Maievska Anastasiia, PhD student, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 blv. I. Shamo, 02154 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The article addresses the problem of vocal and performing development of the future teacher of musical art as a complex, important, holistic, and multifaceted process of comprehension and perfection. There has been determined the structure of the vocal and performing development of future teachers of musical art on the voice-training classes, which consists of the interaction of such components: motivational and orientational, cognitive and competence-based, reflective and estimative, and self-creative. The motivational and orientational component expresses interest and enthusiasm of students for vocal and performing activity, an orientation towards the experience of national song traditions and singing self-improvement. The cognitive and competence-based component contains the necessary base of knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of mastering of vocal skills, the ability to assess gained performing experience adequately. This component includes the broad erudition of students in the field of vocal art, a deep understanding and insight of the specifics of the artistic-like language of vocal works. The reflective and estimative component of the vocal and performing development of future teachers of musical art provides that the subjects of musical activity should be inherent the reflective professional and personal qualities adequate to commonly accepted professional values. The self-creative component expresses the individual’s ability to the bright artistic and figurative performance of vocal works, the ability to convey the created image to the school audience. There has been concluded that the complex of the above-mentioned components (motivational and orientational, cognitive and competence-based, reflective and estimative, and self-creative) reveals the logic of their interconnection, which reflects the essence of the acquisition by students of the Faculties of Arts of higher educational institutions synthesized professional knowledge, abilities and skills of vocal activity.

Key words:  musical art;  vocal and performing development;  voice-training;  structural components.


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