- Issue 3-4 2019
- Shumigora Lyudmila
- Rakityanska Lyudmyla
- Govorukha Nataliya
- Pavliuk Yulia
- Yaroshenko Olga
- Cherepekhina Olha
- Batechko Nina, Dibrivna Emilia
- Pavliuk Roman, Kohut Iryna
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Skrypnyk Iryna, Zakharova Valeriia
- Olshanskyi Dmytro
- Strilets Valentyna
- Duschenko Olga
- Petrenko Natalya
- Drobotko Irina
- Protsenko Olena
- Moskaliuk Halyna
- Erkebaeva Saule
- Nalyvaiko Oleksii, Druganova Elena, Ivanenko Ludmila
- Dmytruk Liliia
- Dyka Natalia, Glazova Oleksandra
- Lukianchykov Maxym
- Shevchuk Julia
- Spivak Luibov
- Kostina Tetiana
- Shatiuk Tatiana, Novak Natalya
- All Pages
ORCID iD 0000-0003-3586-2754
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The article grounds the conceptual bases of formation of emotional intelligence of a teacher of musical art in the process of professional training. The emotional intelligence of a teacher of music is regarded as an integral, individual-personal and professionally significant quality, acting as a system-forming factor of professional activity. It is emphasized that the process of formation of this integral quality should be carried out in accordance with modern methodological guidelines, defined, in particular, by provisions of the Concept of development of pedagogical education and taking into account the complex influence of external (integration) and internal (innovative) tendencies of development of the higher education system.
This article shows tendencies of development of art professional education and its component – music-pedagogical education, awareness of which contributes to the entry of this field of higher education into the world cultural and educational space. The innovative context of the artistic educational space is considered as a reserve for improving the professional training of future teachers of music, in particular, the formation of their emotional intelligence. It is concluded that the dynamic and unstable development of modern society requires from the teacher not only a high level of education, competence, innovation, but also possession of socially oriented skills, in particular, emotional intelligence, which will provide him with rapid adaptation to society, demand, success in professional activity. The substantiation of the basic provisions of the author’s Concept outlines the purpose, tasks, guiding principles and organizational and methodological conditions that highlight the innovative approach to the selection of content, methods, forms and means of formation of the emotional intelligence of future teachers of music in the process of professional training.
Key words: concept of formation; emotional intelligence; teacher of music.
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