Lakoza Natalia, PhD, researcher in the Unit for Creating Educational and Thematic Knowledge Systems, research center in Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
63 Melnikova Str., 04050 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In the article it was considered the formation of profile studying in the sphere of natural sciences in the system of pre-university studying. Different approaches for making curricula of profile subjects, features of senior’s profile training organization in Ukrainian and foreign lyceums, gymnasiums were analyzed. The experience of the leading lyceum organization of Ukraine was considered.

It was found that the majority of European countries have twelve-year schooling. The idea of using interdisciplinary connections, science and technology cooperation is a feature of studying programs based on sciences. It can be achieved by living and learning combination, improving practical works and using modern computer technologies in the studying process. Most of the profile studies are conducted in different lyceums and gymnasiums, which have the integral approach to the study of sphere of nature. What’s more, these education establishments encourage students to take part in scientific researches, based on university system of education.

Analysis of the functioning of European, American and Japanese high schools gives an opportunity to focus on national features, to single out general principles of pre-university trainings.

Keywords: medical and biological education;  pre-university training;  studying profile;  talented youth.


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