of Language and Literature, Institute of In-Service Training, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 22-А, Pavlo Tychyna Avenue, Kyiv, 02152, Ukraine
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The article covers the problem of organizing project activity of students of general secondary education institutions in the process of teaching neologisms. The perspective way of development of competently directed education is singled out. It is emphasized that project activity provides integration of different subject knowledge and skills with different types of activities, creating unique prerequisites for formation of key competences, defined by the concept of the New Ukrainian School. It is found out that project activity is the most optimal for studying vocabulary at school, including neologisms, their role and adaptation in the Ukrainian language. The criteria for defining the theme of the project are defined. The process of organizing students’ work on the educational project is described, the structure of the student’s activity during the project implementation is represented, in particular such components as the motivational component, determining the relevance of the problem for the project participants, the stage of activity planning, collective development of evaluation criteria, etc. are described. Emphasis is placed on the need to use information from different sources. It is emphasized that acquaintance of the students with the reasons and importance of continuous updating of the language with new words, peculiarities of using such words in the speech, takes place in the lesson with reference to a textbook, manuals, graphic teaching aids. The research-search project is close as possible to scientific research in its structure. It is distinguished as more expedient for assimilation of knowledge about neologisms. It is noted that project activity is used in the educational process as a form of active and productive learning, and therefore the issues of implementation of project activity of students and preparation of educators for its active implementation in general secondary education institutions require further study.
Key words: general secondary education; motivational component, neologisms; project technology; organization of project activity; stylistic norm; teaching methods of Ukrainian language.


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