- Issue 3-4 2019
- Shumigora Lyudmila
- Rakityanska Lyudmyla
- Govorukha Nataliya
- Pavliuk Yulia
- Yaroshenko Olga
- Cherepekhina Olha
- Batechko Nina, Dibrivna Emilia
- Pavliuk Roman, Kohut Iryna
- Kulbashna Yaroslava, Skrypnyk Iryna, Zakharova Valeriia
- Olshanskyi Dmytro
- Strilets Valentyna
- Duschenko Olga
- Petrenko Natalya
- Drobotko Irina
- Protsenko Olena
- Moskaliuk Halyna
- Erkebaeva Saule
- Nalyvaiko Oleksii, Druganova Elena, Ivanenko Ludmila
- Dmytruk Liliia
- Dyka Natalia, Glazova Oleksandra
- Lukianchykov Maxym
- Shevchuk Julia
- Spivak Luibov
- Kostina Tetiana
- Shatiuk Tatiana, Novak Natalya
- All Pages
ISSN 2078-1687
e-ISSN 2412-0154
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The article is devoted to modelling as a method of studying the educational environment of university as a process of creating an imaginary system of educational environment, which makes it possible to study the psycho-pedagogical laws. The university’s educational environment is defined as a multi-faceted structure that purposefully and spontaneously influences the professional and personal development of the future specialist, ensuring his / her readiness for professional activity and / or continuation of training, successful self-realization in the process of life activity. The educational environment is a set of material factors of the educational process and interpersonal relationships that establish the subjects of education in pedagogical interaction. The educational environment is a multilevel multicultural entity that is individual to each student; the environment of constructing one’s self, which provides the creation of favorable conditions for actualization of the inner world of the individual, his personal growth, self-realization, the formation of self-consciousness. The essential component of the educational environment is defined by the set of conditions (opportunities) and resources (material, financial, personal, technological, organizational, reputational) for the education of the individual, which are formed in the institution of higher education. The author emphasizes on the main features of the modern university’s educational environment in an open society: flexibility; community and communication; eventfulness; configurability; cultural conformity; spherical; openness, capacity for development and self-development; systematic, organization and structure; sociality; display. Prospects for further research are to investigate the impact of the higher education institution’s educational environment on the personal and professional development of each participant in the educational process.
Key words: educational environment; modelling; pedagogical interaction; subjects of the educational process; university.
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ORCID iD 0000-0003-3586-2754
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The article grounds the conceptual bases of formation of emotional intelligence of a teacher of musical art in the process of professional training. The emotional intelligence of a teacher of music is regarded as an integral, individual-personal and professionally significant quality, acting as a system-forming factor of professional activity. It is emphasized that the process of formation of this integral quality should be carried out in accordance with modern methodological guidelines, defined, in particular, by provisions of the Concept of development of pedagogical education and taking into account the complex influence of external (integration) and internal (innovative) tendencies of development of the higher education system.
This article shows tendencies of development of art professional education and its component – music-pedagogical education, awareness of which contributes to the entry of this field of higher education into the world cultural and educational space. The innovative context of the artistic educational space is considered as a reserve for improving the professional training of future teachers of music, in particular, the formation of their emotional intelligence. It is concluded that the dynamic and unstable development of modern society requires from the teacher not only a high level of education, competence, innovation, but also possession of socially oriented skills, in particular, emotional intelligence, which will provide him with rapid adaptation to society, demand, success in professional activity. The substantiation of the basic provisions of the author’s Concept outlines the purpose, tasks, guiding principles and organizational and methodological conditions that highlight the innovative approach to the selection of content, methods, forms and means of formation of the emotional intelligence of future teachers of music in the process of professional training.
Key words: concept of formation; emotional intelligence; teacher of music.
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ORCID iD 0000-0001-8853-2439
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https://doi.org/10.28925/2078-1687.2019.3-4.2430The article discusses the multiple possibilities of volunteering in Ukrainian society today, the need for its active presence in various spheres of life, in different strata of society. The main content of the study is an analysis of state of volunteering, as a type of a platform for promoting changes in problematic areas of life. Volunteer groups (units) are often the initiators of changes, also carriers and conductors of noticeable improvements on different levels, including personal, of an organization, community’s, governmental and international. The author presents the core life values as the basis of volunteering, as well as the fundamental principles of it and its main motivation. Thankfully to volunteer movement`s activists, volunteer activity in Ukraine improves every year and, and currently is supported by the law, is growing, expanding and becoming more diverse. In this paper, the author focuses on the necessity of tight active cooperation of all the participants of volunteer activity, where essential are: a volunteer and a beneficiary, and for better process and results of volunteering are: an engaging organization, the government and a benefactor. With active involvement of all five mentioned sectors the further development and spreading of volunteering is expected. The teambuilding process inevitably occurs, especially when there are clear and unifying goals presented. Willingness and non-profitable nature of volunteering is described in the article, as well as the the multiplicity of volunteer projects and actions, and therefore the importance of its further structuring, development and expansion in all the regions of the country, as well as throughout the world.
Key words: volunteering; volunteer activity; volunteer movement; social transformations; core life values.
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ORCID iD 0000-0003-2633-3762
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The age characteristics of preschoolers, in particular, the sensitivity of their development, are described. The contradictions concerning the formation of evaluation and control actions in preschool children are singled out. The purpose of our work is formulated – on the basis of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the empirical experience of upbringing preschoolers to find out the peculiarities of the formation of appraisal and control actions of preschoolers in the process of gaming activity. Differentiated concept: «action», «evaluative action», «control action», «skill», «assessment», «evaluation and control action». It is indicated that the problem of the formation of evaluation and control activities largely depends on the development of self-esteem and self-control in preschool children. The evaluation benchmark is defined as a criterion of evaluative activity, which is closely related to the assessment. The functions of the influence of assessments on the personality of the child are singled out: the approximate, influencing the mental work, contributes to the awareness of the process of this work and stimulatory, which affects the «affective-volitional sphere» due to the experience of success or failure. The essence of the pedagogical assessment and the conditions in which it has a positive impact on the pupils. It is established that the assessment is related to the assessment and control actions that pre-schoolers need to master. The definition of the essence of the formation of evaluation and control actions is formulated. The presence of factors influencing the formation of evaluation and control actions (self-esteem and self-control) is argued. The most effective methods of forming the actions of self-control are singled out: comparison of the made with the visual sample, comparison of the answer with the auditory sample, comparison with the internal sample, comparison with the generalized internal model.
The stages of development of self-esteem and mutual assessment in pre-school children according to their age are determined and the main aspects of the manifestation of their formation are characterized.
Key words: estimation; evaluation and control action; evaluation standard; preschool age; formation of evaluation and control actions.
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ORCID iD 0000-0003-1555-0526
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In the article from the side of the professional development of scientific and pedagogical workers the genesis of their researcher competence had been overviewed. This personal characteristic of the scientific and pedagogical staff has not static, but dynamic character, and its formation has a discrete character and appears in conditions of formal, non-formal and informal cases. The development of the researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff has been characterized as focused process. Inside of it, we can see the consecutive, but discrete appearance of the changes that can help to produce the following stages: propaedeutic, institutions, formation of productive development and creation of the scientific schools of the scientific and pedagogical staff. At the same time, the stagnation stage might exist – the research burnout. In details had been overviewed the meaning of each stage and at the end, the results had been recorded of the development researcher competence. The modern conditions of the development of researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff were highlighted, because of the Laws of Ukraine On Higher Education and On Education, the role of formal, non-formal, and informal education in the development of the researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff. There is a question about meaning of scientific education of the students as a start for the development researcher competence. The following perspective research is the research of interconnection carrier growth of the scientific and pedagogical staff and the level of the formation of his research competence, the development of the graded conditions of the results of development researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff.
Key words: development; formal, non-formal, informal education; level of the high education; researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff; scientific education; stages of the development of researcher competence of the scientific and pedagogical staff.
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ORCID iD 0000-0001-6970-1217
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The article studies the relevance of research of pedagogical competence of the future teacher of psychology in higher education in the context of professional component of the psychologist. The scientific approaches to the definition of the term «professionalism of the teacher of higher education» are analyzed. The activity approach is associated with the highest levels of excellence in the work, achieved in the arts and skill in professional activity. Personal approach focuses on the systematic organization of consciousness and human psyche, which includes the properties of the person as a whole; skills, skills, motor skills, cognitive processes, actions, awareness, knowledge, experience and culture of a professional, his emotional world. The third approach to defining the essence of professionalism is manifested in the combination of activities and personal principles, when professionalism is viewed in the dialectical unity of manifestations of activity and personality and, accordingly, is defined by the concepts of «professionalism of activity» and «professionalism of personality». The issue of pedagogical competence of the psychology teacher in the acmeological approach, which is considered at different levels: general, special and individual, has been updated. The essence of teacher’s pedagogical competence as a component of his professionalism is revealed. In the structure of pedagogical competence of the teacher we distinguish general professional (psycho-pedagogical, research and pedagogical management) and key competences (social, general cultural, health-saving, civil, informational).
The prospects for further research are to develop and introduce into the educational process the pedagogical conditions for the development of pedagogical competence of a future teacher of higher education psychology.
Key words: acmeological approach; pedagogical competence; pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology; pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology as a component of professionalism.
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ORCID iD 0000-0002-3772-4489
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ORCID iD 0000-0001-5513-9737
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The article deals with the main trends of formation of students’ mathematical competence in modern conditions of Ukraine’s entry into the European educational space. The competency-based approach has been considered as a methodological basis of the process of formation of mathematical competence. The Framework Program for updated core competencies of 2018 has been reviewed, and a comparative analysis of the core competencies of the European Union in 2006 and 2018 has been carried out. The importance of forming the mathematical competence of future specialists in solving professional problems in their future professional activities has been emphasized. The changes that the interpretation of mathematical competence has undergone in the updated core competencies of the European Union have been pointed out. The definitional analysis of the concept of «mathematical competence» used in domestic pedagogical theory has been carried out. The advantages of some approaches in the best European practices in the formation of mathematical competence have been stressed. Attention has been drawn to the peculiarities of adapting the process of forming mathematical competence of Ukrainian students to the best European practices as well as arising contradictions and problems. It has been proved that the formation of students’ mathematical competence contributed to the formation of the innovative economy of the state as a whole, as it contributes to the solution of professional problems by future specialists. It has been proved that taking into account the mathematical competence as a key one will contribute to the formation of professional competencies of future specialists. On the other hand, taking into account the mathematical competence as a key one will help to improve the curriculum of mathematical disciplines. The proposed research can serve as a methodological basis for constructing components of students’ mathematical competence.
Key words: European educational space; key competencies; mathematical competence.
Dumanska, T. V. (2018). Formuvannya matematichnih kompetentnostej bakalavriv ekonomichnih specialnostej u procesi navchannya vishoyi matematiki [Formation of mathematical competencies in bachelors majoring in economics while teaching them higher mathematics.]: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).
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ORCID iD 0000-0002-8957-6158
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ORCID iD 0000-0002-0856-7074
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The article presents modern means of scientific communication in forming research competence of the future psychologist. Based on the study of modern research approaches to the development of scientific communication, the use of scientific communication in the process of forming the research competence of the future psychologist is presented. On the basis of theoretical study of the material, the research of the development of scientific communication of future applicants of the second (Master’s) level of higher education in the process of the project assignment in the discipline «Professional foreign language communication» is presented. The peculiarities of the formation of research competence and usage of scientific communication by future psychologists are determined. The study of the ability to use scientific communication was performed by the following indicators: 1) the ability to justify the purpose of the research problem, 2) the ability to describe the stages of solving the scientific problem, 3) understanding of research data (digital and visual), 4) ability to substantiate findings from scientific research, 5) ability to present the results of the study, logically justify them. In addition to examining the ability to use scientific communication during project presentation, each student was asked a questionnaire with questions designed to assess his or her personal ability to use scientific communication during project preparation and presentation. As a result of our research, it was determined that future psychologists have no significant experience in scientific communication, in particular in the process of presentation and discussion of scientific research. On the other hand, working in the course of your own research as a form of scientific communication does not cause such extraordinary difficulties for future psychologists.
Key words: means of scientific communication; project activity; research competence; scientific communication.
Pavliuk, R. A. (2017). Sovremennye internet-metody nauchnoj i nauchno-issledovatelskoj deyatelnosti [Modern Internet methods of scientific and research activities]. News of the Gomel State University named after F. Skorina, 2 (101), 35–39 (rus).
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Ates, O., & Eryilmaz, A. (2011). Effectiveness of hands-on and minds-on activities on students’ achievement and attitudes towards physics. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 12 (1), 1–22 (eng).
Aysha, D., Mason, S. (2016). A programme-wide training framework to facilitate scientific communication skills development amongst biological sciences master’s students. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40 (4), 543–567. DOI: 10.1080/0309877X.2014.1000276 (eng).
D’Souza, B. (2019). Scientific communication in the 21st century: Tweeting, Facebook Likes, and everything in-between. Science editing, 6 (1), 64–68 (eng).
Hanel, Р. H. P., Mehler, D. M. A. (2019). Beyond reporting statistical significance: Identifying informative effect sizes to improve scientific communication. Public understanding of science, 28 (4), 468–485. DOI: 10.1177/0963662519834193 (eng).
Kobylarek, A. (2017). Scientific communication. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 8 (2), 5–8. DOI: 10.15503/jecs20172.5.8 (eng).
Nielsen L. H., Jørgensen N. T., Jantzen K. & Bjerg S. (2006). Credibility of Science Communication. An Exploratory Study of Press Releases in Astronomy. Roskilde, Denmark: Roskilde University (eng).
Rodriguez-Bravo, B., Nicholas, D. (2019). Reputation and scientific communication: Early career researchers in Spain. Profesional de la informacion, 28 (2). DOI: 10.3145/epi.2019.mar.03 (eng).
ORCID iD 0000-0002-2571-091X
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Zakharova Valeriia
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The article deals with the importance of a portfolio for future dentists’ praxeological competence formation in the way it can help assess objectively results accomplished in educational process. The definition of «portfolio» was provided and its structural components were established. They include a motivation letter, where the future dentist determines his/her own conception of education, goals, tasks of vocational training for each term of training on the basis of the Education sectorial standard, educational syllabus; a diary with the fixation of practical elements of preparation, and self-assessment of the achieved result; research work that contains presentations, abstracts, texts of speech at conferences, congresses, workshops, etc.; resume; glossary. These components demonstrate the dynamics of praxeological competence formation from the aim of professional training towards the level of its achievement. The importance of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation was substantiated for performing professional activity in international environment. The article sets out the criteria for determining the level of future dentists’ praxeological competence formation which include the availability of systematic training and special skills, integration of knowledge from different subjects; the ability to find, analyze and use information to solve professional problems; the ability to choose the best forms and methods of activity, identify drawbacks and resolve conflicts in working process; the ability to study, analyze, summarize and use the latest experience in the field of professional activity; the ability to design models of professional activity, anticipate and take into account possible obstacles.
Key words: competency-based approach; glossary; portfolio; praxological competence; research work; resume.
Voronenko, Yu. V., Mincer, O. P. (2017). Logika vykorystannya portfolio v zabezpechenni yakosti pislyadyplomnoyi medychnoyi osvity ta bezperervnogo profesijnogo rozvytku likarya [Logic in portfolio application in providing postgraduate quality of medical education and doctor’s professional self-development]. Medychna informatyka ta inzheneriya, 3, 5–13. Retrieved from http://nbuv.gov. ua/UJRN/ (ukr).
Dobrovolska, A. M. (2017). Metod portfolio yak zasib realizaciyi IT–kompetentnosti majbutnix faxivciv [Portfolio method as a mean of professional IT competence realization]. Suchasni pidkhody do vyshhoyi medychnoyi osvity v Ukrayini. Materialy XIV Vseukrayinskoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferenciyi z mizhnarodnoyu uchastyu, prysvyachenoyi 60-richchyu TDMU, 18–19 travnya 2017 r. Ternopil, Ukraine: TDMU imeni I. Ya. Gorbachevskogo (ukr).
Zhytyenova, N. V. (2017). Elektronne portfolio yak instrument samoprezentaciyi majbutnogo faxivcya [E-portfolio as a tool of self-presentation of the future specialist]. Vidkryte osvitnye e-seredovyshhe suchasnogo universytetu, 3. DOI: https://doi.org/10.28925/2414-0325.2017.3.21219 (ukr).
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Kulbashna, Ya. A. (2014). Formuvannya profesijnoyi kompetentnosti majbutnix fakhivciv iz stomatologogiyi: teoretychni j metodychni osnovy [Future dentists’ professional competence formation: theoretical and methodological basis]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Kompas (ukr).
Kulbashna, Ya. A. (2013). Prakseologichna pidgotovka studentiv ta yiyi rol u formuvanni profesijnoyi kompetentnosti majbutnikh stomatologiv [Praxiological training of students and its role in future dentists’ professional competence formation]. Vyshha osvita Ukrayiny, 3 (50), 117–120 (ukr).
Kulbashna, Ya. A., Astapenko, O. O. (2016). Pedagogichne ocinyuvannya u pidgotovci kompetentnogo likarya v Ukrayini: problemy zastosuvannya i perspektyvy vyrishennya [Pedagogical assessment in training of a competent doctor in Ukraine: problems of application and prospects for solution]. Oświatologia, 5, 173–179. DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.173179 (ukr).
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Mincer, O. P., Suxanova, O. O., Verner, O. M. (2019). Logika vidobrazhennya systemy dovirenoyi profesijnoyi aktyvnosti u port folio likarya [Logic of displaying the system of trusted professional activity in the doctor’s portfolio]. Innovaciyi u vyshhyj medychnij ta farmacevtychnij osviti Ukrayini: Materialy XVI Vseukrayinskoyi naukovo-prakty`chnoyi konferenciyi z mizhnarodnoyu uchastyu, 16– 17 travnya 2019 r. Ternopil, Ukraine: TDMU imeni I. Ya. Gorbachevskogo (ukr).
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Gadbury-Amyot, C. C., NcCracen, M. S., Woldt, J. L., Brennan, R. L. (2014). Validity and Reliability of Portfolio Assessment of Student Competence in Two Dental School Populations: A Four-Year Study. Journal of Dental Education, 78, 657–658. Retrieved from https://coggle.it/diagram/ WfCrakklQgABCf8R/t/assessments (eng).
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Kenneth, C. A. (2019). The Portfolio Assessment Method. Retrieved from https://hubpages.com/ education/The-Portfolio-Assessment-Method (eng).
Kulbashna, Y., Zakharova, V. (2017). Methodology of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation on the base of Cambridge methods of English language teaching. Modern higher education review, 2, 65–73. DOI: https://doi.org/10.28925/2518-7635.2017.2.6 (eng).
Online Etymology Dictionary. URL: https://www.etymonline.com/ (eng).
Webb, C., Endacott, R., Gray, M. A., Jasper, M. A., McMullan, M., Scholes, J. Evaluating portfolio assessment systems: what are the appropriate criteria? (2003). Nurse Education Today, 23 (8), 600– 609. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14554114 (eng).
ORCID iD 0000-0003-2482-4453
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The article deals with the process of teaching English to the future specialists in media communication. The author defines the requirements for the content of the English language teaching aimed at this category of students with regard to the analysis of current documents regulating the process of foreign language teaching and the results of modern research into the theory and methods of teaching foreign languages and professional education in general. In order to achieve the main objectives set in the article the main principles and recommendations of the following documents were analyzed and taken into account, namely, Common European framework of references for languages, National Curriculum for Universities for English for specific purposes, the Syllabus for English for Special purposes for Journalism (Bachelor degree, Master degree) etc., the main objects of the analysis being the aims of teaching, levels of performance, principles of teaching, the set of competences that need to be developed, content organization both for a Bachelor and a Master programme. All these target parameters were specified in terms of teaching ESP as part of the professional training of specialists in media communications. The author gives recommendations about the use of CLIL approach according to which the language must be taught alongside with special professional disciplines following the same order of topics. Nevertheless, this approach will prove to be appropriate and efficient provided that there are certain organizational conditions and it is recommended that it should be used for teaching separate themes or modules. One of the key ideas suggested in the article with a view of teaching ESP to media communication students is the use of Cambridge international standardized examinations such as FCE and CAE as a basis for building the English language syllabus in which general English themes will be complemented by the ESP topics and materials.
Key words: communication topics; English for Special Purposes; objectives of teaching; professional language competence; specialist in media communication.
Gulai, O. I. (2009). Kompetentnisnij pidhid yak osnova novoyi paradigmi osviti [Competence approach as a basis for a new education paradigm]. Pedagogichni nauki, 4, 45–51 (ukr).
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Teaching contracted scientific and technical translation is an indispensable component of prospective translators’ training. The article analyzes the definitions of different subtypes of contracted translation and concretizes those which have been studied in academic papers and which are the most relevant for real life job related situations of technical translators’ professional activity, namely: fragmentary, summary and abstract subtypes of translation. The typology of fragmentary translation is considered against such criteria as the number of sources, languages, style and authorship; stages of appropriate teaching are described. The procedure of teaching summary and abstract translation is presented through two models: the four-stage one implying making up a summary / abstract in the source language and the two-step one focused on creating it in the target language. The comparative analysis of full and contracted translation has shown that teaching contracted translation implies acquiring and forming both specific knowledge, sub-skills and skills and relying on those which have already been acquired and formed in the process of teaching full translation and within other philology related subjects. The role and place of contracted scientific and technical translation in the system of prospective translators’ training is determined as well as the optimal sequence of teaching translation types and subtypes based on the source text content conveyance (full → fragmentary → summary → abstract) is suggested. The development of appropriate subsystems of exercises is outlined as prospect of further research.
Key words: abstract translation; contracted scientific and technical translation; fragmentary translation; prospective Bachelors of Philology; stages of teaching; summary translation.
Borinos, O. A. (2012). Sravnitel’naya kharakteristika sokrashhennogo perevoda, referirovaniya i annotirovaniya v kontekste obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku studentov ehkonomicheskix fakul’tetov neyazykovyx vuzov [The comparative analysis of the contracted, reviewing and annotative types of translation in the process of foreign language teaching aimed at students of economic faculties in non-linguistic higher educational institutions]. Nauka i shkola, 4, 92–95 (rus).
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Nesterova, N. M. (2011). Referativnyj perevod: problema smyslovogo svertyvanija i semanticheskoj adekvatnosti [Summary translation: the problem of compression and semantic faithfulness]. Vestnik Cheljabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 25 (240), Filologija. Iskusstvovedenie, 58, 112–118 (rus).
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Serova, T. S. (2014). Nauchno-tehnicheskij fragmentarnyj problemno obuslovlennyj perevod i obuchenie emu budushhih perevodchikov [Technical scientific fragmentary problematically conditioned translation in the process of future translators’ training]. Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii, 8, 274–277 (rus).
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Korol, T. G. (2018). Annotative Translation as the Outset of Future Philologists’ Training. Іmіdzh suchasnogo pedagoga, 2 (179), 42–45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.33272/2522-9729-2018-2(179)-42-45 (eng).
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Only during practice students have an opportunity to see how will be their future profession, faced with problems that can to arise. Yes, during the educational (computer) practice students faced with computer technology, information and communication technologies, study the peculiarities of working with technologies and possible options for their use to solve professional problems. Without the use of this technology technology teacher would not be able to perform their professional duties. The article covers the concept of «practice». The sequence is described passing of practical training by future teachers of informatics. Educational (computer) practice is defined as activity aimed at application and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities in educational institutions; practice is the first practice that future teachers of informatics are going through on the first year, so this practice it’s the start of the future professional activities. The peculiarities of the educational (computer) practice future teachers of informatics are analyzed. The purpose, tasks of practice, knowledge, skills, the skills that are the basis for the practice, the expected results passing the practice, the competencies that must be formed in students during practice, practice bases, tasks performed by students during practice. Some results of (computer) practice are presented. It is described that during the practice of future teachers of informatics is studying the components of the computer, learn to collect and set up computer technology, identify and solve malfunctions the work of personal computers and peripherals, configuring computer network, study service programs, analyze the operating system and applications, install the operating system and applications programs, create video clips, multimedia presentations about the performed work.
Key words: training of future teachers of informatics; practice; practical training; types of practice; educational (computer) practice.
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Pidhorna, T. V., Topolia, L. V. (2016). Pedahohichna propedevtychna praktyka maibutnikh uchyteliv informatyky [Pedagogical propaedeutic practice of future teachers of computer science]. Naukovi zapiski Nacionalnogo pedagogichnogo universitetu imeni M. P. Dragomanova. Seriya: Pedagogichni nauki: zbirnik naukovih statej, 129, 174–180 (ukr).
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https://doi.org/10.28925/2078-1687.2019.3-4.96102In the following article the concept of «methodical work» is considered as: purposeful activity of higher education institution on providing psychological, pedagogical and methodical training of scientific and pedagogical workers; special and important link in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education. The system of methodical work of the agrarian university is considered as a three-level system, which provides the development of pedagogical competence of scientific-pedagogical workers of physical education and strengthens the health-saving component of their professional-pedagogical activity. All levels of methodical work in the agrarian university (university, faculty, department) are connected with each other in terms of content and organization and contribute to improving the quality of professional activities of scientific and pedagogical staff of the university. Measures, implemented at the university level, are focused to develop the professional competence of all scientific and pedagogical staff of the university without taking into account the specifics of their activities. These measures cover general issues of higher education development and quality assurance, as well as issues related to the specifics of agrarian education, environmental problems and health of Ukraine. At the faculty level, scientific and methodical activities are carried out, taking into account the specifics of the contingent of higher education applicants, whose training is carried out at the faculty, as well as the specifics of the faculty departments. The chair level is a central link in the development of pedagogical competence of scientific-pedagogical staff, including scientific-pedagogical staff of physical education, as the department aims to ensure the quality of professional activities of scientific-pedagogical staff, their motivation for self-development and self-improvement.
Key words: educational process at an agrarian university; healthy lifestyle; methodical work; pedagogical competence; pedagogical competence of the teacher of physical education; physical education; teacher of physical education.
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The article is devoted to the problem of improving the professional training of future psychologists in the context of European integration, which is focused on improving the quality of education and increasing the competitiveness of university graduates. The professional training of a practical psychologist in the context of European integration is aimed at becoming a highly qualified specialist, mobile, active, ready for professional and personal continuous development. As a result of studying at modern universities, future psychologists will acquire the necessary knowledge and master the skills of self-education, which they can use throughout their lives. The peculiarities of the content of training of practical psychologists are determined by the characteristics of their activity, which implies mastery of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and readiness for their practical application in the field of activity of the psychologist. An important aspect of this problem is the definition of pedagogical conditions for the professional training of future psychologists, ensuring its success. Among the pedagogical conditions of future specialists ‘professional training are the following: use of a personality-oriented approach to students’ education, creation of favourable conditions for enhancing their motivation for mastering professional knowledge and skills, development of personal and creative potential; improvement of teaching methods of professional disciplines; practically-oriented content of training and mastering the necessary knowledge and skills that can be immediately applied in professional activities; use of interactive teaching methods (social-psychological trainings, psychotechnical methods, computer technologies of providing information); involvement of students to active work on the basis of mastering professional knowledge and skills during practical seminars, trainings, and practices.
Key words: Bologna process; content of education; European integration; future psychologist; higher education; methodology of teaching professional disciplines; pedagogical conditions; practical direction; professional training.
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Jaraja, T. A. (2012). Analiz navchaljnykh proghram profesijno-orijentovanykh dyscyplin pidghotovky majbutnikh praktychnykh psykhologhiv [Analysis of training programs of professionally oriented training courses for future practical psychologists]. Modern information technologies and innovative teaching methods in training specialists: methodology, theory, experience, problems, 31, 517–521 (ukr).
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The article analyzes the training of PhDs in the Greek Republic in the context of updating the legislative framework of the country. The regulatory framework of the Greek Republic training of PhD is analyzed.The main types of doctoral programs implemented by Greek universities are identified (traditional programs, programs with long term studies, distance doctoral programs). Requirements for applicants upon doctoral programs (diploma on education at the second (master’s) level), knowledge of a foreign language, the feasibil-ity justification of the chosen research conducting, etc.) are characterized. The analysis of the dissertation research stages (selection of applicants for training; conducting and designing the study; defense of the thesis) was carried out and the organizational conditions for ensuring the quality of the research at the universities of the Greek Republic (appointment of the head of the dissertation research from among professors or associ-ate professors of the university; establishment of a Consultative Commission that performs advisory and supervisory functions throughout the period of writing the doctoral dissertation; appointing a 7-member Attestation Committee to defend the dissertation, etc.) were determined. The experience of training of the PhD at the University of Jannin, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greek Open University is analyzed. It is concluded that the training system of the PhD in Greece provides an opportunity to preserve national identity and traditions and to enrich the system of training of the PhD by the experience of foreign countries in this field. The prospect of further research is to study the quality assurance system of PhD training at universities in the Greek Republic.
Key words: Greek Republic; doctoral programme; quality of scientific research; training of PhD.
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Τροποποίηση της αριθμ. 11363/9-3-2019 (ΦΕΚ 1155/τ.Β΄/29-3-2018) απόφασης της Συγκλήτου του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων «Έγκριση του Κανονισμού Διδακτορικών Σπουδών του Παιδαγωγικού Τμήματος Δημοτικής Εκπαίδευσης της Σχολής Επιστημών Αγωγής του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων».
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In the article is determined the necessity of the renewal of demands to the education of the future teachers of the primary school-teaching based on the reforms of the secondary education. The special points in the system of the special education of the future teachers is occupied by the course of the modern Ukrainian language with the practice. The main role in the modern problem of the formation of the communicative competition of students is occupied by the pedagogical colleges because they are aimed to the practical realization of the postulates of the new Ukrainian school conception that is based on the necessity to realize the full and the partial integration of different levels by means of the combination of their components. The language as the instrument of the education should be the basis for the learning of other disciplines of the educational and the professional programmes of the educational of the bachelor that is the platform for the improvement of the communication competency of the students. In the article is explained the necessity to realize the integral way in the programme and the methodical equipment of the education of the modern Ukrainian language in pedagogical colleges. It is analyzed the historical aspect of the investigated problem in programmes and exercise-books in the Ukrainian language from the 30-ies of the XXth century. It is proved that the profit was aimed to the grammar and writing in the education of the Ukrainian language in all this period in the pedagogical educational establishments and the development of the communicative abilities of students, the inter-subject relations and integrations have been not investigated. On the basis of the educational and the professional programme the primary education of the education of the specialist of the Berislav pedagogical college named after V. F. Benkovskiy is shown that the teacher should develop the programme and the methodological equipment based on the material of other disciplines, being regulated by the principle of the calendar planning of tasks. It is proved that the integral way to the education is effective in the understanding by students’ principles based into conception of the new Ukrainian school and the profitable realization of the aim of the legal documents.
Key words: communicative competence; integral way; inter-subject integration; the modern Ukrainian language; pedagogical college.
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The article is devoted to the problem of formation of communicative abilities of preschoolers. It dis-cusses the specific forms and methods of development of communicative abilities of children at preschool age during educational process at preschool, taking into account the patterns of mental and personality development of children of this age. Senior pre-school age is a kind of stepping stone child in the school that determines the need for development of communicative abilities.
Key words: communication skills; forms and methods of development of communicative abilities; pedagogical situation; preschool children; preschool educational institution.
Volkov, B. S., Volkova, N. V. (2008). Psihologiya obsheniya v detskom vozraste [Psychology of communication in childhood]. Saint Petersburg, Russia: Piter (rus).
Dorokhova, T. S., Kudryavtseva, E. O. (2013). Socialno-pedagogicheskaya deyatelnost s detmi s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorovya v doshkolnom obrazovatelnom uchrezhdenii [Social and pedagogical activity with children with disabilities in preschool educational institution]. Bulletin of social and humanitarian education and science, 2, 37–42 (rus).
Koroleva, S. V. (2014). Modelirovanie processa upravleniya kachestvom v doshkolnoj obrazovatelnoj organizacii [Modeling of quality management process in preschool educational organization]. Pedagogical education in Russia, 1, 31–35 (rus).
Ob utverzhdenii Tipovyh uchebnyh programm doshkolnogo vospitaniya i obucheniya. Prikaz i.o. Ministra obrazovaniya i nauki Respubliki Kazahstan ot 12 avgusta 2016 goda № 499 [The standard curriculum of preschool education and training approved by the order of the acting Minister of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 12, 2016 No. 499 «On approval of the standard curriculum of preschool education and training»]. Retrieved from https://zakon.uchet.kz/rus/docs/ V1600014235 (rus).
Bodalev, A. A. (Ed.) (2017). Psihologiya obsheniya. Enciklopedicheskij slovar [Communication psychology. Encyclopedic dictionary]. Moscow, Russia: Kogito-Center (rus).
Chernetskaya, L. V. (2005). Razvitie kommunikativnyh sposobnostej u doshkolnikov [Development of communicative abilities in preschoolers]. Rostov-na-Donu, Russia: Phoenix (rus).
Sheryazdanova, H. T. (1992). Uchite detej obsheniyu [Teach your children to communicate]. Almaty, Kazakhstan: Rauan (rus).
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The article discusses the problem of application of workshop technology in the educational process of the institution of higher education. Analyzed the features of modern applicants for education at the university and the influence of these features on the transformation of the educational process. The concept of definition «workshop» is analyzed by domestic and foreign scientists in the article. The technology of the workshop is considered and the features of its implementation are highlighted. Summarized the results of introducing the workshop to the student audience of a classical university. It was determined that the workshop contributes to the development of professional competencies and leadership qualities of students; allows to learn alternative thinking models in a short time, get skills that allow to think more freely and creatively; strengthens the «team spirit», creates an atmosphere of trust in interpersonal ties, a sense of satisfaction from the work done; develops creativity of students. Highlighted the risks of introducing the innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies into the educational process: insufficient logistics, significantly slows down and reduces the effectiveness of using the developed interactive methods and the innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies (projector, digital library, «simple» access to the Internet, unsatisfactory characteristics (technical) of the classroom) low level of self-organization and self-discipline of students; insufficient level of readiness of the student audience for the interactive methods proposed by the lecturer and innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies; fatigue and overload with visual multimedia content, the amount of material that needs to be processed during the lesson or before it.
Key words: active teaching methods; applicants for education; innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies; university; workshop.
Griczishina, N. A. (2012). Tekhnologiya «Vorkshop» (Workshop) kak odna iz novykh form i metodov obucheniya studentov inostrannomu yazyku [Technology «Workshop» as one of the new forms and methods of teaching students a foreign language]. Almanah sovremennoj nauki i obrazovaniya, 3, 49–51 (rus).
Tolkachev, A. N. (2016). Primenenie formata «Workshop» kak novogo vida uchebnykh zanyatij so studentami Instituta biznesa i dizajna [Application of the «Workshop» format as a new type of training with students of the Institute of Business and Design]. Biznes i dizajn revyu, 1 (1), 16–17 (rus).
Fopel, K. (2003). Effektivnyj vorkshop. Dinamicheskoe obuchenie [Effective workshop. Dynamic learning]. Moscow, Russia: Genezis (rus).
Business dictionary (2019). Retrieved from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/workshop. html (eng).
Сollins dictionary (2019). Retrieved from https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/ workshop (eng).
Exploring the Intersection of Science Education and 21st Century Skills. A Workshop Summary (2010).
Washington, DC, USA: National Academies Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17226/12771.
Fullerton, T., Swain, C., & Hoffman, S. (2004). Game design workshop: Designing, prototyping, & playtesting games. Waltham, USA: Focal Press (eng).
Maheshwari, V. K. (2012). Workshop an instructional method. Retrieved from http://www.vkmaheshwari. com/WP/?p=385 (eng).
Persellin, D., & Goodrick, T. (2010). Faculty development in higher education: Long-term impact of a summer teaching and learning workshop. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10 (1), 1–13 (eng).
Teens, Social Media & Technology (2018). Retrieved from https://www.pewinternet.org/2018/05/31/ teens-social-media-technology-2018/ (eng).
Zhernovnykova, O., Nalyvaiko, О., & Nalyvaiko, N. (2019). Formation of information and digital competence of future teachers in the context of the development of the New Ukrainian School.
In Theory and practice of introduction of competence approach to higher education in Ukraine (pp. 208–216). Vienna, Austria: Premier Publishing (eng).
Dmitruk Liliya
dmitruklilia77@ g.mail.com
The article examines the use of innovative information and learning technologies such as multimedia, video presentation, Skype, e-mail in terms of teaching based on interactive learning. The emphasis is put on the use of these programs during lessons of Ukrainian as a foreign language in medical higher educational institutions, since the use of innovative technologies is essential to improve the efficiency of learning and quality of knowledge among foreign students in Vinnytsya National Medical University named after M. I. Pirogov. Thanks to innovative technology, the capabilities of modern methods of studying Ukrainian as a foreign language are greatly enhanced and have become more diverse. Innovative approach provides a positive motivation to acquire knowledge in Ukrainian language, enriches the content of educational process, gives a sense of the need for self-education, promotes development of creative personality and finally creates conditions for closer cooperation between teachers and students. The author didactically substantiated the use of multimedia, video presentations, computer software in the process of teaching foreign students Ukrainian as a foreign language. The technique of using multimedia in the Ukrainian language as a foreign language is illustrated and it is proved that the use of video presentations in the Ukrainian language as a foreign language allow to improve the practice of monologic and dialogical speaking, writing and pronunciation skills, to provide a high degree of self-study of student’s language, interest, support attention in learning, and stimulate cognitive aspects of learning and teaching.
Key words: electronic presentation; innovative technology; interactive learning; multimedia; Ukrainian Language as a foreign one; video presentation.
Balykhina, Т. М., Hartsov, А. D. (2006). Informatsiia obutseniia yazykam: stanovleniie kompiuternoi linhvodydaktyky [Informatization in studying languages: Basics of computar linguistics nowadays]. Vyssheie obrazovaniie sehodhia, 4, 32–38 (rus).
Dmytruk, L. I., Matusevyts, L. M. (2015). Vuydatni naukovtsi – likari [Outstanding doctors – scientists]. Vinitsa, Ukraine (ukr).
Osadchyi, V. V. (2012). Systema informatsiino-tekhnolohichoho zabezpechennia profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh uchyteliv v umovakh pedahohichnoho universytetu [System information technology professional training of future teachers in terms of pedagogical university]. Melitopol, Ukraine: MMD (ukr).
Rahulin, P. H. (2004). Informatsionnyie tekhnolohii [Information Technology]. Vladivostok, Russia (rus).
Neo, M. (2007). Learning with Multimedia: Engaging Students in Constructivist Learning. International Journal of Instructional Media, 34 (2), 149–158.
Malik, S., & Agarwal, A. (2012). Use of Multimedia as a New Educational Technology Tool – A Study. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2 (5), 468–471. DOI: 10.7763/ IJIET.2012.V2.181 (eng).
Dyka Natalia
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The article covers the problem of organizing project activity of students of general secondary education institutions in the process of teaching neologisms. The perspective way of development of competently directed education is singled out. It is emphasized that project activity provides integration of different subject knowledge and skills with different types of activities, creating unique prerequisites for formation of key competences, defined by the concept of the New Ukrainian School. It is found out that project activity is the most optimal for studying vocabulary at school, including neologisms, their role and adaptation in the Ukrainian language. The criteria for defining the theme of the project are defined. The process of organizing students’ work on the educational project is described, the structure of the student’s activity during the project implementation is represented, in particular such components as the motivational component, determining the relevance of the problem for the project participants, the stage of activity planning, collective development of evaluation criteria, etc. are described. Emphasis is placed on the need to use information from different sources. It is emphasized that acquaintance of the students with the reasons and importance of continuous updating of the language with new words, peculiarities of using such words in the speech, takes place in the lesson with reference to a textbook, manuals, graphic teaching aids. The research-search project is close as possible to scientific research in its structure. It is distinguished as more expedient for assimilation of knowledge about neologisms. It is noted that project activity is used in the educational process as a form of active and productive learning, and therefore the issues of implementation of project activity of students and preparation of educators for its active implementation in general secondary education institutions require further study.
Key words: general secondary education; motivational component, neologisms; project technology; organization of project activity; stylistic norm; teaching methods of Ukrainian language.
Dyka, N. M., Glazova, O. P. (2018). Nova paradyghma pisljadyplomnoji pedaghoghichnoji osvity: realizacija kompetentnisnogho pidkhodu [A new paradigm of postgraduate pedagogical education: realization of the competent approach]. Neperervna profesijna osvita: teorija i praktyka (Serija: Pedaghoghichni nauky). Vypusk 3–4 (56–57), 14–20. DOI: 10.28925/1609-8595.2018(3-4)1420 (ukr).
Kremen, V. Gh.(Ed.) (2008). Encyklopedija osvity [Encyclopedia of Education]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Jurinkom Inter (ukr).
Jermakov, I. Gh. (2006). Kompetentnisnyj potencial proektnoji dijaljnosti. [Competence potential of project activity]. In M. Gholubenko (Ed.), Proektna dijaljnistj u shkoli (pp. 5–18). Kyiv, Ukraine: Shkiljnyj svit (ukr).
Jermakov, I. Gh. (Ed.) (2005). Zhyttjeva kompetentnistj osobystosti: vid teoriji do praktyky: naukovo-metodychnyj posibnyk [The vital competence of the individual: from theory to practice: a scientific and methodological manual]. Zaporizhzhja, Ukraine: Centrion (ukr).
Kovaljchuk, V. I. (2015). Koncepcija formuvannja proektnoji kompetentnosti uchniv zaghaljnoosvitnikh navchaljnykh zakladiv [The concept of designing the project competence of students of secondary schools]. Mystecjka osvita: zmist, tekhnologhiji, menedzhment, 9, 102–122 (ukr).
Kovaljchuk, V. I. (2015). Formuvannja proektnoji kompetentnosti uchniv zaghaljnoosvitnikh navchaljnykh zakladiv: konceptualjna modelj [Formation of project competence of students of secondary schools: conceptual model]. Pedaghoghichni nauky, 28, 26–33 (ukr).
Kosovych, O. V. (2011). Proektna dijaljnistj jak odna z form innovacijnykh metodychnykh tekhnologhij navchannja [Project activity as a form of innovative methodological teaching technologies]. Naukovyj visnyk Uzhghorodsjkogho nacionaljnogho universytetu. Serija: Pedaghoghika. Socialjna robota, 22, 76–78 (ukr).
Miroshnyk, S. I. (2014). Teoretychni osnovy navchaljnoji proektnoji dijaljnosti uchniv [Theoretical foundations of students’ educational project activity]. Narodna osvita: elektronne naukove fakhove vydannja, 2 (23). Retrieved from https://www.narodnaosvita.kiev.ua/?page_id=2383 (ukr).
Onoprijenko, O. Proektna dijaljnistj molodshykh shkoljariv [Design activity of younger students]. Retrieved from https://base.kristti.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Proektna_diyalnist.pdf (ukr).
Ukrajinsjka mova. Proghrama dlja zaghaljnoosvitnikh navchaljnykh zakladiv: 5–9 klasy [Ukrainian language. Program for general educational institutions 5–9 classes]. (2017). Dyvoslovo, 7–8. Retrieved from http://mon.gov.ua/activity/education/zagalna-serednya/navchalniprogrami-5-9-klas-2017. html (ukr).
Ukrajinsjka mova. Proghrama dlja zaghaljnoosvitnikh navchaljnykh zakladiv: 10, 11 klasy [Ukrainian language. Program for general educational institutions 10, 11 classes]. (2018). Dyvoslovo, 7–8. Retrieved from https://mon.gov.ua/ua/osvita/zagalna-serednya-osvita/navchalni-programi/ navchalni-programi-dlya-10-11-klasiv (ukr).
Lukianchykov Maxym
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Analysis of the content and nature of the concepts of «design», «design activity», «design technology» shows that the result of this activity is a project – product for mass use. In the reference literature, the project is defined as a prototype of the intended or possible object, state; concept, plan, set of documents and calculations necessary for its creation. In the scientific literature, the project is considered as a systematic form of organization of activity. Working on projects poses some difficulties for future music teachers, which are caused by a lack of knowledge base in general and professional disciplines, the ability of information search and the use of research methods in processing the information obtained. A characteristic feature of project training is the existence of a significant social or personal problem, which requires integrated knowledge, research-seeking solutions, group activities that would meet the needs for different knowledge, skills and competences. Project-based learning is not used instead of systematic subject-based learning, but alongside it as a component of personally-oriented learning. In pedagogical education there are educational projects. Among the educational projects, scientists distinguish research, creative, socially significant, informative, and practically oriented ones. The results of completed projects should be material. During the project, the teacher becomes not the bearer of ready knowledge, but the organizer of students’ cognitive activity; reorients educational work to the organization of a process of independent activity of the subjects of learning, where priority is given to the activities of research, search and creative nature.An educational project is a tool for teaching and training that provides a future teacher of music with a number of skills
Key words: design skills; educational project; future music teacher; vocational training.
Vozniuk, O. V., Dubaseniuk, O. V. (2009). Tsilovi oriientyry rozvytku osobystosti u systemi osvity : intehratyvnyi pidkhid: monohrafiia [Targets of personality development in the education system: an integrative approach: monograph]. Zhytomyr, Ukraine: ZhDU im. I. Franka (ukr).
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Ilchenko, O. H. (2007). Proektne navchannia v osvitnii systemi «Dovkillia» yak umova mizhhaluzevykh zv’yazkiv zmistu osvity [Project-based learning in the education system «Dovkillia» («Environment») as a condition for cross-branch communication of educational content]. Imidzh suchasnoho pedahoha, 3 (72), 40–42 (ukr).
Gluzman, N. A., Koval, L. V., Marusinec, M. M., Pyetuhova L. Ye. (2012). Innovatsiinyi potentsial vyshchoi pedahohichnoi osvity: kolektyvna monohrafiia [Innovative potential of higher pedagogical education: collective monograph]. Donetsk, Ukraine: LANDON-HHI (ukr).
Marynovska, O. Ya. (2007). Uprovadzhennia pedahohichnykh innovatsii : systema proektuvalno-vprovadzhuvalnoi diialnosti [Implementation of pedagogical innovations: system of projective-implementation activity]. Imidzh suchasnoho pedahoha, 3 (72), 34–39 (ukr).
Melashenko, K. M. (2006). Tekhnolohiia proektnoho navchannia [Technology of project training]. Zavuch (Shkilnyi svit), 13 (271),12–14 (ukr).
Melnyk, O. P. Orhanizatsiino-metodychna model formuvannia dosvidu muzychno-prosvitnytskoi diialnosti maibutnoho vchytelia muzyky [Organizational and methodical model of forming the experience of music-educational activity of a future music teacher]. The Archive of RS Global Publishing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_ws/12062018/5878 (ukr).
Huzii, N. V. (Ed.) (2010). Osoblyvosti profesiino-tvorchoi samorealizatsii vykladacha dytiachoi muzychnoi shkoly [Features of professional-creative self-realization of a children’s music school teacher]. Kyiv, Ukraine: NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova (ukr).
Andrushchenko, V. P. (Ed.) (2019). Paradoksy i perspektyvy pidhotovky fakhivtsiv u systemi profesiinoi mystetskoi osvity [Paradoxes and perspectives of specialists’ training in the system of professional art education]. Kyiv, Ukraine: NPU imeni M. P. Drahomanova (ukr).
Shevchuk Julia
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The article substantiates the relevance of the study of the burnout syndrome among medical workers engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities; examples of introduction of courses on the prevention of emotional burnout in the system of advanced training courses among institutions of postgraduate education of Ukraine are given; outlined the key moments of the emergence, development and introduction into the clinical practice of the emotional burnout syndrome; the definition of the World Health Organization and the place among the medical classification of disease 10th and 11th for the burnout syndrome are given; the main manifestations of the syndrome of «emotional burnout» in teachers, according to the research S. D. Maximenko on the method of «Diagnosis of the level of emotional burnout» by V. Boyko and the self-report method «Determination of the level of occupational stress» K. Weiman in educational institutions; the results of the study of the burnout syndrome in scientific and pedagogical staff using the techniques «Burning syndrome in the professions of the «man-man system» in the modification of N. E.
Vodopianova by the questionnaire Maslach Burnout Inventory adapted for teachers; the peculiarities of the structure of the burnout syndrome according to the main parameters are analyzed: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction of personal achievements in scientific and pedagogical workers with a work experience from 1 to 5 years, and also the conclusions of similar studies of emotional burnout among doctors, confirming the hypothesis of the regular influence of work experience on the development of the burnout syndrome, namely the reduction of the risk of depersonalization, the growth of social status and satisfaction with work with an increase in work experience.
Key words: depersonalization; emotional burnout; emotional exhaustion; professional deformation; psychodiagnostic techniques; reduction of personal achievements.
Vodop’janova, N. E. (2008). Sindrom vygoranija: diagnostika i profіlaktika [Burnout Syndrome: Diagnosis and Prevention]. Saint Petersburg, Russia: Piter (rus).
Lysenko, O. Ju. (2018). Udoskonalennja profesijnoji kompetentnosti vykladachiv jak peredumova jakisnoji medychnoji osvity [Improving the professional competence of teachers as a prerequisite for quality medical education]. Pedaghoghichnyj proces: teorija i praktyka, 1–2, 51–56. DOI: https://doi. org/10.28925/2078-1687.2018.1-2.516 (ukr).
Mazepa, Yu. S., Pishhykov, V. A., Sydorenko, O. O. (2016). Diagnostyka syndromu profesijnogo vygorannya likariv bagatoprofilnogo zakladu okhorony zdorovya [Diagnosis of Professional Burnout Syndrome for Doctors at a Multidisciplinary Health Care Facility]. Zdobutky klinichnoyi i eksperymentalnoyi medycyny, 4, 67–69 (ukr).
Maksymenko, S. D. (2004). Syndrom «profesijnogho vyghorannja» ta profesijna karjera pracivnykiv osvitnikh orghanizacij: ghenderni aspekty [Professional burnout syndrome and the professional careers of educational organizations: gender]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Milenium (ukr).
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Lukjanov, V. V. (Ed.). (2008). Sovremennye problemy issledovanija sindroma vygoranija u specialistov kommunikativnyh professij: kollektivnaja monografija [Current problems of the study of burnout syndrome among specialists in communicative professions: a collective monograph]. Kursk, Russia: KGU (rus).
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Spivak Luibov
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The article is devoted to the hierarchy of cultural value orientations of foreign students of higher education institutions of Ukraine. The psychological essence of the phenomenon of «cultural value orientations» is revealed. Cultural value orientations (or group-level cultural values) present the main ways for society to solve the basic problems of regulating one’s personality. Such methods are implemented in three-dimensional poles, in which different cultures differ from each other. The first dimension represents the essence of the interactions between a person and a group. The second dimension concerns the provision of socially responsible human behaviour. The third dimension is related to the regulation of the attitude of man to his natural and social environment. The organization and methods of empirical research are described. The peculiarities of the hierarchy of cultural value orientations of foreign students of higher education institutions have been empirically established in comparison with Ukrainian students. Foreign and domestic students gave the highest importance to the cultural value orientations of the «egalitarianism» pole, the smallest – the «hierarchy». The cultural value orientations of the poles «mastery / domination», «intellectual autonomy», «harmony», «embeddedness», «affective autonomy» received middle ranks from foreign and domestic students. However, foreign students gave low grades to the cultural values of all poles, compared to domestic students of higher education in Ukraine, which is statistically confirmed. The identified differences may be conditioned by the peculiarities of national and cultural conditions of life of foreign and domestic students before entering higher education institutions and the length of stay of foreign students in another national cultural environment.
Key words: cultural value orientations; foreign students; hierarchy; institutions of higher education; Ukrainian students.
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Kostina Tetiana
PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, V. I. Vernadskyy Taurida National University, 33 John McCain Str., 01042 Kyiv, Ukraine
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The article substantiates the importance of forming the gender competency of students of higher education institutions for modern Ukrainian society. The author outlines the main characteristics of the gender approach and its role in establishing gender equality and combating gender discrimination. The theoretical analysis of the concept of competence and its role in shaping the personality of the future specialist is carried out. It is stated that in general the competence is related to the set of knowledge, skills and competencies that a specialist must possess for successful professional / educational activities. The author proposes a structure of gender competence, which includes three levels: cognitive (knowledge of gender issues), emotional-motivational (attitude to gender inequality and discrimination) and behavioral (personality actions aimed at establishing gender equality in society). The peculiarities of the application of the film analysis method for work in the field of gender are identified. It is stated that the method can be used individually or in group form. It is also noted that the movie analysis method requires feedback on the viewing results. Possible forms of feedback are identified by group discussion; and writing essay reflections on individual viewing. The main points that the teacher / psychologist should pay attention to in the course of using the film-analysis method for the formation of students’ gender competence are identified. The efficiency and simplicity of this method is emphasized. The author also notes that the method of film analysis is one of the possible methods, and it must be combined with other methods. It is stated that this method (film-analysis) can be used not only in working with students of institutions of higher education, but also in working with students of the school (upper classes, which covers teenage and adolescent ages).
Key words: competence; film analysis; gender; gender approach; students.
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Tatiana Shatiuk
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The article discusses the problem of the spread of crimes against sexual integrity of minors. The authors consider pedophilia as a disease that is defined in the form of sexual attraction to girls and boys of the pre-puberty and early puberty periods, and is accompanied by obsessive thoughts, mental suffering and distress. It is emphasized that often the pedophile is a victim of childhood violence and depraved acts. Secondary pedophilia is a great danger when sexual attraction to children occurs against the background of mental retardation, schizophrenia, a brain tumor, traumatic brain injury, etc. In childhood, it is impossible to notice a tendency to pedophilia, deviation, as a rule, begins to appear in the teenage period. Despite the importance of the question raised, an understanding of the nature of these disorders is sometimes complicated, and correction methods are not effective enough. The article notes the importance of the question of the need to change stereotypical ideas about a typical criminal (outwardly unpleasant, rude in communication, with a hostile mood), because in the case of pedophiles they are not confirmed. The article reflects the typical features of pedophile and pedosexual, the causes of the development of the disease, as well as signs by which to identify the victim of sexual harassment. The types of children falling into the hands of rapists more often than others are described: «obedient», «gullible», «abandoned», «demonstrative», «shamed». The authors summarized and systematically presented psychological recommendations for parents and adolescents on the prevention of violations of the sexual inviolability of minors. It is emphasized that the most effective means of preventing violence is to develop awareness among children of their right to personal integrity, to protect themselves from physical abuse by any means. It is important to teach the child to distinguish respect for adults from unconditional submission to all elders.
Key words: minors; pedophilia; pedosexuality; prevention; sexual inviolability.
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