Kozak Luydmila, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent, Professor of the Department of Preschool Education Senior, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2
The article highlights the peculiarities of the professional training of teachers of maternity and elementary schools in the system of higher educational education of France. In 2013, the reorganization of universities was completed, which included the High Schools of Teacher Training (ESPE). It is shown that all ESPE offer Master MEÉF Master’s Degree Program for Teachers Training, which is designed for two years of study and provides for deepening of special-scientific training for the first year, psychological, pedagogical and general education, as well as Pedagogical practice during the whole period of study at the ESPE; A description of the stages of preparation of future teachers in the newly created schools is given; Found that the preparation of teachers of maternity and elementary schools is polyvalent, which gives them the right to conduct classes in mathematics, French language, music, fine arts, physical culture, artistic work, etc .; The Master MEÉF curriculum for primary and secondary school teacher training at the Lille Nordic School of Pedagogy has been analyzed; The features of conducting competitive exam CRPE (competitive set of school teachers) were considered; The peculiarities of the practical training of future teachers and the improvement of the skills of teachers after the completion of studies at the ESPE are revealed.
Key words: higher schools for the training of pedagogical personnel, teacher of maternal and initial school; master; educational process; teacher education.


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