- Issue 3-4 2019
- Shumigora Lyudmila
- Rakityanska Lyudmyla
- Govorukha Nataliya
- Pavliuk Yulia
- Yaroshenko Olga
- Cherepekhina Olha
- Batechko Nina, Dibrivna Emilia
- Pavliuk Roman, Kohut Iryna
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Skrypnyk Iryna, Zakharova Valeriia
- Olshanskyi Dmytro
- Strilets Valentyna
- Duschenko Olga
- Petrenko Natalya
- Drobotko Irina
- Protsenko Olena
- Moskaliuk Halyna
- Erkebaeva Saule
- Nalyvaiko Oleksii, Druganova Elena, Ivanenko Ludmila
- Dmytruk Liliia
- Dyka Natalia, Glazova Oleksandra
- Lukianchykov Maxym
- Shevchuk Julia
- Spivak Luibov
- Kostina Tetiana
- Shatiuk Tatiana, Novak Natalya
- All Pages
The article is devoted to the problem of improving the professional training of future psychologists in the context of European integration, which is focused on improving the quality of education and increasing the competitiveness of university graduates. The professional training of a practical psychologist in the context of European integration is aimed at becoming a highly qualified specialist, mobile, active, ready for professional and personal continuous development. As a result of studying at modern universities, future psychologists will acquire the necessary knowledge and master the skills of self-education, which they can use throughout their lives. The peculiarities of the content of training of practical psychologists are determined by the characteristics of their activity, which implies mastery of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and readiness for their practical application in the field of activity of the psychologist. An important aspect of this problem is the definition of pedagogical conditions for the professional training of future psychologists, ensuring its success. Among the pedagogical conditions of future specialists ‘professional training are the following: use of a personality-oriented approach to students’ education, creation of favourable conditions for enhancing their motivation for mastering professional knowledge and skills, development of personal and creative potential; improvement of teaching methods of professional disciplines; practically-oriented content of training and mastering the necessary knowledge and skills that can be immediately applied in professional activities; use of interactive teaching methods (social-psychological trainings, psychotechnical methods, computer technologies of providing information); involvement of students to active work on the basis of mastering professional knowledge and skills during practical seminars, trainings, and practices.
Key words: Bologna process; content of education; European integration; future psychologist; higher education; methodology of teaching professional disciplines; pedagogical conditions; practical direction; professional training.
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